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DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th July 2004, 15:56

This really bugs me. Got all decent connections etc, but it`s almost as if the player or player/recorder hasn`t got an audio amp. Watching a DVD of "Evolution" last night and had to turn the volume on the TV almost right up to max. That`s OK - sort of - except I usually forget when I go back to broadcast TV and nearly blew the speakers out of the TV. Can`t be good for them. Is there a way round this problem (other than remembering to turn down the volume on the TV for broadcasts) ?


RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Monday, 19th July 2004, 16:26

Is there a way round this problem (other than remembering to turn down the volume on the TV for broadcasts) ?

DVD volume isn`t lower, it`s actually broadcast TV etc. volume is too loud.
The problem here is that you`re used to broadcast, so that`s what you expect.

However, DVD actually has a wider dynamic range, and hence people think the volume is lower.
Think of this, you`re sitting talking to someone at home, nice volume etc...then a car smashes into the side of your wouldn`t be the same volume level would it?
No, it would be ear crashingly deafening!

Now, go listen to a DVD, and find an explosion in it. Set the volume to hear the vocal before it at normal level, then wait for the bang.....get the point now?

Yes, there is a workaround, but dependant on the player it might need a seperate amp.
It`s usually called "Night Mode" and found in the sound menus if your player or amp has it. That sets all the sounds to a similar level so much closer to the "broadcast" volume setting.

HTH :)

Jimbo : oÞ

RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Monday, 19th July 2004, 17:35

Aha, I geddit. Thanks jimbo, will now have to have a look at menus/settings etc. BTW it doesn`t help that I`m slightly aurally challenged (old age thing you know), that is until I change back to broadcast TV. :o :)


RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 10:09

Since ditching all my play-only DVD machines, and getting Panasonic E50 and E55 record-and-play machines instead, I don`t have to turn the TV up nearly as high during playback of recordings or original DVD films.
My previous play-only machines have been the likes of Toshiba 330`s and Pioneer 555`s.
They needed turned up to as high as 27 on the TV volume.
I`m lucky if I need to go any higher than 13 using my newer machines.
SKY still only needs about 7,so there is still a volume discrepancy there,but it`s definitely not as marked as with previous machines I`ve owned.

RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 10:15

BTW,the Panasonic E50 and E55 (as with most other machines) have a dynamics audio compression function which allows the sound to be more like what your used to from TV and video.
i.e.speech and explosions are much the same volume.
I never use it like.
I don`t see the point in `reverse engineering` the sound and like it the way it`s intended to be.

RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

Fitz (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 12:12

From jimbo`s info, I`ve had a look at the settings on my Philips DVDR70, that`s got a "night mode" so I`ll be able to play around with that. Still have to delve into the Panny E50 and the other Philips player only. Part of my problem is as said before is that whilst not exactly deaf, I`ve got this condition (as do a lot of people in my age group) where it becomes more difficult to pick out speech from background noise, not just on TV but in every day life. In other words, I can hear the words but can`t understand what people say. As my life long pal would say "I`m not deaf, everyone mumbles" :D


RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

bowfer (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 20th July 2004, 13:47

I too have a hearing condition.
When my wife speaks all I hear is "blablablablablablablablablablabla" :/ ;)

RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

tripodjw (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th July 2004, 12:20

In a related question, why is the volume on adverts always so much louder than the tv programme. Now that drives me round the bend...

RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 27th July 2004, 12:31

Thats been answered before, basically its sloppy work by the audio guys who dont match the required sound level to that required by the broadcasters.

RE: DVD players/recorders - Why is the audio output so low ?

Simon X (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 30th July 2004, 14:51

The audio on ads is higher because the advertisers want to bombard you with their message. They compress the crap out of the sound, with no regard for the quality, because they somehow think that making it louder makes it more likely you`ll take notice.

"If anyone here is in advertising - kill yourself." - Bill Hicks

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