Page 1 of Wanted: DVDs
Trading Forum
Hi, looking for the following DVDs (am open to anyone who wants to send al ist of what they`ve got for sale). Seller needs to have some form of refferences, be it ebay or other etc, dvds would need to be sent to France (as I live there), will be buying in a week or two as I am currently on vacation. Paypal only
DVDs must be region 2:
Futurama seaons 3-4
South Park Seasons 1-5
The Simpsons seasons 2-5
24 seasons 1-3
Fresh Prince of Bel air season 1
I have one ebay ref and seller refs if needed. Not sure how PM`s work on this forum so bare with me.
Afraid South Park is only upto Season 4 on Region 2, only way to get Season 1-5 would be from the US.
Same goes for Fresh Prince of Bel Air, only available on Region 1 at the moment.
My mistake about south park
Fresh Prince is now in R2