Page 1 of Help! DVDSoon registration problem

Retailer Reviews Forum

Help! DVDSoon registration problem

peterman (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 13th August 2003, 13:02

Has anyone managed to register with DVDSoon of late?
I`ve been trying for 10 days now and can`t get any reaction at all.

I tried preordering a box-set, filled in all my details on their registration page, and received the following on-line message -

"In a few moments, you should receive an e-mail, to the address you
indicated below, confirming your registration and password."

Needless to say, I`ve heard damn-all from them since. I`ve e-mailed them three times
at the info@ address and re-registered three more times, but no reaction at all.....
What an extraordinary way to run a business. I can`t order until I get the "registration
and password" - and they`re not providing it. Has anyone else had this problem?
How am I supposed to order before they finish with their free shipping offer?

Any suggestions or explanations would be very much apppreciated.

Believe it or not - The url for Powergen`s italian subsidiary is ""


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