Info and forum posts by 'The Torch'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 19th August 2000, 22:32, Last used: Saturday, 19th August 2000, 22:32

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Pioneer 535 DVD Player
Sony TA-VE110 Pro Logic Amp, with Sony Speakers all round
Panasonic NV-HD100 Video
Pace DigiBox
Goodmans 28" 4:3 TV

This user has posted a total of 43 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.03 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Need multi-region hack for Pioneer dv535...PLEASE!!!!

yep, also got my player from Upgrade Heaven :-)
they upload a new firmware to the chip (apparently)
it works great on the Pioneer535

RE: Techtronics, MultiregionMagic or Upgrade Heaven?

been there done that "carpet muncher", I was also put through 2months of excuses and delays from Techtronics ;-(

Once i got a refund, i ordered up a Multiregion Pioneer 535 from and it arrived two days later :)))))
I was VERY Impressed with the service and the player worked straight from the box no fuss!
Excellent service!!!

This item was edited on Sunday, 24th December 2000, 00:47

RE: Is the Pioneer DV535 any good?

I ordered up one of these players from on monday lunch time and it arrived on the wednesday lunchtime and that was next day as it was despatched on the 12th :))))) excellent service and attractive price :)

the player itself is excellent, flawless, fast loading, region changing is quite fast to (multi-region only). my previous players were an LG2330P and an LG3350E (which was faulty [from techtronics] and i couldnt get a replacement cos they had none left :(
however im glad i chose the Pioneer 535 as my second choice
the sound is excellent, on the Matrix the gun fire was much clearer than I remeber on the LG2330P, especially when the shells hit the floor :)
the whole experience of DVD is much crisper and clearer with the Pioneer :)

U wont be dissapointed

This item was edited on Thursday, 14th December 2000, 23:01

Comments on the Pioneer 535 please?

I`ve just ordered up a 535 multiregion player as it has most of the features im looking for in a dvd player :)
Im looking for first hand opinions on the player and what i can expect from it :-)
I`d originally ordered an LG3350E from techtronics but when it arrived it was faulty and had to be sent back, they didnt have any left in stock so I went for a refund instead in the hope that i could find another company that sells multiregion LG3350E`s (Upgrade Heaven are also out of stock)
The Pioneer 535 was my second choice primarilly down to the outputs and multiregion capability.

RE: Who cares!

so what if u can set your computer dvd rom drive to R1, there is still a posibility that a disc with RCE wont work.
weren`t u reading the rest of the emails?
until tests are caried out on machines which are multiregion (Including dvd rom drives), no one knows if they are going to work!
some people believe that players which manually adjust will still work, but no one knows this for sure!
thats why u should care.
RCE (in theory) will be able to read the firmware that your dvd rom drive is using, and possibly stop the disc from being played all together!

RE: RCE and why bother getting a multiregion player?

quote......."the RCE allows the disc to detect if a hardware player is region specific (as required by the CSS licensing agreement), or if it has been manufactured or altered in the market to be “region free”. If the player is “region free” the RCE will not allow the disc to play the program material. It will instead display a message on the television advising the consumer that the machine is not authorized to play this disc."

surely if the player has manual region changing (as opposed to auto only!) then how will the software know if the player is multiregion?
answer: it won`t, the RCE software will be under the impression that the player is a locked R1 player, wont it? and thusly play the disc...

this is what i think will happen. but until places like techtronics or upgrade heaven get an RCE encoded disc and do some testing, i`m sure everyone will be glued to the forums and other dvd sites waiting to hear what happens (I know I will be).

RE: RCE and why bother getting a multiregion player?

nope :(
since this rumour has sparked up, it has hampered my decision to buy a multiregion player (as i`ve only got one R1disc at the mo), i think i`ll probably go ahead and get a multiregion player, although if RCE discs do start to show up, it will make it harder for the customer (who normally purchase R1 titles), unless they are clearly marked as being RCE encoded. in which case the retailers won`t even bother importing them?
I`d like to hear yer opinions on RCE and how it may affect sales of R1 discs in the UK
bear in mind that a large percentage of R1 sales are attributed with UK sales......
let the rants begin ;-)

RCE and why bother getting a multiregion player?

what with all the rumours about RCE (Regional Code Enhancement) and the possiblity that the R1 discs will no longer be able to be played on a multiregion player, it begs the question: why bother purchasing a multiregion player?
I ask this ? because im on the verge of purchasing a multiregion LG3350E player from techtronics (when they`re back in stock). I`ve already purchased my first R1 disc (T2 UE) with the hope of buying many more newer titles in the future. I recieved an email from techtronics about RCE and this is what they had to say:
"Unfortunatley we are not really able to comment until our engineers
actually see a disc with RCE on it. From the sounds of it (all hearsay), ANY multiregion or code free player MAY be affected regardless of whether it has auto or manual region selection.
Our engineers will of course be delving into the depths on this once they
have a copy of a RCE disc. Until we have some definite facts and have done some testing, we are not able to comment."
the future is begining to look very bleak for multiregion players :-(
any comments will be appriciated :-)

RE: LG3350 reviews

DVD Review mag did a review on this player this month :-)
this is the player I plan to get asap
their site will probably put up the review, but it probably won`t be until the mag is off the shelves and the next edition is out
heres the url anyway:
btw they gave it a solid 9/10 which can`t be bad ;-)
seems as though the only thing it doesn`t do is play vcd`s, as long as ye get a multiregion one from techtronics though, shame it hasn`t got mac dissabled :-(

RE: daewoo and goodmans 28

?? why should it matter what colour the background is
anyhoo, the panny 47" RPT displays a blue background on scart1 RGB.
it shouldn`t really matter bout which colour it displays.
its preferable having a coloured background , cos when its black peeps might forget that their telly is on and just leave it ;-)
Maybe this is why goodmans have changed from black to blue backgrounds?

