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Yoga 4 Fellas (UK) (DVD Details)

Unique ID Code: 0000093642
Added by: Rich Goodman
Added on: 9/5/2007 02:03
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    Review of Yoga 4 Fellas


    Yoga is a popular thing, and has undoubted health benefits for many people. It doesn`t need a rocket scientist to work out that it could be good for you whether you are a man or a woman. So why do we need Yoga 4 Fellas?

    Well, apparently Trev The Yogic Builder (head of South London`s only Plasterer and Decorator yoga society) thinks there`s a niche in the market.

    Trev`s approach to this ancient and noble art is that it can help you make money, impress women, make you better at football and keep "the wife" at bay.


    A full frame transfer of a pretty cheap effort, which seems to be entirely self-financed. It`s ok, particularly given that you really don`t actually want to watch the screen.


    Again, a simple DD2.0 stereo soundtrack.


    A yoga routine featuring a woman in a bikini. How monstrously original. A man can`t pay attention to yoga unless there`s a scantily clad woman apparently.


    What is the point of this insult to your intelligence?

    If you want to find out about yoga there are plenty of books and proper DVDs out there for you to learn. Why would anyone want something so demeaning on their screens? I`m assuming that it`s supposed to be a comedy release, but it`s just not funny. If it`s supposed to be serious then it really is a massive insult to anyone who attempts to watch it.

    There is no point to "yoga down the pub", "yoga in the motor", and "yoga with the missus". "Yoga for chain-smoking alcoholics" is a pointless thing indeed.

    Avoid this nonsense and do something good with your life instead.

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