Info and forum posts by 'APBP'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 3rd September 2001, 10:40, Last used: Monday, 3rd September 2001, 10:40

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 13 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

DVD Express - Cheap

The above have a bargain basement DVD area at the moment:

They are not especially good and possibly a little obscure but they start at $7.49 so you might find something you can force yourself to buy!!

RE: Scan SC2000 Any good???


I am in the same boat as you, trying to decide which machine etc.

Thanks to the good people in these forums I have now decided to go with the Tosh 210e as it seems to do everything I need, seems to have good sound/picture quality, is a bloody good price and its a Tosh not some strange `who the hell are you` type brand.

Have ordered mine and am now waiting foe delivery!!!

RE: Massive terrorist attacks in America


I think nothing else needs to be said!!!

RE: Massive terrorist attacks in America

I think evryone to one extent ot another has something relevant (ish at times) to say. We live in a fairly unpleasant world where religion and politics rule and we the `common` people always get caught in the middle.

The bottom line here is that thousands of people have died who should not have died. Like the 300 firemen that were trying to control the fire. The people in the planes who were highjacked etc etc etc.

There are going to be many, many families without fathers, mothers, brothers etc. Cut all the nasty sh*t and bickering and take a moment to think about them. I am not a particularly sympathetic person on the whole, as long as me and mine are OK then I am happy. What has happened here has DEEPLY saddened me and I find myself thinking a little more about what is really important to me.

Nothing can excuse what has happened here, nothing. It doesnt matter how many sides there are to an argument THIS IS WRONG!!!

What really worries me is where things will go from here, reprisals, worldwide depression, war?????? Who knows??

Not good!!

RE: Bargain Graded Hitachi TVs

Has anyone got any experience of these people?

I am looking for a new TV and their prices are bloody good (especially for the 36") but this all looks a little dodgy.

Their website looks dodgy with very little info, have spoken to them and that seemed dodgy...............blah, blah, blah!!

Suppose the answer is not to bother, but a 36" TV for 900 squid, soooo tempting!!!!!

RE: Toshiba 210e debate

Thanks for that!

What is the score with RCE comp? Do I have to mess about with changing disks at vital points etc?

Also if I dont want to back up anything to video is it worth getting the Macrovision sorted? Its £30 cheaper if you just go with the standard Mod instead of the Mod plus.




have you ever bought anything from vcd-imports? Looks like the sort of site where you may get strange deductions from your credit card!!

Had a look at the site and it looks a little dodgy??

Also what is the score with having new cinema releases on DVD and VCD, how do they manage that? I take it the quality is extra nasty?



RE: Toshiba 210e debate

Thanks all!!

I dont think I have had a bad word said about this machine.

I think I shall toddle off and git me one!!

Any ideas as to where is the best place (online) to get one multi region etc?

Thanks again.

Toshiba 210e debate


I have been looking at the various forums here and it seems to me that the above is a good player for the money (good sound, picture etc).

The questions I have are:

Is this a good BUDGET player or just a good player??
If I spend more can I get something considerably better?

There seems to be a lot of people very pro this machine and also a bit of a Sony faction creeping in, so let me here your thoughts!!

Widescreen TV


I have decided to buy a new TV and am looking at a Phillips 32" Design Line 32PW9534F Flat screen etc.

The main reason I am looking at this model is that I can pick it up for £699 new.

Does anybody have any comments on this TV or any other suggestions?


RE: New DVD player

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Your right it is my second post and yes I should have stuck to the correct forum but due to a lack of response I thought I would try this one??

But point taken and thanks for the help!!

New DVD player

Hi all,

my first post here so I thought I would start with a little advice gathering and maybe get the benefit of your wisdom???

I currently have a Samsung 709 and am looking to upgrade to something better (multi region and under £400).

Any suggestions and also where is the best place to get one online?


Help Please!!

Hi all,

I currently have a Samsung 709 and am looking to upgrade.

Can anyone help with suggestions for a good machine (multi region) for around £400 (or under!). Also where the best place to buy it would be.

Many thanks!!