Info and forum posts by 'incredible'

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Joined on: Tuesday, 27th November 2001, 20:11, Last used: Tuesday, 27th November 2001, 20:11

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Victory over Dixons - Grundig GDV230

Hi all,

Just thought I`d drop a short note to let you know of my trials and travails with the GDV230.

I bought the player in November after the Dixons sales assistant recommended it as being multi-region hackable. Well... after months spent searching this site (and many others) for a remote hack I came up empty handed. I went back to Dixons in February to ask again and the assistant this time recommended the Samsung M105 but couldn`t offer me an exchange.

Unhappy with this, I went home and penned a three page rant to Dixons head office slamming their lousy service and demanding they do something about it.

Finally, today, I took possession of a new M105 after Dixons wrote me a grovelling apology and agreed to take the s***ty Grundig off my hands.

Who says it doesn`t pay to complain? I would recommend any other people out there who ended up saddled with a GDV230 take similar action.

I`m off to hack my player (provided I have the right firmware that is :-)


RE: grundig gdv 230 hack required

At the risk of repeating myself...Please, please, please, please....etc...etc can you give us more details as to which hack this is?


RE: grundig gdv 230 hack required

Which one did you use? More information please!!! I`ve been trying to find a hack for this machine since November


RE: grundig 230 hack needed

Yeah, could someone out there please hack this player or at least confirm that it will need chipping instead and put me out of my misery!


RE: Anyone who has/bought the GRUNDIG GDV230 player!!!!

Yeah, I couldn`t get the Goodmans 3500 hack to work either. Hopefully the extra tech info you put up will help someone crack it sooner rather than later.

I`d also agree that the features are a bit sparse for the price (£140) even more so when you consider that the marked price on mine was £180 and I`ve seen a few other players in that price range that look much better equipped since then!

The only reason I bought it instead of a cheaper model (which also came with 3 free discs btw) was because the sales assistant told me it was capable of multi-region play - although she wouldn`t be drawn on whether this would entail hacking or chipping.


This item was edited on Tuesday, 18th December 2001, 10:05

RE: Not too sure on this one incredible!!!

no joy with that one! I did try the 9817 code that someone else had suggested - and now I seem to have put the parental lock on!!!



Weeeeeel, since you asked...

I`ve just bought a Grundig GDV230 and would dearly like to hack it so I can start buying r1 discs for Xmas!

I did start a thread on this last week, but so far none of the solutions suggested seem to work.

...over to you lostboy


RE: wanted: remote hacks for Grundig GDV 230

thanks for the advice - unfortunately it doesn`t seem to work! It could be that I`m not doing it right though - should the disc drawer be opened or closed when you try it?


wanted: remote hacks for Grundig GDV 230

Hi all,

I just bought a Grundig GDV 230 at the weekend after being recomended by a sales assistant that, not only was it in my meagre price range, but also that it was either hackable/chipable. I`ve searched around on the net for hacks but had little success so far - in fact so far I can`t even find this particular model!

...anyway cutting to the chase...

does anyone on this forum know of a hack for this player or even if some of the other Grundig hacks might work and what (if any) dangers there might be?

