Info and forum posts by 'WRPT B.A.'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 12th July 2002, 12:50, Last used: Friday, 12th July 2002, 12:50

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 58 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: So what have you bought this month?

Well normally i`m quite good with my purchases but they just seem to have built up this month especially the preorders, the bargains around at the moment are just too good to resist, plus i`ve just discovered dvdsoon! additions have been:

Spaced S1
Spaced S2
Life of Brian Criterion
Simpsons S2
Simpsons S3
Futurama S2
Alien SE
Aliens SE
Beyond the Mat SE
Ultimate Ric Flair Collection

Plus for the Birthday:

Fear and Loathing Criterion
Simpsons S1

What can I say it`s been a good month all round :)

Virgin 3 for £20 inc. One very good bargain

Hi all,

New offer at Virgin, includes most of X-mas sale stock. But one very good bargain: The Shield Season 1 !!! Warning i`m certain they`ll sell fast (currently £17.99 at Play)

I managed to snag The Shield, About Schmidt, and Thelma and Louise SE, all for £20.

Just thought i`d better let you guys know.

Happy hunting


RE: Game Sale

I hit Portsmouth Game at lunchtime today, managed to snag Band of Brothers (in tin) at £30 - They have 1 set left, and the X-Men Double pack at £15 - Lots of these there.

Looks like stock is selling fast, and I only saw 2 Indy boxsets.

Happy hunting


RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

Thanks for the continued suggestions, unfortunately i`m giving my old phone to my Dad (he`s a bit behind the times) so I need an O2 sim card in both.

Again many thanks for trying to save me money but unless anyone can find an O2 pay as you go A800 for sale for less than £120, I think i`m gonna have to stick with Amazon.



RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

Thanks for the tip Viki,

Unfortunately I was looking for it on O2 not Virgin, so it`s not the bargain I instantly thought it was, in saying that you weren`t aware of that so I can only extend my thanks for your kind posting.


RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

Thanks for the replies guys. I`ve got my voucher already so I think i`m gonna go ahead with the purchase from Amazon. I can`t complain, a new A800 for only £70.



RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung


I was just wondering if any of you might be able to answer a query I have about this promotion?

I`ve been looking at getting an A800 for a few months now so this promotion has come up at the right time. The one thing i`m concerned about is the proof of purchase, specifically as i`m looking to buy the phone from Amazon. I`ve checked the t`s & c`s on the Samsung website and they just mention till receipts, or letters or invoices from network or service providers. Am I just being highly paranoid in thinking they might kick up a stink about an Amazon invoice?

Is there any chance any of you sent in a proof of purchase like this?



RE: Alien Quadrilogy £27.99 Woolworths - instore.

No luck for me unfortunately :(

I tried Cosham and Portsmouth North End branches and had no success. At Cosham I think it probably scanned at £27.99 (I couldn`t see the screen) but then the woman checked with one of the guy`s who stated instantly it was £55. I get the feeling Woolies might have worked it out.

Is there any chance anyone could help me out getting one?? I know it`s a lame appeal but it`s my last shot at one of these on the cheap.


RE: Question New R2 release of Saving Private Ryan

Many thanks for your replies folks, glad to know it`s a safe purchase.



Question re: New R2 release of Saving Private Ryan

Hi all,

I was just wondering if anyone could help me out by shedding some light on the DTS Bitrate of the new R2 version of Saving Private Ryan out this week? I`ve never picked up the R1 DTS version with the (I think i`m right in saying) full bitrate track, therefore can anybody confirm/deny if we have same version to save me importing? I`ve done a bit of trawling on the net but can`t come up with anything, it seems to be too new for reviews, any assistance would be gratefully received.




WINNER !!!!!!!!!! Level 14 was a bitch but 15 was surprisingly easy. Thank you Stantz for helping me waste my lunchtime whilst using my brain at the same time.



Managed to beat level 11 by getting the car in the bottom left up around the back of the `object` car up to the top left.

Sorry if thats a bit vague as i`m now up to level 13 `extreame` and my head hurts !!!!


RE: Friday 13th R2 DVD

There`s supposed to be a R2 exclusive SE of it coming out sometime this year, this should end the lack of the original on R2.

Hope this helps.


RE: Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness... which ones to get?

I can`t really shed too much light either - I got my tin from dvdboxoffice about a year ago (before I clued up and started using Play), but according to their website they`ll take orders for it but don`t know if or when they`ll fulfill it.

I agree with Anil your best bet is probably eBay.

