Changes made to Review for XAM'D Lost Memories Collection 2

Revision 2

Created on Tuesday, 23rd August 2011, 15:20
Change Submitted by Jitendar Canth

List of Changes:

    • Change #1 - [/url] <newline> <newline>Sentan I
    • Change #2 - [/url] <newline> <newline>Meanwhil
    • Change #3 - [/url] <newline> <newline>At the e
    • Change #4 - [/url] <newline> <newline>Disc 1 <newline>
    • Change #5 - 722.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>[heading]Picture
    • Change #6 - jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>The DVD look
    • Change #7 - 724.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>[heading]Sound[/
    • Change #8 - jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>The problem
    • Change #9 - [/url] <newline> <newline>[heading
    • Change #10 - [/url] <newline> <newline>Rather t
    • Change #11 - [/url] <newline> <newline>Haru[apost]s i
    • Change #12 - [/url] <newline> <newline>But the
    • Change #13 - [/url] <newline> <newline>The end

Revision 1

Created on Tuesday, 23rd August 2011, 15:19
Change Submitted by Jitendar Canth

List of Changes:

    • Change #1 - sit in? <newline> [url=""][imgmc=0000233712.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>Sent
    • Change #2 - become. <newline> [url=""][imgmc=0000233714.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>Mean
    • Change #3 - bly. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233715.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>At the e
    • Change #4 - <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233718.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>Disc 1 <newline> <newline>
    • Change #5 - the Girl <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233722.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>[heading]Pic
    • Change #6 - look at. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233725.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>The DVD look
    • Change #7 - though. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233724.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>[heading]Sou
    • Change #8 - sn[apost]t it. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233730.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>The problem
    • Change #9 - ge1] <newline>[page2] <newline> <newline>[heading]Extras[/heading] <newline>The DVDs do offer logos for Manga Entertainment and Aniplex, and boot up to static menus, with jacket pictures for when the disc isn[apost]t spinning, and if your player is compatible. <newline> <newline>Disc 2 offers the clean credits sequences, and there are also the broadcast textless credits sequences. We get the episodes as played on the PSN, but the series as broadcast on TV had different credit animations, and different songs from Boom Boom Satellites and Kylee (no, not that one), and different animation too. There are three here, the opening and two end sequences, and they are well worth watching. The textless closing is mixed up with the Original On Air Opening, but both are on the disc. <newline> <newline>The Blu-rays play a translated English language credit scroll after each episode. The DVDs do not, so you[apost]ll have to go to Anime News Network or similar to find out the cast. <newline> <newline>[heading]Conclusion[/heading] <newline>Once again this year, an anime series suffers a significant decline in its quality when it comes to its second half. So far I[apost]ve been disappointed by Casshern Sins, Shikabane Hime, Nabari no Ou, and now Xam[apost]d Lost Memories. Given that I originally [apost]other means-ed[apost] Xam[apost]d when I thought that its Sony heritage would consign it to licensing hell, you[apost]d think that this shouldn[apost]t be news to me. But there is a difference between watching an episode a week, and watching half a season in one grand session that alters the way that you perceive a story. It[apost]s easier to take in the story in its entirety, rather than as an episodic piecemeal, but that makes its flaws stand out in stark contrast. Xam[apost]d Lost Memories has many flaws, flaws which turn it from the exciting, promising, and engaging story that it was at the end of part 1, into a grand disappointment, utterly deflating. <newline> <newline>Rather than go into minutiae and no doubt court the dreaded spoilers, I[apost]ll just address two aspects of the show that let me down, two aspects that illustrate just how disappointing Xam[apost]d Lost Memories turns out to be. We[apost]re talking about the characters and the story. The characters first, as it turns out in this half, the writers really haven[apost]t given much thought into how to develop them further. That[apost]s demonstrated by splitting them up. Up until episode 14, the first in this collection, there is still some degree of interaction between them. In fact, episode 14 is in my opinion the best of Xam[apost]d[apost]s run, culminating in an astounding plot development that throws the cat amongst the pigeons. It[apost]s what follows this development that wastes it all. <newline> <newline>Haru[apost]s imprisoned by Kakisu, Nakiami is off on her own mission to the Tessik village, the Zanbani is stranded, its crew at a loose end, and Akiyuki has been sold into servitude. Incidentally, the events at Sentan Island have sent him into a fugue, masked and with no idea of who he is, or what his purpose is. So the next five episodes of the run we have to deal with a main character that[apost]s bereft of personality or memory. Everyone else is intent on their own situation, and there is no interaction. Worse, the show will leave a character for ages; episodes even, before returning to them to update us on their situation. The show lacks pace, energy and a direction. <newline> <newline>But the real disappointment is in the story itself. The previous collection did a great job in setting up the framework of the story, begin painting in the world, but in this half of the show, it becomes evident that the creators were making it up as they went along. They never put the flesh onto the bones of the story. We[apost]re like outsiders looking in; trying to fathom what is going on by