Info and forum posts by 'Mintguy2'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 19th September 2001, 22:49, Last used: Wednesday, 19th September 2001, 22:49

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Me

This user has posted a total of 25 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: what is the Rarest DVD to find??

Twin Peaks Pilot (Regino 0 import from Hong Kong) is pretty difficult to find at the moment. Someone paid £36.00 on Ebay recently, and most web sites are quoting out of stock.

RE: Twin Peaks Pilot

Damn price just gone up to $29.99

RE: Twin Peaks Pilot

Twin Peaks Pilot at US Amazon for $15.19. According to this works out to £14.73(USD21.17) including delivery.

RE: HMV Sale started online already - here we go again....

I just placed an order after entering the Mastercard discount code, but I forgot that the card I use these days is a Visa instead of a Mastercard. Anyway the discount still showed up even though I used a Visa card. We`ll have to see whether they end up charging me the extra fiver.


RE: help with dvd genie

Definately do as "r8sso_2" says. But also, instead of using DVD Genie use DVD Region Killer instead it works a treat!

Toslink Cables

Toslink cables seem to be ridiculously expensive.

I`ve found a site in the US selling lengthy cables at exceptional value.

Five-meter cables with Toslink plugs on both ends are $20.

RE: Amplifier/receiver

Hey thanks. This looks like just what I want.

Thanks again.

Now I have to persuede the wife that it`s essential we get one.

How the hell I do that I don`t know.

RE: Amplifier/receiver

Or should I look at gettign a TV with a DTS decoder ?


I`ve got a Aiwa XR-DV370KN which i`m fairly happy with. The only problem with this machine is that it doesn`t have a 5.1 decoder. So I`m thinking of buying a new amplifier/receiver and using the optical cable from the DVD player.

Anyone got any suggestions as to what kind of Amplifier/Receiver I should get?

I`m not a HiFi freak, so I don`t want to spend more than £500, and I probably couldn`t justify more than £300 to the wife!

Any help appreciated!

RE: TESCO problems !

Hm... now it seems to have gone totally tits up.

I did get my order in though, so it must be intermittent.

RE: TESCO problems !

It`s only the search facility which isn`t working.

If you scan through the catergories you can find most titles and order them no problem.

I just ordered "The Godfather Trilogy", at £38.28 you have to don`t you!

Hah! a mate got it last week for £55 or something, what a pilchard!

RE: Peter Sellers Box set!?

Hm... pretty disappointing then.

Peter Sellers Box set!?

Jonathon Ross mentioned a new Peter Sellers Box Set on his Film 2001 program the other night.

Anyone know what`s in it?

He mentioned "Two Way Stretch". I`m hoping it`s got "I`m alright Jack"

Who`s the cheapest for Planet of the Apes Box Set?

Title says it all.

£39.99 at Play247. Anyone seen it cheaper?

Oi! Hey Pigsy! Monkey!!

Anyone remember the fantastically camped up Oriental Martial Arts program Monkey? I used to love it.

I just discovered that it`s available on Regon 4 DVD. So you can pop over to ezydvd or wherever and grab it. 12 Volumes of 3 episodes per disk so could work out a bit expensive though.

Shawshank Redemption

I know any self-repecting DVD fanatic will already have this movie but, "The Shawshank Redemption" on DVD is £7.69 at Blackstar.

RE: Michael Caine Box Set

Surely they could have put a better film in the set than Without a clue!?!

Seems like a p*** poor box set really. If I was compiling a MC box Set I`d have the following...

Get Carter
Italian Job
The Man who would be King

hm... too many MC films for one set really.

Good swap sites?

Anyone come across any good DVD swapping sites?

After I bought the Kubrick box set, I had two copies of "A Clockwork Orange" so I used to swap it for "Mars Attacks". It cost me £2 to swap plus the postage to send of the DVD. A good deal I thought, but this site has a very limited range of disks, something of an amateur operation I think. I`ve see a few other sites, but they seem to charge a ridiculous amount to swap. Free would be good!

RE: How many do you have?

I got our DVD player at Chirstmas (Boxing Day actually, a present to ourselves). But I had DVD on the Computer about 5 months prior to that

I guess 1997 must have been when the first commercial players were available? Wow I bet it must have been frustrating then when there was so little available on DVD.

RE: How many do you have?

Sports Impressionist!? Who do you do? Beckham?

On a Saturday night I do a mean impression of George Best! Booze and Birds!

Most eagerly awaited.

I was wondering if anyone, like me, is dying, hoping, and craving the release of any particular movies on DVD?

I really really, really want "The Italian Job" and "The Producers" to be released on DVD. I`m desperate, and there`s no sign of either on the horizon.

RE: How many do you have?

Current Total is 63. I just added 9 with the Stanley Kubrick Box Set. I ordered 4 Region 1 Movies, but in fact one of them was Region 0. So i`ve got 3 of those.

I hate snappers

I really really, really, HATE Warner Bros. snapper cases. What the hell are these guys playing at? Finally, with DVD we have a robust digital format which will last forever (well practically), and these jokers decide to use cardboard packaging which which can be damaged by stray fingernails and upset tea/coffee mugs. ARghhhh.. about half of my DVDs are WB and it makes my blood boil.

On a separate issue, I`ve just discovered DVD Profiler[]. What a fantastic piece of software. Enter the barcode for your DVD and you can download all the movie details, and store them in the database. They even give you an online webpage with which you can show off to the world your DVD catalogue. Brilliant.