RE: DVD`s from - VAT or not?

The price u see is the price u pay :-)
ive ordered several dvd`s both R1 and R2 and i`ve never been charged extra!

Like yer opinions on the Sherwood RVD6095?

Im thinking of purchasing a Sherwood RVD6095 amp to replace my ageing sony DPL amp.
I`m aware of the problems that the sherwood has, namely the volume source problem.
I`d like to hear how other people have gotten on with this amp?
and also any places where i might purchase it from (in the UK)
cheapest ive seen is richersounds fro £199.95?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 20th September 2000, 22:28

RE: Can I use an Active Sub with 5.1 outputs?

I think i`ll just save the extra £50 or so and go for a DD & DTS amp first
less confusion in the long run methinks ;-)
thanx for the replies though

RE: Can I use an Active Sub with 5.1 outputs?

the dvd player has the decoder onboard :-)
it outputs the decoded signal as analogue (i think)
Is the high level option any good?

Can I use an Active Sub with 5.1 outputs?

I plan on buying an DD & DTS amp at a later date but in the meantime i`d like to know if its possible to use an active sub using the subwoofer output from the 5.1 out, as well as using my current pro-logic setup?
will this create any problems and if so what?

RE: Which is better? 5.1outputs or optical?

Cheers for the replies peeps :-)
I think the digital option will be cheaper as well (for leads)


try this site, it has loads of info on vcds and so on :-)

Which is better? 5.1outputs or optical?

I need some info on which of the two will give me better sound quality?
I haven`t bought the DVD player yet, but i`m looking at purchasing the LG3350E with 5.1ch outputs. I`m also looking to purchase a DD & DTS amp (perhaps the Sherwood RVD 6095R), but before I make my purchases I`d like some insights into which is the better connection to use and why?
any info u peeps can supply will be much appreciated :-)

RE: LG3350E - anyone made this multiregion/macro-free yet?

Techtronics now has this player in stock multiregion for £230 inc VAT
however they dont do an upgrade for this player yet :(

RE: LG 3200E - Hackable?

not by a handset hack :(
however do a hack called the sprinter, it replaces the bios image in the machine with a new image which enables multiregion playback (otherwise known as a software hack)
or there are quite a few places which can fit a chip to the LG3200E which will enable multiregion playback and in some cases it will dissable the macrovision on the player (enabling u to backup dvd`s) have a lot of info on multiregion hacks

hope this info helps

RE: LG3350E - anyone made this multiregion/macro-free yet?

Im also on the lookout for a multiregion hardware hack for this machine?
I talked to the guys over at techtronics and they said that they might be doing a chip for this model (but they couldn`t be more accurate :(

RE: Anamorphic?

it really would be worth while saving up the extra and buying a widescreen set. what with dvd`s and digital tv its going to be a better choice overall,
although the cost is still relatively high at the moment, you`ll see the benefits of widescreen straight away :-)

RE: Widescreen DVDs.

depending upon the ratio, but yes it will appear letterbox (depending upon how the dvd player menus are set up)
if its set for 4:3 Pan Scan or just 4:3 it will appear as letterbox with really big black bars top and bottom
if its set for 16:9 the black bars will be smaller, however the picture will appear squashed and actors faces will appear thinner.
I have a normal 4:3 tv but prefer to use the 16:9 setting as opposed to the 4:3 Pan Scan setting , as I prefer to see more of the picture rather than seeing those huge black bars top and bottom, ultimately DVD is really at its best on a widescreen television :-)
(even though most of us can`t afford them)


House on Haunted Hill :-)

RE: Anamorphic?

ahh :-) cheers for clearing that up.
what about the R2 version of Lock Stock & 2 Smoking Barrels?
that fills out my 4:3 set npbs?
even if i set it to 16:9 on the dvd player.
Id ideally like a proper widescreen telly but 32" tellies just don`t seem any different to my 28" 4:3 set?
Looks like i`ll have to look at getting a RPT set for a decent big screen.

RE: Anamorphic?

shouldn`t it say on the box if its anamorphic then?
anamorphic should still fill the screen regardless of what tv is being used to view it on?
little is my understanding of anamorphic though.

LG3250E? isn`t this just the 3350E?

could someone please clarify this for me, DVD total magazine reffers to a new player just released by LG called the LG3250E, which has mp3 playback and cdr playback.
isn`t this player badged as the 3350E? or have they decided to put a model inbetween the 3200 and 3350?

RE: Anamorphic?

the R2 version of the Matrix isn`t anamorphic, neither is R1 (I think).
its ratio is 2.35:1 which would give big black bars top and bottom,although they aren`t so noticable if u fiddle around with the zoom functions on yer telly (providing you`re using a widescreen telly?)

RE: Desperately need hack for LG DVD3350e

Also interested in info on this model peeps?

my old LG2300P could play cdr`s (audio) and it wasn`t very picky about brand names :)

I haven`t heard anything about hte LG3350E being able to play VCD`s?
although if it can this would be a major boost :))))
I look forward to hearing more bout this player

RE: lg 2330 are they any good worth having ??

picture and sound were excellent, I had an opportunity to test the LG2330P on my friends 47" panasonic RPT and the picture quality was on par with his pioneer which was outputing RGB!.
Sound was very clear, although I havent tested it on a DD system yet :(
Ive got Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and there are no lip sync probs with that, it also plays the matrix fine :) the layer change is quite fast :)
ive never heard of any problems from any discs on the LG2300P :)