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Info and forum posts by 'fordy_uk6'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 6th April 2003, 11:26, Last used: Tuesday, 19th August 2008, 18:51

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This user has posted a total of 55 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Anyone here using streaming footy sites?

I use

The live on tv link gives the channels that games are shown on without having to register. If you do register (for free) you can get onto the live football forum where links to streams are posted under a topic for each game.

Generally has links for loads of other sports on there too, but only really use it for the football. Also has some pretty good help in the rechnical forums if you are struggling to get any of the programs working properly.

RE: Recommendations for cheap CAR insurance for 18-year old male ???

Try Liverpool Victoria.

I used them when I got my first car at 18. This was 3 years ago though so things may have changed. I looked at them after my uncle recommended them to me saying they were good for yound drivers. I had a G reg 1.1 Fiat Uno, admittely a pretty rubbish car, but I was still getting quotes of upto around a grand. Liverpool Victoria came out at just under £500 for the year. That was for fully comp, and strangely enough third party would have been around £520!

Would be worth a try though. They used to have a great little feature where if it was out of office hours you could get a kind of quick mini-quote online, where you just put in the car and the postcode and it would give you an estimate. Was fantastic for deciding which type of car to get. Unfortunately it doesnt look like you can do that anymore unless im just not looking hard enough.

RE: HannSpree 37

I have had one of the HannSpree 37" LCDs for a few weeks now. I paid £500 for it from Intekx. Its a fantasic TV for the price and I am extremely pleased with it. I have my wii, ps3, virgin media (not HD sadly though) and pc through it.

Bear in mind thought that there are two models of this TV, the YT02 on sale at miscrodirect, and the JT08 which I have got from Intekx. As far as I can remember the main difference is that the YT02 doesnt do 1:1 pixel mapping at 1360x768 through VGA and the JT08 does, I could be wrong though.

If anyone is thinking about buying one and has a week or so free time I would suggest having a read of the extremely long thread about it over on AVforums, its where I first read about it and decided to take the plunge!

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th May 2007, 13:46

RE: Edge says PS3 23 March 07 £425

Motorstorm is in the bundle from Blockbuster, along with Resistance:fall of man. They started taking pre orders today. £550 with an extra control pad, blu ray remote and the two games, £100 deposit

Battlestar Galactica Season 1 - £9.99

As if £12.99 wasnt cheap enough for everyone not to pick it up the first time, virgin megastores have Battlestar Galactica season 1 for £9.99, looks like its instore only.

They have House season 1 for £18 too, just a shame the r2 set isnt widescreen otherwise I would have picked that up in a flash!

RE: Splitting a SKY signal between two TVs

We tried using a splitter on the rf out, but the signal was very poor. That may have been the cheap splitter we used though. In the end just didnt bother pluggint the rf lead into the main tv, just send it straight to the second one. Means you dont get channels 1-5 just through the tv though, but you do on the second telly.

RE: Pan`s Labyrinth - nowhere to be seen

Good news! New showings!

Cineworld showing it from friday in some more places. Middlesbrough cineworld has it on ad so does Boldon for all those up in the north east, not sure elsewhere but it seems like they are generally showing it more places.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 5th December 2006, 21:12

RE: Pan`s Labyrinth - nowhere to be seen

aw crap I was gonna go see it at the cineworld in Boro at the weekend. Failing that I was gonna go after work on Monday in Newcastle but doesnt look like that is going to happen either.

Really wanted to see this at the cinema, and they wonder why people download films.

Ooh, just seen its on at the metrocentre, think I will have to be going there then.

This item was edited on Thursday, 30th November 2006, 21:51

RE: Quick one-question movie quiz

Tape has only 3 (Uma Thurman, Ethan Hawke and Robert Sean Leonard), but id guess that would have to come under `art house crap` would it!

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

yup proper widescreen on the ps2. Not sure what the sub games are like yet, gonna have a few days off before i start one of those! It is a stunning game like.

RE: So... what are you playing just now?

Its been Resident Evil 4 for me on the PS2. Heard its better on the gamecube but for a tenner i couldnt say no. Great game, finished it first time through last night.

Back to pro evo 6 for me now until i find shadow of the colossus cheap.

