Info and forum posts by 'mray'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 18th December 2003, 20:23, Last used: Monday, 6th September 2010, 10:08

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: RGB Maniac

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Multiregion hack for the Akura ADVR171S DVD Recorder

This Akura Dvd Rec looks very similar to a TEVION DVR1000, which was sold in Germany.
The remote is exactly the same and the menus are the same too.

RE: E55 - is a built in time base corrector the same a macrovision disabler?

Can anyone tell me what the TBC actually does?, because all the tapes I`ve transferred have been exact copies on the Panny, even down to digital noise? etc. Thanks in advance!

RE: MICO Espejo R311. DVD Recorder. I have one. First thoughts.

What you need to do is leave a disc in your mico with the freespace box highlighted.
Then select the program on sky and press autoview.
Switch the mico to standby.
In the options menu, under record settings, make sure you have "sat record" set to the channel you use yourself, eg: EXT1 or EXT2.
Hope this helps.

RE: MICO Espejo R311. DVD Recorder. I have one. First thoughts.

Hello. I have a R311 and am very happy with it. The only problem I have with it is when I set output to s-video the picture changes to black and white, but playback of prerecorded material is still in colour. Can anyone help me with this problem please?

RE: Panasonic DVD Recorder - Can you?

There is no picture zoom feature. Don`t know about the videoplus though.

RE: DVD recorder, strange picture

I also had the same problem. I have a year old Panasonic vcr and it`s supposed to display ntsc pictures, but I also got the band across the bottom when I tried to record via the DMR-E50. I tried to record it on a Sony GX3 and that was totally unwatchable, as the Sony can`t record an ntsc signal. It seems that a lot of machines (vcr`s) these days output pal60 when they`re advertised as ntsc compatible.

I think, as Phelings say`s, you need a vcr that outputs a true ntsc signal, which you can select before you record, as with the panny. Hope this helps.


Yes, I have an RF ariel lead connected, plus two scart leads, one to the TV and one to the digibox, both via RGB. I also have an ariel connected because when I disconnected it I got no reception. Is it wrong to have the RF lead and ariel connected if you also have the two scart connections in use? Thanks in advance.


Can anyone help me please.
I have a Panny E50 and am very pleased with it.
It is set up with a Sky digibox via rgb scart in and out and when watching dvd`s I watch via AV1. I record via AV2 in rgb.

My problem is this: if I set the channel on the recorder to AV1, which is the playback channel, then switch off my skybox, I get a steadily increasing hissing sound and the screen seems to turn a green/black colour, with the channel display seeming to dissolve.

I had a hard time describing this problem to tthe staff at the shop and they told me to check the leads, which I had already done. Any ideas anyone? All advice gratefully received!!!!!!!!

RE: Help! Panasonic E50 RGB Problems

Thanks for your help.
I`ve just got it sorted!

Help! Panasonic E50 RGB Problems

Can any one help me please. I`ve just bought a Panasonic E50 recorder and I`m in trouble already! I have connected the leads as described in the manual so that I can record and watch Dvds via RGB scart.
I`ve changed the settings on both my Sky digital box and the Dvd recorder to RGB output and input. When I try to record something all I get is a blank screen + sound. When I change the settings to video I can record, but it is definitely NOT RGB, which was a big factor in my choosing this machine.
My Tv is a Sony with three scart sockets, two of which are RGB. Can anyone put me out of my misery, PLEASE!