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    About This Item

    Unique ID Code: 0000030851
    Added by: DVD Reviewer
    Added on: 22/2/2002 07:33
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    Pledge, The (UK)

    7 / 10
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    Detective Jerry Black has made a promise he can`t break, to catch a killer he can`t find
    Certificate: 15
    Running Time: 124 mins
    Retail Price: £15.99
    Release Date:

    Jack Nicholson heads an all-star cast in this gripping tale of a detective, driven to seek the truth..and driven into the darker reaches of his own mind by obsession.

    Sean Penn directs, shaping sharp portrayals, crisp detail and a mounting sense of dread into a thriller both unconventional and unforgettable.

    Special Features:
    Interactive Menus
    Scene Access
    Theatrical Trailer
    Cast/Filmaker Career Highlights

    Video Tracks:
    Widescreen Anamorphic 2.35:1

    Audio Tracks:
    Dolby Digital 5.1 English

    Directed By:
    Sean Penn

    Written By:

    Dale Dickey
    Aaron Eckhart
    Robin Wright
    Patricia Clarkson
    Jack Nicholson

    Casting By:
    Don Phillips

    Soundtrack By:
    Hans Zimmer
    Martin Tillman
    Heitor Pereira
    Craig Eastman
    Michael Brook
    Klaus Badelt

    Director of Photography:
    Chris Menges

    Jay Lash Cassidy

    Costume Designer:
    Jill M. Ohanneson

    Production Designer:
    Bill Groom

    Elie Samaha
    Sean Penn
    Michael Fitzgerald
    Brian W. Cook

    Executive Producer:
    Andrew Stevens
    Don Carmody

    Warner Bros

    Your Opinions and Comments

    5 / 10
    Interesting and disturbing film, acted terribly well by Nicholson...
    posted by Richard73 on 19/9/2002 14:26
    6 / 10
    There is no doubting that this film has an extremely talented cast, and Jack Nicholson is excellent as the lead, however this film was just a little too dark for me in places, and way too dark in others!

    The disc itself is fine, with a good video transfer and OK audio - it's just a shame about the extras (surprise surprise!). we get cast & crew bios and a trailer, and that's it. ok, so it's better than nothing, but it's still pretty pathetic.

    Overall, worth renting, but this won't be to everyone's tastes.
    posted by Rich Davies on 20/9/2002 06:53