Page 1 of zonealarm update , just say no

PCs & Mobiles Forum

zonealarm update , just say no

cynic (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th May 2004, 19:43

Got a popup indicating there was a zonealarm update to download so downloaded it and selected upgrade. This was a mistake since their upgrade option can be unreliable. rebooted the PC and found that attempting to access my popfile spamfilter caused IE to lockup and task manager couldn`t be accessed by ctrl alt del.
Uninstalled zonealarm and everything worked again. Reinstalled latest update as clean installation and seems okay at the moment but their forums are full of complaints so be wary.
Mind you you will probably have already clicked the download option before you read this just like me

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

Biagio (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th May 2004, 20:13

Mind you you will probably have already clicked the download option before you read this just like me

Correct !

My question was to be "do you select upgrade or clean install ?" It does actually say that clean install option is more reliable and during the last download this is what I selected. Today however I selected upgrade and so far no problems(hope it stays that way). I will remember this thread for future downgrades.

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

Gavin57 (Competent) posted this on Wednesday, 26th May 2004, 20:46

I upgraded Zonealarm when their popup appeared as well and so far everything appears to be working ok, I am using Windows Millenium. "Touch Wood"

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 26th May 2004, 22:18

I`ve heard rumours over at Digital Spy that people are saying on the Zone Alarm forums that the new version can disable some anti virus software :o

Best check, folks...


Clayts, Moderator, DVD Reviewer
UK webmaster for Area 450 the independent Sampo/Maxent DVD site

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RE: zonealarm update , just say no

aliman2000 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 26th May 2004, 22:34

I just updated to the new version and it caused mega hassle with my wireless network. My laptop connected but couldnt get anywhere near the net. I tried fiddling with all the settings but no luck. I eventually just removed zonealarm and reinstalled a previous version I had stored on my pc. Wireless network now back up to full strength!

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

admars (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th May 2004, 18:09

I wouldn`t post a message just saying "me too".

But I installed it this morning, as an upgrade, everything was fine, then my browser (Firefox started acting very sluggish, winamp was fine, Outlook Express was fine. Alt tabbing worked OK, but the task bar stopped working, so I couldn`t shut down zonealarm, the windows keyboard button wouldn`t bring up the start menu. Alt tab still worked ctrl alt del wouldn`t bring up task mgr, and repeatedly hammering ctrl alt del wouldn`t do anything, had no choice but to hold in power button :(

So went to work, this evening, rebooted PC, again same thing, so uninstalled, reboot,removed directory, installed new one fresh, reboot, shortly thereafter same problem again :( So I`ve now uninstalled, found I have an old version I burned to CD, but was wondering should I use old version or give Kerio free firewall a go.

I`m using an old PII 450 Windows 2000, so maybe new Zonealam only likes super cool new PCs with Xp or something, stranger things have happened ;)



RE: zonealarm update , just say no

random username (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 27th May 2004, 21:40

I had problems with zonealarm and win 98, mostly my system refusing to shut down properly. I changed to Sygate which was better, but it wasnt really cured till I got rid of dialup?? Strange!!

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

niteowl (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th May 2004, 08:04

I`ve been using ZA (with all latest updates) and couldn`t see any problems. Until now! >:( Didn`t link it to ZA but it must be!

Takes for ever loading pages, sometimes even freezes, very slow connection on wireless notebook, and occasionally doesn`t close down windows. I`m sent auto update to version 50-590-015. Do you think this might solve the problem? Or should I just uninstall and put on again as new installation (but which version is safest?)

What versions are you on that`s giving the probelms?

Cheers Niteowl

I`ve got W98SE on pc
WXP Professional on notebook
using Netgear router and Outlook express

This item was edited on Friday, 28th May 2004, 09:08

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

mavrik (Competent) posted this on Friday, 28th May 2004, 16:55

I updated on the laptop and PC yesterday, and on the laptop I couldn`t access task manager or IE, so had to do a system restore (XP Pro) My PC has XP Home on it, I got up this morning, turned it on and it`s f**ked. Gets to the BIOS screen then reboots. Have had to get my mate to glo to my mum&dad`s house to get my system recovery disc, aaargh.

#I`ve been dreaming of a time when the English are sick to death of Labour and Tories..#

RE: zonealarm update , just say no

HD462 (Elite) posted this on Friday, 28th May 2004, 16:57

I did the update when I got the pop-up telling me about it too, version 50-590-015. No problems up to now with Win XP Home.

Mark. :)

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