Info and forum posts by 'Sean G'

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Joined on: Friday, 22nd August 2003, 09:54, Last used: Friday, 22nd August 2003, 09:54

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 9 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Goodmans GTV34RDVD - Finally hacked!

Just to put this one to bed finally - the multiregion hack to make this player (or at least MY version of it) is as follows:

1. Press the DVD function on your TV set.
2. Press Setup on your remote control.
3. Press 1, 3, 7 and 9, in order, one at a time.
4. Select this option and using your remote control, change it to 1
for region 1, 2 for region 2, and so on, or 0 for multi-region playback.

So it`s 1379 instead of the 1379 that seems to have worked on the previous versions...

Thanks to everyone who looked into this tip, esp Jeremy Harkman for his trawling through the service manuals and extra special thanks to Stuart Savage who finally gave me the heads up about this hack. Having scoured the forums subsequently, I notice that some people have mentioned it before - but I just wanted to give a definitive answer that the unit is, indeed, hackable!

Sean G

It`s just a ride.... Bill Hicks : 1961-1994


Been trying for ages to get my GTV34RDVD hacked too - have resorted to watching R1 DVD`s on my modded Playstation 2 until I get a suitable fix!! Please let me know if you get any joy on this front.......


Sean G

It`s just a ride.... Bill Hicks : 1961-1994

RE: Please Read - Last ditch attempt to hack Goodmans GTV34RDVD!!

My remote doesn`t have a `languages` button....... maybe the `audio` button instead on the UK version? Also, what screen should I be performing these actions from? The `General Setup` menu screen or the first screen listed on the web page I made?

Thanks for all your help so far......

Sean G

It`s just a ride.... Bill Hicks : 1961-1994

Please Read - Last ditch attempt to hack Goodmans GTV34RDVD!!

I`ve cobbled together a basic webpage showing some of the screen shots from my GTV34RDVD - could anyone who`s managed to get the hack working please take a few seconds to have a look at it......? Just to let me know if the menus are as they are supposed to be or, as I`m suspecting, whether the chipset has changed?

It would be very much is below

Thank you very much in anticipation!!!

Sean G

It`s just a ride.... Bill Hicks : 1961-1994

RE: Has the Goodmans GTV34RDVD changed it chipset recently?? Can`t get hack to work at all!!

I`m glad I`m not the only one who can`t do it!! I`m seriously beginning to suspect that the code has changed because, after entering the code, I just end up presented with the Dolby Digital Setup page...... someone must know out there!!!!

Sean G

It`s just a ride.... Bill Hicks : 1961-1994

Has the Goodmans GTV34RDVD changed it chipset recently?? Can`t get hack to work at all!!


I`ve been trying to hack my Goodmans GTV34RDVD TV/DVD player for the last couple of weeks now with no luck whatsover..... does anyone know if it`s possible that the chipset may have changed from the Roadstar 1437 that it used to be based on? Both hacks published here (and elsewhere on the web) make no difference at all, so I`m wondering whether a new hack is to be found.......

Or maybe I just don`t have the `knack` for pressing 1,3,6,9 and the arrow keys qukckly enough - it`s driving me mad!!! :)

Sean G

It`s just a ride.... Bill Hicks : 1961-1994

RE: Goodmans GTV34RDVD hack requested......

A time limit!!? That could explain it! WIll try again - let me know if you have any luck!!

Sean G

It`s just a ride.... Bill Hicks : 1961-1994

RE: Goodmans GTV34RDVD hack requested......

Yes, I`ve tried both of those - the second one is particularly confusing because if you follow the hack as posted, you`re not even in any menu screen when you start the process......

The screenshot from that link looks just like my TV/DVD player but mine has a silver remote control with a different layout of buttons..I`m beginning to think that my player is based on a different chipset to the Roadstar model........... :-(

Great site here, by the way - definitely one I shall be frequenting on a very regular basis!

It`s just a ride....... Bill Hicks:1961-1994

This item was edited on Friday, 22nd August 2003, 17:51

Goodmans GTV34RDVD hack requested......

Hi all -

First time poster....

I`ve been trying to get the common hack for this model to work for a few days now with no luck (apparently it`s just a rebadged Roadstar player). I follow the instructions as posted on most of the web sites (pressing 1,3,6,9 and the arrows on the remote control) but get absolutely no joy at all - I just find myself presented with the Dolby Digital setup page. Am I missing something obvious???! I`ve noticed that the Roadstar hack is known to work with the GTV34DVD but mine has a slightly diffferent model number - GTV34RDVD.... a different chipset on later models perhaps??

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!!!


It`s just a ride....... Bill Hicks:1961-1994