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DVD.TV (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000037344
Added by: Chris Cox
Added on: 4/8/2002 04:27
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    Review of DVD.TV

    5 / 10


    DVD.TV takes the award for the most bizarre DVD in my collection, it really the DVD equivalent of elevator music - and is described as wallpaper for your television screen that can be used for "parties, relaxation of just something different".

    On opening the lurid green box, you are presented with the disc itself along with a pair of cardboard glasses…


    Before we start, if you`ve a projector, turn it off, hook up your TV instead and put on the glasses - DVD.TV doesn`t look it`s best via a projected image…

    Fans of the old Amiga/Atari ST demo scene, or more recently of Winamp visualisations will feel at home with some of the effects on the disc, multi-colour swirling lines and fractals etc - these look rather uninteresting without the glasses, but with them on, you suddenly have a bank of nine screens in front of you instead of just one :)

    Things get even more freaked out if you wiggle your head from side to side, as the central image (actually your TV screen) stays steady, but the eight screens surrounding it rotate. Most bizarre. I found that the effect worked better with the computer generated imagery rather than the fires etc. The glasses also work with other programs, so you can watch nine Kylie Minogues instead of one, or whatever else takes your fancy!

    The quality is just average, but with the glasses on you really don`t notice (or care!)


    The sound come courtesy of a Dolby Digital 2.0 track, which again is distinctly average, and to be honest, it`s best muted with your hi-fi blaring out your chosen tunes - in the case of this particular disc, I`d imagine Pink Floyd wouldn`t go amiss :)


    Extras consist of "hidden" tracks which are played when you select random playback.

    The disc is packaged in a clear Amaray case.


    DVD.TV is a difficult disc to judge - it has high novelty value, especially as it is available for under £8 online. On the other hand, once the novelty has worn off, it`s likely that the disc will reside on your shelf, never to be touched again.

    If you`ve planning a party, a copy would provide some entertainment for you and your guests, particularly once plenty of alcohol had been consumed (although sickness may result!). For those of you who prefer a smoke to a drink, the glasses will provide hours of fascination, as just about anything on a TV will have your howling.

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