Info and forum posts by 'Simon X'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 16th July 2004, 15:54, Last used: Thursday, 17th February 2005, 16:09

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Benq 16x DVD Writer!! (& Dual Layer)!!

Dunno about the 16x discs, but the dual layer discs are (kind of) here at last. I say kind of because the only place I`ve seen them so far ( are charging a tenner each! I can`t see many of them getting sold at that price, but I`m sure they`ll get cheaper pretty rapidly as the technology catches on.


RE: New DVD player, severe ghosting

Thanks everyone for the advice. Managed to sort this out in the end without resorting to ripping bits out of my scart cable. Turns out my TV has a setting for what it`s sending out through AV2, and while there doesn`t seem to be an option to send nothing, setting it to send AV1 gets rid of the ghosting.


New DVD player, severe ghosting

I recently bought a new Pacific DVD player from Asda, and I`ve noticed severe ghosting while watching DVDs. It`s like some kind of geometric pattern overlayed on whatever we`re watching, or occasionally some text that looks like it could be from a TV programme. Do I just have a dodgy unit that I should take back, or could something else be causing this?

I vaguely remember reading somewhere on the net that it`s caused by an unnecessary connection in the scart cable, and that I need to rip out one of the pins to fix it. But it seems kind of odd to me that this is necessary, and besides I can`t seem to track down the article again, so I wouldn`t know where to start...

Any help would be appreciated,

RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

The audio on ads is higher because the advertisers want to bombard you with their message. They compress the crap out of the sound, with no regard for the quality, because they somehow think that making it louder makes it more likely you`ll take notice.

"If anyone here is in advertising - kill yourself." - Bill Hicks

RE: Ultra-cheap DVD players from Richer Sounds

Thanks everyone for the advice - very useful. I went with the consensus of opinion and popped over to my local Asda, where I picked up a Pacific 1002W for the measly sum of £35.

I have to say I`m well chuffed with it. Picture and audio quality seem great, and it plays audio and MP3 CDs brilliantly. Multi-region too! Haven`t tried anything like DVD-Rs in it yet as I`m still awaiting a burner for my PC, but I`ve heard it copes pretty well.

The only down-side is that it`s a bit of an ugly f**cker, but at that price I can`t complain. :D

Ultra-cheap DVD players from Richer Sounds

I`m looking to purchase an extremely cheap DVD player - I don`t want to spend much money, as I`m intending to buy a DVD recorder as soon as dual layer ones come out (which surely can`t be long now, they`re already out for PCs...)

Anyway, I`ll probably buy from Richer Sounds since I`ve always found them excellent for service and price. I was going to get the Tedelex model that`s been talked about here before, but they don`t seem to have any. Instead, they have the following models in my price range: -

Limit DVD8072 (Graded Multi-region) - £19.95
Acoustic Solutions DVD421 (Graded Multi-region) - £24.95
Ronin P9C0 (Multi Region) - £29.95
Hitachi DVP335 - £29.95
Acoustic Solutions DVD451 - (Graded Multi-region) - £29.95

Can anyone offer any advice on the above? I`d like multi-region ideally, but it`s not too important. What does `graded multi-region` mean? Should I just buy the cheapest of the bunch? Or would I be wise to spend a bit more than the models I`ve listed?

Cheers for any advice,