Info and forum posts by 'gazza_d'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 7th June 2004, 22:08, Last used: Monday, 7th June 2004, 22:08

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Untill recently I was an NTL service engineer for 6 years, so if anyone has a question I am here to help. (If I can)

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

pavios i did send a reply earlier but it seems to have gone, but an answer to your question in short is, if the signal is strong enough, no they will just change the box. If the signal is crap, then a whole new cable rewire might be needed. Either inside or outside the house or even both, depending on how bad the signal is.


RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

ok haggis i`m here. wots up

RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

Sorry for taking so long to reply. Anyway, fitting the new lids is easy, only five little screws. Three on the back (two either side, one at top), slide lid off. Then two screws for the plastoc front, one at either side. Couldn`t be easier. The only thing that could hinder is that on some boxes the screws have a hex head instead od a plain phillips head. But luckily you can get a hex screw bit from B&Q for 99p.


This item was edited on Sunday, 13th June 2004, 01:59

RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

No, ntl won`t charge you for the call out unless you let them. If the person you talk to tells you that there will be a charge, ask them why since it was their engineer who left the install in such a mess and if that is the case you will have to consider changing to a different service provider. After saying that you WILL get the answer you want. Tell them you didn`t want to make a fuss before but the cable is constantley in way, you trip over it, you can`t open the door fully, make up anything. The engineer won`t know what you have said, all he will get is a maintenance order saying :- internal catv re-wire. Be forceful but not nasty, tell them what you want and not what they can give you.
Hope this helps.

Plus, as promised here is the link to my auction on ebay for the silver covers for the digi box, if anyone is interested.



RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

The problem with making changes to the cable yourself is the connects really. Cable modems are very sensitive and require the right type of connector and the right type of tools to fit them. If not then you will get signal leakage and your connection speed will be crap or even none at all.

My advice is to call again and complain about the quality of the install. By right the cable should be perminatly fixed to the likes of the skirting board and only be the required length to reach the computer. Leaving the cable loose on top of carpet or even under the carpet ( which actually is the worst place for it) is just inviting faults to occur.
As you know the cable is round, if anything changes this shape, ie being stepped on, caught under the leg of a chair or desk or even a kink in the cable, then bye-bye to your connection. Get them out again and get it done properly.


RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

Sorry am I missing something, your point is ..............?

(not meaning to be rude of course)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 9th June 2004, 19:03

RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

Also, if anyone is interested, I will be selling replacement lids and fronts that are coloured silver. So let me know, I will be selling them on an ebay buy it now auction.

Around christmas time, ntl will have a competition with 100 silver digi boxes up for grabs.

When the silver lids and fronts arrived from Pace, 12 of them had some marks on the paint ( very slight ) and the ntl and pace logo`s were missing. I was able to aquire these.

As soon as I open the auction I will post the link on this thread and on the trading forum so you guys can have first pot.


RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

Manchester should have the new EPG within the next 3 -4 weeks.

Audio outs were only available on the phase 1 box, the new boxes being released now are phase 3. The reason the audio and other functions such as a parallel printer have gone is purely cost, by removing these from the phase 2 box, ntl made a saving of £70 per box.

To identify which type of box you have look at the model and part numbers on the bottom:-

Phase 1 - Model: DI4001N Part No`s ending 700, 710, 715, 725

Phase 2 - Model: DI4001NC Part No ending 735

Phase 3 - Model: DI4010 Part No`s ending 800, 810, 820

At the moment Phase 1 boxes with part numbers 700, 710, 715 are being phased out with the 725 to follow shortly. This is because basicly they are done, end of their useful life, in other words - crap.


RE: NTL problems with digital tv

The reason for only certain channel distortion is that your signal level on the higher band freq`s is too low. Request an engineer call out.

Also, new remotes have just started to be sent out, if you can`t wait call and request one.


RE: N T L Digital box (Pace)

Hi guys/gals

I have just joined DVD Reviewer, actually found it while looking for something else. I don`t know if anyone is still looking at this thread or not but here goes. I have been an NTL service engineer for the last six years so I am here to help with your questions if I can.
1. No RGB - Software failure, request a new box

2. Picture & Sound - Poor quality on either or both and sync problems are all related to the power of the signal or as we say signal level. This means both too low or even to high. There are many things that can affect this, so I suggest you request an engineer call out.

3. EPG slow responce - The new look of the menu`s is an entire new software program we call CR3. The reason for all these problems is that this is really if you like a Beta version. This was rolled out in just the same way as Microsoft do with Windows. See how the new software goes and then start fixing the problems that are received through customer feedback. This is the only way it can be done as there is no way of really simulating all the problems that could occur.
This is also compounded depending on the type of digi box you have. Suffice to say the older the box the more likely the you are going to have problems.

Hope this helps.