RE: Hands up if you`ve Pre-Ordered a Wii

Pre-ordere one at gamestation and HMV. The HMV is the Newcastle one and I was told I was the 106th person to pre order, so not getting my hopes up of getting that one. Gamestation wouldnt give me any indication of if id get one on the 8th.

If all else fails I will be queuing up somewhere hoping to get one where they have some to get without pre orders. Damn my indecision on whetehr to get one or not il last week!

RE: Need to get a cheap mobo/cpu bundle, suggestions?

Was just gonna get the 256mb as a starter to get the system up and running, then get another 512mb when i can afford it.

RE: Need to get a cheap mobo/cpu bundle, suggestions?

We are using XP at the moment, which the 4 gig drive just wasnt enough for really!

At the moment im looking at an Asus K8V-VM with just an amd sempron 2800. Should be enough for them. The motherboard seems to be decent and cheap with onboard graphics, dont particularly want ot buy a graphics card too. Looking at about £105 for those plus 256 ram and psu delivered.

RE: Need to get a cheap mobo/cpu bundle, suggestions?

Gonna need to replace it and get ddr memory arent I, never thought of that. It is an ATx case too.

Budget wise, not much available at all at the moment, would have waited for a while if the computer was working at all. So really, cheapest is best really as long as its decent enough. Does that mean AMD?

Would prefer not to spend any more than about £80 including some ram really.

This item was edited on Saturday, 11th November 2006, 15:00

Need to get a cheap mobo/cpu bundle, suggestions?

Just decided to upgrade our home pc. Was forced to by the fact that it will not boot as there is not enough room on the 4 gig hard drive to start up the computer.

As you can imagine, for a computer with a 4 gig hard drive, its close to 10 years old, with a pII 400mhz.

Just got a 80 gig HDD to use with it cant be detected by the bios, so decided to do what ive been meaning to do for years and get a new mobo and cpu. The problem is I dont have a clue where to start looking for one!

Just after a pretty cheap bundle really, dont need anything special at all its just for the family to use the internet and word processing and stuff, Got my laptop for the heavy photoshopping and 3d modelling!

So, any suggestions?

RE: King Kong 2 disc special edition - £3.99 @ CDWow...

I still havent got mine, got an email asking to confirm my address, turns out i put in the wrong postcode (just moved, put my old one in). Still, they worked out that mine was one of the ones in the missing batch so are sending me another one out, which is fantasti considering they could have just said it was probably delivered to the wrong address. Had a few things not turn up from cd-wow but they always get me one in the end!

RE: King Kong 2 disc special edition - £3.99 @ CDWow...

Another one here that still hasnt arrived

RE: Miami Vice - A Letdown? (possible spoilers)

Just been to see this too, really enjoyed it. Had never seen miami vice either so was going in cold. Didnt notice any bits that I couldnt hear, but is it just me or was there no credits at the beginning. Took me a while to get into the film and in the first part the scenes didnt seem to flow as well together as they could have done, felt as if we were just thrown in and was taken aback by these lack of credits. Unless I just missed them that is! Apart from that though, it just seemed to get better and better as the film went along.

This item was edited on Sunday, 13th August 2006, 22:48

RE: Free Superman Keyring Worth £4.99 at - Loophole, Be Quick!

"Your order for Superman Shield Keychain has been posted"

Might be getting them yet!

RE: My sister just got stopped buying alcohol becasue I didnt have identification!

Admittedly my sister and I both look younger than we are, but I look older than she does.
If i was the lady on the till and was instructed to ask all of the party for ID if anyone looks under 21 I would ask me for ID too!

My question somewhere in the middle of that rant really was just whether it is law or just policy as it doesnt state that I would need ID on the hundreds of stores plastered all over the store. If it is just company policy they should have it on the signs really.

Id normally carry my driving license around with me if i have jeans on, but my shorts had no pockets!

As for going out on a night, Ive been at uni in Glasgow for the past three years and they seem to ask everyone for ID in the centre no matter how old you are, think they have been told to, they must feel stupid sometimes asking 30 somethings for ID though.

This item was edited on Saturday, 15th July 2006, 21:07

RE: My sister just got stopped buying alcohol becasue I didnt have identification!

Oh I understand that she does not want to risk losing her job over selling us a couple of bottles of Bacardi Breezer and I not annoyed at the lady on the till. My mam works at the same store (not actually on the til, just stocking up on a night when its closed so she doenst know the policy) and she said that the company was fined not long ago because they sold someone alcohol under 18.

