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£50 Cash Back from Samsung

mugumsy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 6th January 2004, 07:56

Just wondering if anyone has recieved their cheque yet.

RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

Top Banana (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 6th January 2004, 08:52

not yet, posted off receipt around about the week before christmas, starting to get a little worried.

Does anyone know what the expected turnaround was, Im sure they promised to return the cheque within 10 days.

Even taking the cristmas/new year period into consideration, I should receive my cheque by the end of the week.

RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th January 2004, 09:09

I posted my claim form around 12 December and I`m still waiting.
It does say they try to send the cheques out within 10 days , so I emailed them on the 30th December and got the following `stock` reply

Dear Sir

Subject to clause 11, the cheques for £50 will be dispatched via first class post to the addresses of the respective winners as set out in their registration details within 28 days of receipt of a valid claim form.

Best Regards

RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

Top Banana (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 6th January 2004, 09:20

Thanks for the info G Man,

I will leave it for another week before I start to panic.

On the plus side however, we are not dealing with a micky mouse organisation here in Samsung, im sure they wont miss a few hundred £50 cheques.

I will be happier when the cheque arrives though !

RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

random username (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 6th January 2004, 10:20

I posted mine on the 11th, no cheque yet. I`ve just checked the terms, they did promise within 10 working days, I guess they`ve realised now they can`t do it.

RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

mugumsy (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 6th January 2004, 11:02

yep, i`m starting to believe they did not anticipate such a large response.
will wait until end of week before chasing up.

RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

WRPT B.A. (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 10:07


I was just wondering if any of you might be able to answer a query I have about this promotion?

I`ve been looking at getting an A800 for a few months now so this promotion has come up at the right time. The one thing i`m concerned about is the proof of purchase, specifically as i`m looking to buy the phone from Amazon. I`ve checked the t`s & c`s on the Samsung website and they just mention till receipts, or letters or invoices from network or service providers. Am I just being highly paranoid in thinking they might kick up a stink about an Amazon invoice?

Is there any chance any of you sent in a proof of purchase like this?



RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

spartacus (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 10:18

Am I just being highly paranoid in thinking they might kick up a stink about an Amazon invoice?

Think you just answered your own question. Samsung just want proof of purchase.


RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

tripodjw (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 13:12

Couple of quick things on this,


You had to be a winner and purchase the phone before the end of 2003. It was just the redeeming that could be done in January.

So if you haven`t already bought the phone the offer probably won`t apply anymore.

On receiving cheques from Samsung - I`ve received a letter from Samsung asking for the original of my till receipt (i only sent a photocopy), but they said other than that my application was fine and a cheque would be sent out once they had the original receipt. This arrived about a week after i sent my claim off in the first place.

While it isn`t an actual cheque, at least it means they are checking the applications as they arrive.

Could be they were waiting to new yr to process and send cheques. Fingers crossed they`ll start sending them soon.

RE: £50 Cash Back from Samsung

mugumsy (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 7th January 2004, 13:17

to tripodjw:

While it isn`t an actual cheque

does the £50 come in the form of some kind of voucher?



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