Info and forum posts by 'fatbob10'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 21:08, Last used: Tuesday, 25th February 2003, 21:08

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: £2 off Splashdvd

To be honest, Splash are pretty mickey mouse as a company and they`ve done so much price moving recently (upwards) these vouchers are only for the foolish - be prepared to wait weeks for your order!!!!

Frank and Jesse - £4.24

Found this at Choices Direct - thought it was a bit of a bargain - good film as I remember.

later all ......

RE: Problem with SplashDVD £2-off offer.

Same problem. Ordered 12 DVD`s - two have not had the discount added but practically impossible to work out which ones.

Think I`ll put it down as a lesson learnt - yet again - care of Splash DVD.

RE: ignore if you don`t like Splash DVD ;-)

LOL - cant ignore anything relating to Splash - I`ve been waiting 1 month now for True Romance Special edition DVD - what a joke - no update as to where they are with the order - nothing - oh, except they took the money about a month ago - suprise suprise. They havnt cleaned their act up just yet.

RE: Flippin Eck!! Denon 2802 only £369!!

Sounds like a really good receiver for the money (layman here). What speakers would anyone recommend to go with this (I won`t have much cash left if I buy this receiver).?

RE: Band Of Brothers for £15

Congrats to all those lucky enough to get this bargain - sympathy to those still biting their nails. However, for those of us who missed the boat, all these threads lack a certain amount of, how shall I say it, interest! Does anyone know the cheapest place this is available for at the moment?

RE: Shawshank £2.49 - Woolies

Nice one mate. Just ordered my copy. Seems like a real steal as it`s a good film as I remember.

RE: Heat - Pacino and De Niro (R2) £4.87

got mine a little while ago from Choices. Bargain. Always pleased when I use Choices - not once have they messed me around to date. Havn`t found better. Cracking film by the way - best street gun fight I`ve ever seen.

RE: Zulu - bargain at £3.99

maybe you just have a poor copy because mine really is very good. Don`t have to mess around with it at all and infinately better than watching a VHS version.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 26th February 2003, 01:12

RE: Zulu - bargain at £3.99

very decent of you to mention this. Do you think everyone on the net knows this though? Doubt it somehow. So perhaps this information whilst of little use to you may be to someone else.

Zulu - bargain at £3.99

Now this was a bargain I thought. Zulu for £3.99 delivered to your door. CD Wow are knocking this out though it is a region 1 cd so will need a multi region player. Spotted it under the top 20 DVD section along with some other potential bargains though none which particuarly caught my eye. I bought it and it arrived within about 3-4 days and plays great - the picture quality seems better than I remember from the Television version though maybe that`s just wishful thinking.

Later all,