Info and forum posts by 'chris67'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 14th November 2000, 13:30, Last used: Tuesday, 14th November 2000, 13:30

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Toshiba SD 100E need to know how to convert to region 1

Hi there,
could someone inform me if there is any firmware for this DVD.I bought the region 2 only machine......

RE: New Scan Sc-2000 firmware 2.04 (Return of the dreaded Macrovision)

hi all please please please can someone tell me what i am doing wrong.
i have a copy of the new firmware tdvd-000.rom is the filename......on the upgrade instructions it has tdvd-0000.rom so first of all i need to know which is the correct file name
second i insert the disk it loads for 10 seconds then it gives the no disk message............i am still on version 164.....after i tried to install 192 my dvd sound playback is up the shoot........could someone inform me what i am doing wrong(new to the game)....cheers....

RE: sc-2000 cd audio problems

how do i find out what chip my scan is??????
i know i havw v1.64

RE: Upgrading your Firmware. Scan SC-2000 Player

when i get onto the blue screen this is what is get

MAIN VER 00000164
NAV VER 000009CE
SUB VER 000000C5
PDW 00000000
CLOCK 00000438
RUN TIME 0000002B
N-SETUP 00000007
S-SETUP 00000001
RESULT 00000002

note that the cdrom does also not eject after it loads.....I have noticed that since i have inserted this disk I seem to get dropout on every single dvd.Matrix r2 is very bad das boot r2 blade r2 romeo must die r1 event horizon r1.........Is there anyone out there who has any idea what i should do.......The bestie boys new dvd sounds ok but it is now impossible for me to watch anything at all.............cheers all....i`m still very much pro scan though

RE: Upgrading your Firmware. Scan SC-2000 Player

hi there,
when i insert the cd rom it loads then displays message no disc.....When i go into the setup it displays file tvd000.rom and ver 164
I don`t know if i should be looking at anything else on this page?????..........i need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))

Dropout on sound have scan 2000 and new phillips w/s 28 tv

I have just bought a new TV ,and have found that on all films while using my DVD sound seems to cut out for split seconds.....could this be the TV or the DVD.......I t is very bad with Matrix r2....Also Romeo must die on r1.......I have bought new QED audio cables and new gold scart,thinking it could be the connections...Problem still persists...Could some please help me :)))...........cheers

This item was edited on Monday, 11th December 2000, 16:14

RE: Just got a Scan sc-200.

Hi there,
Ive had my machine for three weeks`s been super.I get my dvd`s from massive selection and goods shipped in good time......also no post and packing charged

RE: Scan SC-2000 DVD Player firmware upgrade

hi there Dave,

I bought my scan2000 3 weeks ago.Sorry for being green regarding firmware,but would iI have to do something to my machine too.cheers

RE: SCAN SC2000 - SHIT CD Playback - Nelley, what have you got to say?

I would like to say that I have now had my Scan for 3 weeks and as yet have not encountered any problems..........I do feel however that the e-mails to Nilesh should be toned down.We are lucky to have quick replys to our e-mails..............

can you play region 1 disks from a pal/ntsc dvd player

I have just bought a scan 2000 dvd player but the tv I have ordered only plays pal and pal60