Info and forum posts by 'ebony.branch'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 16th August 2001, 13:36, Last used: Thursday, 13th December 2007, 17:27

Access Level: Elite

About this user: New to DVDs

This user has posted a total of 808 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.09 messages a day, or 0.66 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Back

cheers marksparks. I`m ok, but my ride is knackered. I`m never canoeing to Panama again!


I haven`t visited this site for a good 2 years or so, followed a link from somewhere else by chance and was suprised to find i could still log in! Did i miss much while i was away?

XBox 360 advice - looking for an excuse to buy one!

Are there any educational games I could get for my daughter? She wants an XBox for Chrimbo, and I feel uncomfortable buying her one without adding something educational.

RE: POLL: Have/ Are you going to a summer festival in 2006?

Hi Sminty,

We did enjoy the weekend, don`t get me wrong, but only despite a lot of things that could have been avoided. I might do V again, if the line-up is good enough. It was a bit of a last minute decision; we saw cheapo tickets on Ebay and bought them on a whim. Did you pay full price?

RE: POLL: Have/ Are you going to a summer festival in 2006?

I went to V in Weston Park too. Queues were probably a bit worse than usual festival queues and £10 for a programme (with no other clues about when bands were playing) was a bit greedy. Security were crap - they were stopping people taking water in to the arena and spent a lot of time charging up and down the camp sites on quad bikes. The food was extortionate (£6 for a burger and chips) and not much cop, although my girlfriend had a Mexican wrap that she said was delicious.

Toilets were as bad as ever, made worse by the contractor`s claims that they couldn`t empty them overnight Sat/Sun because of the weather! Doh! If you`re providing facilities for an open air festival HAVE A WET WEATHER PLAN!!!!!!!!

There were signs up asking people not to drop litter, but hardly any bins!!!

The worst thing for me was the absolutely ubiquitous marketing - Virgin, Carling, Lynx, etc...I know they don`t sponsor events for the common good, but there was too much, and the money spent on high tech advertising compared badly with the apparent poor investment in facilities for the punters.

The bands were good, bad or indifferent, depending on your taste. Joint best for me were Divine Comedy and Kasabian, with Faithless, Beck, Mew, Keane and Radiohead getting a special mention. Having watched a snatch of Radiohead`s Chelmsford show on telly yesterday I suspect they`d be in my top two if I hadn`t gone to see Kasabian on the C4 stage while Radiohead were on the main.

Biggest disappointments for me were Razorlight (I heard a load of their demos about 3-4 years ago and loved them, all short, punchy, catchy punky pop; but now their act just seems to consist of an boring, overindulgent and extended Boomtown Rats homage), Morrissey (I liked the Smiths, but he`s just so smug these days: I think he believes all the hyperbole his fans spout) and the Young Knives (apart from Weekdays and Bleakdays they just didn`t move me).

We got in late on Saturday (my girlfriend thinks `punctual` is one of those thinks that other people do) so I missed a load of bands I really wanted to see.

Any one else got any comments?

Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter

Anyone seen this yet? I`ve just ordered it blind - looks fantastic.

RE: Nominations for the best Christmas song

Fairytale of new york is th ebest ever, with Phil Spector`s Christmas album a close second. However, the best one I`ve heard this year is here.

RE: How does one `subtly` screw up a job interview?

In answer to the original question; either bite the bullet and take the crap job until something better comes along, or smear yourself with raw fish a few hours before the interview and jam some spinach between your front teeth and smile toothily every two minutes.

RE: How does one `subtly` screw up a job interview?

collette1; I`m sure you`re a lovely person, but you should really lay off the JCP jargon!

RE: Why I Dislike The Police So Much

You will never find a copper over 50 cos they`ve all retired with a "bad back" - makes you laugh doesn`t it but I heard Uncle Tony is onto them.

Your average Force is sitting on megabucks of reserves yet your Council Tax precept just got bigger.

Ever wondered who pays for those fat pensions?

And all the whingey discrimination claims?

And they`re always moaning

You sound a touch bitter, mike. Fail to get in, did you?

RE: What`s your best worst film then?

Scary Movie 1 & 3 aren`t all that, but I like SM2

RE: What`s your best worst film then?

I`m sure it had more zombies than that. Unfortunately, I can`t check because my brother`s had it for over a year.

I almost forgot Jason X. One of the ultimate guilty pleasures! I`ve seen it a couple of times, and just bought it 2nd hand for a couple of quid this afternoon.

If the overblown Star Wars prequels are a big, expensive, stodgy meal that you can`t resist, Jason X is the perfect bag of chips and a pickled onion and a beer.

This item was edited on Thursday, 24th November 2005, 20:44

RE: Help! Need driver for Creative banshee 16mb 2D/3D graphics card

Thanks for this, HD462, but the link to the driver download seems to be permanently down.

