Info and forum posts by 'Misty24'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 9th January 2003, 13:46, Last used: Sunday, 29th January 2006, 11:17

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: - DO NOT TOUCH this company!!!

I would agree a glowing reference from a first time poster does seem a little suspect.

Thought I should update my earlier post. I finally received my outstanding order (minus one item) but only after threatening court action and informing trading standards. The total delivery time took 3 weeks. There was no plausible explanation on why the money was taken 3 weeks before the goods were shipped. I checked the site on a number of occasions and each time the same goods were being shown as in stock. One of the items never turned up but at least they refunded the money. Free delivery is all very well but the lead time is far too long having already taken your payment. - DO NOT TOUCH this company!!!

Placed a £60 order with on the 29th November 2005. Goods all in stock and I was assured that I would receive my order within 5 days. Payment was taken on the 29th November and I am still waiting for my goods! I have been fobbed off by email and by the phone - still no goods. As they are Christmas presents I am really fed up. My advice DO NOT TOUCH this company. >:(

This item was edited on Friday, 16th December 2005, 20:25

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

I downloaded it from There only seems to be trial versions on the site.

This item was edited on Monday, 31st May 2004, 20:50

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

Having read the previous posts I still decided to update to the new version of zonealarm using the clean install option. After half an hour of not being able to connect to my wireless network I gave up uninstalled. Now trying out Sygate and so far so good, up and running within minutes. The only downside I can see so far is that it is a trial version which expires in 29 days.

Advice needed on choice of new laptop

I am looking to replace my ageing laptop. I am after a laptop with WIFI capability with CD burner/DVD drive minimum 40gb hard disk and as future proof as possibleI would like to use it as a replacement for a desktop pc but also as a mobile dvd player/tv so it needs to be fairly compact and lightweight.

I am currently looking at Sony Vaio Z1. Budget up £2k. Any ideas?

RE: Multzone dvd any good?

I am glad it all worked out well for you. Lets hope they keep that standard of service up in the future.

RE: Multzone dvd any good?

I used them to buy a dvd player as a xmas present. To cut a long story short they let me down after taking a day off work (on the delivery date I was given) and the dvd player didn't even arrive in time for new year. Multizonedvd's attitude to customer service sucks. As you have already placed your order I hope it all turns out well for you. Me I had to wait 3 months for a refund!!!!

RE: Virgin Wines £20 off!

It seems that either the offer is only open to new customers or they log vouchers against named individuals as it came up with an error message that said they have no record of that voucher code and password.

Anyone else had any luck with the voucher code?