Info and forum posts by 'RAMMY007'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 24th November 2003, 18:37, Last used: Friday, 11th August 2006, 17:39

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 101 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.09 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Help Please

When looking on ebay not all of the page loads up the box next to the Advanced Search is missing plus in the bottom left hand corner it says Done,but with errors on page is this my computor playing up or something wrong ebays end Hope someone can help.
(running ME)

RE: Toshiba D - R150 dvd recorder

I`ve brought the toshiba D-R150 dvd recorder from asda and its very good recored football picture quality brilliant very pleased so far still reading manual not used time slip button yet noticed in the manual you can use dvd ram disc or cartridge

RE: What should i do?

Oh thanks very much!I can assure you i am not paranoid,i think its my outlaws,if you read one of my older threads i was stitched up by them for assault where i was actually the victim but it was turned around on me saying i didnt use "reasonable force" to defend myself against 2 people,since then i have had 5 years of harrassment,letters,packages etc and they have received cautions for them.What was done to my car was a deliberate act to tamper with my car and it had to be by someone who had mechanical knowledge not just your usual car vandalism it was actually the suspension.One of the persons involved had the knowledge,motive and also lived not that far away from where i left my car.The police have been and said they cant get any prints cos of where it is on the car,also we found the valve cap which was removed nearby to my car.I have been really reassured, not! by the police now telling me to check my car over before i get in it,to check my brakes and to try and park in front of a cctv camera.Once again i am not being paranoid.

This item was edited on Thursday, 18th May 2006, 00:26

What should i do?

Advise needed please! My car was tampered with at the weekend and i have found out it was deliberate what should i do the police are bloody useless! I am very concerned that someone(i think i know who it is) is trying to kill me,i dont want to seem to be overreacting but i am really worried.

RE: problems getting on ebay site

No using ME plus noticed a eye with a restricted symbol(restricted sites) on it and if i move the cursor or it it comes up privacy report ive never noticed that before is it this that stops a page from loading properly the eye symbol is at the bottom of the page

This item was edited on Monday, 8th May 2006, 19:02

problems getting on ebay site

Is anybody else having problems getting onto ebay home page when i try to get on it it only loads up part of the page then in bottom left hand corner it says error on page can any one help please

RE: Toshiba D - R150 dvd recorder

What was the picture quality like when recording from tv plus do you know if its macrovision free

Toshiba D - R150 dvd recorder

Thinking of getting this toshiba D-R150 dvd recorder from my local asda just wondered if anybody knows if this is any good recorder

RE: HELP with a Epson printer

Thanks for your help i will try uninstalling the printer software then reintalling it

RE: HELP with a Epson printer

What happens is the screen turns blue and at the top it says windows then it says An error has occurred to continue : press enter to return to windows or press CTRL + ALT +DEL to restart your computor if you do this you will loose any unsaved information in all open applications Error : OE : 0028 : C002BDOE

RE: HELP with a Epson printer

Since ive posted ive managed to print a picture off went to print another off and the computer froze again cant understand why it works then it doesnt the error message i get is error :OE : 0028 : C002BD0E

HELP with a Epson printer

Brought a new Epson stylus printer D68 on friday installed it friday night saturday morning printed a picture and some writing everying printed ok came to print another picture and some writing today and my computor keeps freezing and other times iam getting an error message cant understand why its suddenly gone wrong ive called Epson they seem to think the printers ok and theres a problem with my computor
can anyone help please

Derby sack Phil Brown

Derby County have tonight sacked phil brown hope all his backroom staff go as well.

Help choosing a new printer

Looking to buy a new printer with cheap replacement ink cartridges we`ve got a HP deskjet 843c printer but the replacement inks cost a fortune iam sure you can buy two replacement cartridges for about a fiver but not sure which printer these are for hope somebody can help me.

Ricky Gervais videos at poundland

In poundland today they had Ricky Gervais live Animals and Live 2 Politics they also had Chubby Brown and,jethro videos.

HELP using a data cable please.

My daughter brought a data cable so she can transfer music etc to her samsung E350 mobile but we have no idea how to install the data off the disc or how to set it up so could any body help us thanks.

RE: Sagem MYX2-2 - Orange PAYG £15.99

yes they are i now have sent for two and they are both unlocked and come with an orange sim card and i tried my 02 sim and it worked

RE: Sagem MYX2-2 - Orange PAYG £15.99

thanks for the post i ordered thurs and it arrived today not a bad little phone for the money its for my dad for xmas thanks again

RE: Sagem MYX2-2 - Orange PAYG £15.99

do you get a charger with it?