Sorry I can`t help you further


RE: Evil Dead, Evil Dead 2, Army of Darkness... which ones to get?


I`ll try to explain the best I can as I went through the whole process last year.

No idea why R1 book of the dead is so much more expensive, I think i`m right in saying there`s no difference between the two regions, only that R2 is PAL of course. It is the best version you`re gonna get.

Evil Dead 2 - The R1 Anchor Bay edition with Comms and a Doc on it is easily the best. There is a limited edition (50,000 copies) of this which comes in a big metal tin, if you`re a perfectionist.

Army of Darkness - The recent R2 Anchor Bay 2 disker is probably the best as it has the theatrical and directors cuts. Plus it can be picked up for about £8 from Play. There is however an R3 version that has a much better print, and a better 5.1 track.
See the differences here:

The good versions are out there waiting for you, happy hunting.


RE: Dogtanian And The Three Muskehounds

This could so easily turn into an 80`s catoons nostalgia thread!

MASK and Bravestar were my faves.

RE: How good is Halo!?

I`m quite fortunate as the missus plays along with me on co-op mode.

What level are you up to?

RE: How good is Halo!?

Wait till you get to the later levels - you`ll be up all night it`s so addictive!!

RE: Dogtanian And The Three Muskehounds

So, so tempting, but will it live up to the recollections of my youth?

RE: City Of God


God knows where I read it (I note this crap down), but it`s coming out July 7th from Buena Vista. I can`t tell you anything but that.


RE: New Credit Card Question

Thanks for all the advice guys.

I`ve taken all the advice in and I decided to apply for (and was successful in getting) an egg card. The reason was that it offered everything I wanted, cashback, 0% for 6 months and a decent APR.

Alliance and Leicester was dicarded because of the relatively high APR compared to the egg. I know they offer 1% cashback on selected stores but the fact is I don`t buy anything from those stores, so it would just equate to the 0.5% offered by the egg card

I though Cahoot sounded a bit inflexible with payment options, I know they have the best APR but as I pay the balance off it`s not that important to me.

Thanks again for all the assistance, it really is most appreciated.


New Credit Card Question

Hi Folks

I was wondering if some of you could give me some advice about a new credit card for me.

I`ve currently got a Natwest VISA card that I use pretty regularly, and i`m in the fortunate position of being able to pay the balance off each month. I didn`t really consider other companies credit cards when I opened mine and so now I think there`s probably a better deal out there for me.

The one thing i`d like from the new card is some sort of cashback/reward function, I think i`m right in saying that there`s an Alliance and Leicester card that offers this, anybody got one? are there others that offer the same sort of thing?

Interest rates aren`t too important, but 0% for x months would be a bonus I guess.

Any advice would be most appreciated.



RE: Looney Tunes / Bugs Bunny - what`s happening ??

To drag this old topic up:

I was browsing over at the dvdtalk forums, and found a Looney Tunes thread. It seems that Warners are using online questionares to decide the format for the DVD launch.

Here`s the text (originally from The Digital Bits):

Now for the big news today: Warner Bros is conducting an online survey in which they ask all kinds of market research questions about their upcoming Looney Tunes DVD releases! We don`t know how long the survey will be up, and access seems to be limited. But if you can get in, the survey takes about 10 minutes. And this is your chance to weigh in on issues like extras and packaging. A number of interesting details are revealed in the survey, including the following potential release options:

The Looney Tunes Golden Collection (4 discs - $69.95), containing 60 of the best restored and remastered shorts, featuring the "best of favorite characters" and plenty of supplemental material.

The Looney Tunes Premier Collection (2 discs - $26.95), containing 28 of the best restored and remastered shorts, featuring the "best of favorite characters" and some supplemental material.

The Looney Tunes Hit Reality (1 disc - $19.95), containing 20 all new cartoons "featuring your favorite characters starring in spoofs of reality TV shows such as Survivor, Iron Chef, Fear Factor and more" with bonus material.

The Bugs Bunny Carrot Collection (1 disc - $19.95) containing 14 classic Bugs Bunny shorts.

Since Warner is looking for market research, let`s give `em some. Obviously, we`d prefer the Golden Collection option. The most important thing to us here at The Digital Bits is that EVERY SINGLE Looney Tunes short finds its way onto DVD for collectors at some point in the future. If released at a rate of 60 shorts per collection, it would take some 18-20 collections to get them all out. But hey... there`s always hope. In any case, it`s good to know that Warner is at least getting serious about releasing these shorts on DVD. Keep in mind that until these titles are officially announced, anything you`ve read here (or see in the survey) is tentative at best.