I could understand if it was me buying it. It is the store that im annoyed at, and the fact that is does not say anything about other people being asked for ID on the signs. But what annoyed me the most was the double standards they show when a couple of days ago my parents buy alcohol with out me being asked for ID, and thh amount of times you see parents with with their teenage kids buying crates and crates of alcohol without asking them for ID

My sister just got stopped buying alcohol becasue I didnt have identification!

Just been to Sainsburys and my sister was trying to buy some alcohol. She showed the lady her driving license, she is 20, but she wouldnt sell her it because I didnt have ID! Im 21, so was kind of annoyed about this especially since we had gone out especially for it and the store closed about 4 minutes later at 8, so we couldnt go back and get mine.

Now she said that if I wasnt at the teill with her she could have sold her it, and that obviously if i went and she came back she still couldnt sell her it. The lady says its law that she cant sell alcohol to anyone if she thinks that she the person might be buying it for other people in the party that looks under 21. Now lets skip the fact that if I was infact under 18 and wanted her to buy me it it would be stupid of me to go to the til with her.

Now we talked about this and said what happens if we went with our younger 11 year old sister, or even if she was 15, would she be stopped buying it for her and she kinda said it depends whether she thought my sister was buying for her.

Now the question is, is this actually the law or just company policy and if its just company policy can they enforce it if it doesnt say on the signs (they only say if YOU look under 21 they cant sell YOU the alcohol). The other thing is they actually sold my parents alcohol in there a couple of days ago with me there without asking for my ID.

Its really annoyed me, I only went cos my sister dint want to drive out on her own, and wasted 20 minutes petrol there and then back again.

Im tempted to go in tomorrow and stand by a til promting them to ask from everyone in everyones party that doesnt look 21 because I think they are buying it for their kids.

Think ive calmed down now (stupid sainsburys)

RE: Anyone seein Superman tomorrow?

just got back from seeing it, and although it did seem to drag very slightly towards the end the film itself seemed to fly by, had no idea it was close to two and a half hours til I looked at the time.I thought it was fantastic though, goosebumps moments at the beginning at the end of the credits and the first time he runs away in the bar to go save lois!

I cant even remember that much of the first films, seen them ages ago and always catch bits when they are on tv but too young to have seen them when they were first out, but it still sent shivers down my spine!

Sadly we didnt get spiderman teaser... but we did get snakes on a plane! what the hell is that supposed to be all about.

This item was edited on Saturday, 15th July 2006, 00:20

RE: Whats my Number Plate worth?

Yeh the companies charge ridiculous prices just for the privilege of having them ring up the DVLA and buy it from them for you, still without any guarantee.

My mam got my dad one when the E`s were released last year. Took her an hour or so to get through but she got it in the end. He got E6 STE. First letter of his surname, his birthday and his name. Think it cost her bout £400 and is worth about £1400 now.


If its with the kids and its the activities you would be going for, try looking at PGL. ( They are activity based holidays. They work out at around £150 each per person for 4 nights or bout half that for just the weekend.

That includes everything though, all your food and activities and gives the parents the opportunity to leave the kids with the reps sometimes and get some peace. We have been to centre parks in Sherwood and in Kempervenen in Holland but I think all of us probably preferred PGL overall. Im 20 and and I went to the PGL near Paris with my parents and my 19 and 11 year old sisters but there was kids as young as 4 and parents upto their 60s and everyone there seemed to really enjoy it too, even if they didnt want to do the activities liek zipwiring through the woods and stuff.

Anyways, Ive only been to the Paris one but the others seem to be really similar but with more activites. There are 8 in the UK but families can only go in school holidays i think because they do school trips in term time.

RE: The "Official" 24 Season 5 Thread ;)

I really cannot wait for this. Got my flatmate interested in this at the end of last year, managed to get him upto date from season one in under two months. Thats also probably why we are both have loads to do still for our uni projects right now. At least watching it on television means we can only watch one a week. Whenever it actually starts on Sky One that is.

RE: Returning my DVD recorder to Currys...

Just put it back in the box and tape it up like it was when you got it. I bought a dab radio from comet and wasnt sure if it would get a decent enough signal, which is didnt. So I took it back all taped up giving some daft reason why I didnt want it anymore, the salesman virtually told me to do this.