RE: Shinco portable DVD repairs ?

I`ve had the same problems with my Shinco for a while. Tipping it on one side seemed to work at first, but now doesn`t. Did you get any response from Shinco?

Good value cheap portable DVD player

Can anyone recommend one? Mpg and DiVX compatible and multi-region if possible.

Help! Need driver for Creative banshee 16mb 2D/3D graphics card

At least i think i do, anyway. Messed up the graphics settings on my old pc, so that it can only display either 16 colours or 2 colours, and thought reloading the graphics driver might fix the problem, but can`t find the driver disc and can`t find the driver online.

It`s an old P2 PC running Windows 98 (came with the pc, don`t have the discs for that either).

Can anyone offer any helpful suggestions?

RE: WANTED: Made and Swingers DVDs

You`re better off not watching Made, it`s utter garbage. Stick to the genius of Swingers.

Hitchhiker`s Guide: Limited Edition DVD (includes movie edition novel and pic cards)

I`ve seen this going for £20. Is it worth picking up as a collectors` item to be sold on later? It`s part of a limited run of 20,000 (apparently).

RE: Musicians - Keyboard Advice

Tis bad enough sliding up and down an E string with a paper cut!
Ouch. I used to play bass and my fingertips were like leather pads for years. Paper cuts (usually on the sides of my fingers) could be torture.

Hope Tegan gets well soon.

RE: What defence do I have?

properly bitch slapped him right across the face.

Bit of a late response to nickthegun`s post from a while ago: bitchslapping can work so well when the Rsole isn`t expecting it. It implies that you can do much worse, but you`re just not angry enough yet, and you`re too confident of your own abilities to care about putting them down quickly. A well conceived bitchslap can head off a ruck quicker than almost anything else.

You do need tob e fairly selective though; if you slap someone with a bit of a rep they`ll probably tear your arm off and make you eat it.


RE: What defence do I have?

go direct to jail, do not collect £200

Depends whether the chavs know who you are. If they`re just chucking stuff randomly at strangers, chances are they don`t and you`d get away with it. Probably get a standing ovation from any witnesses.

RE: Blade Trinity: Extended version

...especially the `turd` in the Blade trilogy. Did you see what I did there? Didja?

RE: What defence do I have?

Had a similar problem about two years ago. A bunch of young teens were running round a local playground (we were there with my eldest and some of her cousins), screaming "F***" and C***" at the tops of their voices. My missus asked them to stop swearing and received a load of abuse in return. I saw red, ran up to the noisiest one and asked him where his parents were. He replied thet were at home, looking very pleased with himself. I screamed, right in his face, "So who`s going to stop me kicking the s*** out of you, then?" and the whole bunch of them ran away. Childish (maybe), but effective and very satisfying.

RE: What`s your best worst film then?

Ooooh yeah - Commando is fantastic. It set the bar for dumb action flicks for years to come.

I would say the three Star Wars prequels are guilty pleasure. I know they`re awful, but some of the effects are almost hypnotic.Even Revenge of the Sith is badly assembled puerile rubbish, but it has sparkly lights and fighting.....

I can`t praise enough the absolutely entrancing garbage that is Zombie Holocaust - now available uncut for about £5 in HMV, etc. If you want to see a zombie film that perfectly straddles the good/crap divide, watch this.

...and Batman Forever, pure, unpretentious popcorn.

This item was edited on Thursday, 17th November 2005, 11:10

RE: Surface - Am I the only one watching this?

Data, that`s it! I knew I recognised his face, but couldn`t think where from.

I read great things about Threshold on IMDB, but was quite disappointed by the series opener. Bad acting, plotting, direction, cliched `scares`, etc. I thought having Goyer and Hyams direct might guarantee some degree of quality, but I was horribly wrong.

Favourite obscure punk songs?

Finally managed to find a copy of Peter and the Test Tube Babies` lost classic TQGGBJ (aka The Queen Gives Good Blow Jobs)

I could listen to that and Chaotic Dischord`s existential anthem of pointless retail violence `Anarchy in Woolworths` `til my ears bled.

Now, I just need to track down `Have You Got10p` (can`t remember the band, and haven`t heard it for about 20 years) to feel complete...

RE: The worst film I have ever seen.

Martin Lawrence would be great if fed into a woodchipper. In Bad Boys he just grates.

RE: Belief Logo

Apparently it is an album cover from a band called Disturbed. Just to let you know.

All the best,

Dr 42%er.

If you hadn`t spolit the suprise by revealing that, how long would it have been before someone started to rant about it being: "political correctness gone mad!!!!"

p.s. You mutha get up come on get down with the sickness