Info and forum posts by 'bryfly'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 31st July 2004, 05:30, Last used: Saturday, 31st July 2004, 05:30

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

panasonic e55 vibration

Had a panny e55 now for about 5 weeks, works perfectly but this week has developed a vibration when there is a disk in it not playing, it vibrates the tv cabinet it is in and if you touch the top of the unit itself you can feel it , once you start to play the disk it stops. Im using panasonic disks with no caddy, when I try with a caddy disk it is a lot quieter, any of you Panny owners out there noticed this, or have I got a faulty one??

RE: What are the drawbacks of owning a Panasonic DMRE55EBS DVD Recorder plse?

Thought this DVDR could only record with DVD Ram or DVD-R..........just bought one and cannot find any reference to recording using DVD - RW ????? :)

RE: Panasonic DMR-E55 tips

quote:- Best place for Ram is
Does this mean you buy them in the caddy and disgard it?...the only 9.4 gb discs I can see at bigpockets come in the caddy, unless they are out of stock of non caddy disc.

Panasonic DMR-E55 tips

Having read and absorbed the various comments about the above recorder have ordered one today due to arrive on Tuesday 12th.
Has anbody got any do`s and don`ts for the use of this machine, you know the sort of thing, the ones they never tell you in the manual.
Also where is the best place for obtaining DVD Ram discs, is it best to go for the 4.7 or the 9.4 disc, in the caddy or out the caddy, all advice gratefully received. Cheers

DVD Recorder:- Liteon 5005 V 5006

Hi, thinking of a purchasing a liteon 5005 but have noticed from some comments that it could be lacking in some features, now that the 5006 is listed on the lieton web site is there any experts out there who can tell me if the 5006 is a better bet than the 5005, or are the features still missing?? thanks Bryfly