RE: Help please!

Yes,they know for definate person 1 attacked person 2 and was already being investigated also person 1 has admitted the criminal damage and person 2 left a suicide note outlining it all,i wondered whether it would be classed as manslaughter ,obviously i cant go into major detail but i hope justice will be done for person 2,as me and my family have been victims to this persons bullying and harassment
Thanks for asking about my son hes ok,although he cannot play any sport until beg of november and he has lost his place in his football team thanks again for your concern,oh and the lad got a 6 day exclusion from school and a caution off the police.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 25th October 2005, 23:16

Help please!

Is there anyone who knows about legal stuff its just that i wondered what this person would be guilty of with this scenario,this is not me or my family but a person who we also have been victims of,
The person 1 attacks another person 2 and person 2 ends up in hospital with surgery,then person 1 continues to harrass and kill and causes damage to person 2s property ,person 2 is so scared that they kill themself,person 1 is arrested any ideas what they will be charged with ?

RE: Advise needed please!

Just to let you all know hes ok but in agony and we were up all night with him,also he couldnt even sleep in his own bed cos he sleeps in a top bunk,the police were notified and came round earlier and took a statement,looks like he is going to get a caution for it,also i couldnt go and see or speak to his parents cos school couldnt give out addresses or phone numbers cos of data protection,school have spoken to him and he has admitted it and are going to exclude him probably till next thurs(but will know for definate tomorrow)i have also insisted that the lad is moved to another class,i was asked by the police what action i wanted taking so i asked my son cos at the end of the day he is the one who still has to go to that school and still see him and court action would probably make things worse thanks for all your advise its been a great help as i didnt want to feel as though we were overreacting to the situation.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 12th July 2005, 17:14

RE: Advise needed please!

I thought that as well,it wasnt as if it was a few scratches and it is going to really affect everything he does over the next few weeks especially no sport,its a good job we werent going away,i am a bit dubious about speaking to the parent cos if they are the sort that dont give a sh*t its a waste of time,we have got to go back to the fracture clinic next monday,i know that accidents can happen(but this was deliberate)and i dont want to be overactive but these sorts of kids need sorting out and made an example of(you can see the muddy slam mark on his shoulder of his shirt)

This item was edited on Monday, 11th July 2005, 23:39

Advise needed please!

got home from work today and my other half had spent the afternoon at the hospital with our thirteen-year old,some little sh*t had slammed him to the ground deliberately,and he now has a fractured collar bone and is in a lot of pain,no sport for at least 6 weeks(so he cant go out and play football and the 6 weeks hols are on us soon)the school are useless and i was wondering what sort of action you think shold be taken against this lad who did it to him.

RE: LIVE 8 - So what`s your opinions?

the bits i caught were good but it was my daughters birthday today she was also 8!

RE: Puppies

RE: Puppies
posted by xfilesgurly on Saturday, 2nd July 2005, 16:02
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, lovely super-friendly dogs that love kids, other dogs, and anything else.

They are beautiful-looking dogs (will always have puppy-cuteness) but they are "proper" dogs too - love playing and they go and paddle in streams in the park etc.

totally agree with xfilesgurly we have just bought our third cavalier puppy shes georgous all our family have got them they are brill with kids

RE: Keeping it in the family

They all need their heads examining ,as they all seem its great to have their faces ,names etc splashed in the newspapers and tv,they will soon probably regret it they are the same sort of people such as the bardsleys,the mother of the girls probably didnt know or give a damn what they were up to i have got a 15year old and we have had a hell of a year with her and could have easily given up which is what i suspect she has done, one of the babies dads is 38years old what a pervert i would have knocked him out

HELP uninstalling salm

I need help uninstalling salm it seems to make my pc run slow ive looked in remove programs but it doesnt show also it looks like theres 2 trojens on my pc checked with xoftspy is there any free software that will get rid of these thanks in advance.

compacksDVD5000 HELP

Can`t get a picture on screen when playing a dvd sounds there is the dvd player no good or would i be able to get it fixed anybody else had this problem with this compacksDVD5000 player thanks in advance.

RE: FREE coffee machine

with my order there was a special offer leaflet which said on your 2nd order get premium copy paper for 9p a ream(500 sheets)limit to 10 reams per customer the offer is unavailable to order on the internet please call or fax the order the code for the paper was Z29-EAG210 ,i just phoned and ordered 10 reams for 90p plus vat £1.06 and they said because i had an order yesterday they would knock the p&p off so 10 reams of paper will be with me on monday for the total price of £1.06