Here`s a link to the questionare:

Pics of the packaging for the options can be found here:

Hope this new info is of interest.


RE: New U.S. Matrix Reloaded t.v. spot - slight SPOILERS

Great article, thanks for posting the link handsome.b.

Some slight spoilers, but enough new info to make the head spin, the vitual camera sounds v.interesting indeed!, plus it was refreshing to read something that wasn`t just a fluff piece.

Great stuff.

RE: Looney Tunes / Bugs Bunny - what`s happening ??

In case anyone is interested I spotted this over at The Digital Bits today:

"We`ve got an interesting tidbit for you Looney Tunes fans this afternoon. Readers has posted an interview with historian Jerry Beck, author of Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, which is a complete guide to the Warner Brothers animated shorts. In the interview, Beck reveals the planned street date for the long awaited Looney Tunes DVDs! Here`s the relevant passage:

"RV: What projects are you working on related to cartoon research or anything else at the moment?

JB: I`m working on the DVD release of Looney Tunes - and a new book, LOONEY TUNES: THE ULTIMATE VISUAL GUIDE, both of which will be out in November 2003."

Obviously, this is to be considered tentative until Warner makes an official announcement. But it does represent the first confirmation of an approximate release date by someone involved in the actual production.

Stay tuned!"

Looks like they may turn up after all !!

RE: rules of attraction...

I`d wait a while if you`re a completist - The R1 version is the R rated US cut of the film. The version thats coming out in cinema`s over here is the International uncut version. I read somewhere yesterday (god knows where, I read too much trivial info on a daily basis) that the international version will turn up on DVD in a rerelease.

Sorry to be so vague but I know I read it somewhere, and that the unrated cut was Roger Avary`s preferred version.

Hope this helps, somewhat.

Maybe you could get your fix of the film at the cinema and wait for the DVD rerelease.

RE: Moral Issue ??

If you`d read my initial post correctly, you`d notice that it`s my girlfriends issue not mine. I posted because I wanted advice on Play`s returns policy, i`ve never encountered a situation like this with them and just wondered what others experiences with them have been.

It`s not a case of me feeling guilty, I know what the right thing is to do but I just don`t know the best way to accomplish it.

In the end it`s my girlfriends decision, but I don`t know why she should be forced to make an expensive call to Play`s hotline just cause the`re crap at answering e-mail.

WRPT B.A. Moral Issue ??

Hi Folks

My missus has a bit of a moral quandry with Play that I was hoping somebody might have the answer to.

Basically she ordered The Chicago soundtrack from them a couple of weeks back, and it got posted within a couple of days of the order, she waited about a week for it to arrive and then e-mailed Play to say that it hadn`t arrived. The very same day it arrived. She e-mailed them to tell them this. Yesterday another Chicago soundtrack arrived from Play.

So basically she`s got two soundtracks, Play should know this. What do you think she should do?

Should she: e-mail Play? - But will they e-mail back?
Send it back?
Phone them?
Say nothing and keep it?

Any advice would be gratefully received.

Oh and by the way I wouldn`t have been stupid enough to tell Play the first one had arrived, so I would have had two CD`s and no moral quandry!



RE: For probably the one millionth time.....XBOX or PS2?

To add my 2 pence - I`ve never really been much of a hardcore gamer but I took the plunge into next gen and i`ve been an X-Box owner for just over a week, all I can say is that i`m very impressed.

Halo is simply a superb game, Splinter Cell ditto. The graphics are excellent and I think the lighting in the games above anything else is the thing that has impressed me the most. Yes I know lighting isn`t everything but it adds a lot when the gameplay is already so involving.

I bought the £198.99 4 game bundle with the X-box, 1 controller, Jet Set Radio Future, Sega GT 2002, Halo and Splinter Cell. This in my mind was the best value X-Box bundle on the market. I think the X-box with the two free games (Radio Future and GT) is around £160 most places.

Happy hunting.


X-Box Purchase??

Hi folks,

I`ve been thinking about upgrading to Next Gen for a while (my PS1 is far too 1998!) and the X-Box has caught my eye ever since it was released. I think i`ve convinced the missus about it, but I need pushing over the edge myself.

I`m big on FPS`s and driving games, so I think the £200 Halo, Splinter Cell bundle is the way to go, and theres easily enough to keep me entertained, i.e. Timesplitters 2, Project Gotham, Burnout 2 (soon).

So what I need is for all those x-box addicts to just give me a push in the right direction, and convince me to buy. All stories of supremacy over PS2 gratefully received.