mere hints and clues. It[apost]s never really made clear who the factions are in this war, what is motivating them to fight. More importantly, there[apost]s never a satisfactory explanation of the role that the people of Tessik village have to play, the point of Lady Sannova and her supplicants, just who the Hiruken Emperor is. How do the Xam[apost]d fit into all this? Oodles and oodles of fantastic stuff happens, there are great action sequences, amazing animation, but it all makes no sense. It could all have been fixed by just a little exposition. Halfway through this collection, the captain of the Zanbani, Ishu, and her friend Raigyo leave for some reason to fight against the Hiruken Emperor. Just why they do this is unclear. Who they are fighting alongside is never explained. Something as simple as explaining just who the good guys and the bad guys are would have helped. [page2] <newline> <newline> <newline>[heading]Extras[/heading] <newline>The DVDs do offer logos for Manga Entertainment and Aniplex, and boot up to static menus, with jacket pictures for when the disc isn[apost]t spinning, and if your player is compatible. <newline> <newline>Disc 2 offers the clean credits sequences, and there are also the broadcast textless credits sequences. We get the episodes as played on the PSN, but the series as broadcast on TV had different credit animations, and different songs from Boom Boom Satellites and Kylee (no, not that one), and different animation too. There are three here, the opening and two end sequences, and they are well worth watching. The textless closing is mixed up with the Original On Air Opening, but both are on the disc. <newline> <newline>The Blu-rays play a translated English language credit scroll after each episode. The DVDs do not, so you[apost]ll have to go to Anime News Network or similar to find out the cast. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233735.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>[heading]Conclusion[/heading] <newline>Once again this year, an anime series suffers a significant decline in its quality when it comes to its second half. So far I[apost]ve been disappointed by Casshern Sins, Shikabane Hime, Nabari no Ou, and now Xam[apost]d Lost Memories. Given that I originally [apost]other means-ed[apost] Xam[apost]d when I thought that its Sony heritage would consign it to licensing hell, you[apost]d think that this shouldn[apost]t be news to me. But there is a difference between watching an episode a week, and watching half a season in one grand session that alters the way that you perceive a story. It[apost]s easier to take in the story in its entirety, rather than as an episodic piecemeal, but that makes its flaws stand out in stark contrast. Xam[apost]d Lost Memories has many flaws, flaws which turn it from the exciting, promising, and engaging story that it was at the end of part 1, into a grand disappointment, utterly deflating. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233739.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>Rather than go into minutiae and no doubt court the dreaded spoilers, I[apost]ll just address two aspects of the show that let me down, two aspects that illustrate just how disappointing Xam[apost]d Lost Memories turns out to be. We[apost]re talking about the characters and the story. The characters first, as it turns out in this half, the writers really haven[apost]t given much thought into how to develop them further. That[apost]s demonstrated by splitting them up. Up until episode 14, the first in this collection, there is still some degree of interaction between them. In fact, episode 14 is in my opinion the best of Xam[apost]d[apost]s run, culminating in an astounding plot development that throws the cat amongst the pigeons. It[apost]s what follows this development that wastes it all. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233737.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>Haru[apost]s imprisoned by Kakisu, Nakiami is off on her own mission to the Tessik village, the Zanbani is stranded, its crew at a loose end, and Akiyuki has been sold into servitude. Incidentally, the events at Sentan Island have sent him into a fugue, masked and with no idea of who he is, or what his purpose is. So the next five episodes of the run we have to deal with a main character that[apost]s bereft of personality or memory. Everyone else is intent on their own situation, and there is no interaction. Worse, the show will leave a character for ages; episodes even, before returning to them to update us on their situation. The show lacks pace, energy and a direction. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233726.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>But the real disappointment is in the story itself. The previous collection did a great job in setting up the framework of the story, begin painting in the world, but in this half of the show, it becomes evident that the creators were making it up as they went along. They never put the flesh onto the bones of the story. We[apost]re like outsiders looking in; trying to fathom what is going on by mere hints and clues. It[apost]s never really made clear who the factions are in this war, what is motivating them to fight. More importantly, there[apost]s never a satisfactory explanation of the role that the people of Tessik village have to play, the point of Lady Sannova and her supplicants, just who the Hiruken Emperor is. How do the Xam[apost]d fit into all this? Oodles and oodles of fantastic stuff happens, there are great action sequences, amazing animation, but it all makes no sense. It could all have been fixed by just a little exposition. Halfway through this collection, the captain of the Zanbani, Ishu, and her friend Raigyo leave for some reason to fight against the Hiruken Emperor. Just why they do this is unclear. Who they are fighting alongside is never explained. Something as simple as explaining just who the good guys and the bad guys are would have helped. <newline> <newline>[url=""][imgmc=0000233720.jpg][/url] <newline> <newline>

Initial Version

Created on Tuesday, 23rd August 2011, 14:55
First Submitted by Jitendar Canth