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Info and forum posts by 'DrZarkov'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 21:04, Last used: Wednesday, 11th August 2004, 21:04

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 53 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.05 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: MVC Sale (inc Alien Quad £24.99)

picked up Fallen for £4 :) , They had a few other good deals (Gladiator £7.99, Fellowship Of The Ring E/E £9.99)

RE: Blue Planet

got mines today from blah. Quite a slow service, but i am well pleased to have got it for £12

RE: Should have been great!

I thought it was their best performances in years

mmh don`t know about that, Connery and Shaw were in two classics the year before ( Man Who Would Be King and Jaws ) I thought both performances in those films, especially Shaw as Quint in Jaws, were far better than those in Robin and Marian.

RE: Raising objections to a planning application in a neighbouring county

I don`t know the legal ins -outs of this but surely you should still be able to raise an objection if its close by. Alas common sense and the legal system seldom if ever mix.

but hey on the up-side quad biking/4x4 is ace fun and all you villagers should cut a deal with the farmer for seriously reduced prices :) :)......would be worth it just to see the local Vicar acting like Colin MacRae.

Should have been great!

Taped `Robin and Marian` on Friday off ch4. This is a film which should have been great with the strong cast ( Sean Connery, Robert Shaw, Audrey Hepburn, Richard Harris and even Ronnie Barker as friar tuck ) and potential great story of the Robin Hood legend 20 years later.
What a dissapointment!. The film moved at a snails pace and none of the actors really seemed at all interested, combine that with the downbeat ending and it leaves you feeling cheated at the thought of what could have been. I mean Connery as Robin and Shaw as the Sherrif of Nottingham should really have been ace!! `but it wasn`t.......sad. :( :( :(

RE: Recommend me some classic 16 bit games, if you please.

Super Tennis on the snes was great

Desert Strike on the megadrive was also fab

RE: Romantic Film Recommendations, Please...

How about Doctor Zhivago? Its got the lot - romance, action, good story and Julie Christie looking utterly amazing. I know its quite old but imo it has aged quite well ( the ice house still looks superb).

RE: Which Country do you think poses the greatest threat to mankind??

Global warming is far more of an issue to bash the US around the head with in the near future, I suspect.


Karaoke moments

Seeing as I made an ar$e of myself the other week when a bit drunk ( bladdered ), and was up in the pub singing John Denver ` Country Road `, why, why, WHY!!!!!.

Was just wondering what everyone elses fave songs on the karaoke are or what their most memorable performance ( good or bad ) was?

take me home, country the place I belong......West Virginia, mountain mama , take me home... country road

thank you, thank you ..........hic

RE: Which Country do you think poses the greatest threat to mankind??

Re - Tinnion
What I`m saying is that America would have acted far sooner, before Germany had a chance to re-arm, if she had not taken such an isolationist view. This also goes for Britain and France who had plenty of opportunities to stop Hitler before it was too late but chose a policy of appeasement which led to the biggest disaster in mankinds history.

RE: Which Country do you think poses the greatest threat to mankind??

Well, to be honest, anything goes nowadays. And the world is a much worse place for America nominating themselves as `world police

Do you think World War 2 would have happened if the U.S had acted then as a world police force?, they cant win either way as their policy before WW2 was to be isolationist and it was heavily critisized for reasons that became obvious with Hitler invading Poland.

RE: Which Country do you think poses the greatest threat to mankind??

I think India, Pakistan or some ex Soviet state are the biggest threats with their nuclear capabilities. Its easy to have a go at the U.S because they are the one true superpower around today, but I would rather have them than communism which would have been the alternative if U.S forces hadn`t been based in large numbers in western europe during the cold war.

RE: What film do you watch the most on DVD?

The Big Lebowski and Kellys Heroes.

Just find them both so funny and enjoyable to watch

RE: So, what`s in you toilet library?

Latest Bank Statement....I find it always helps out without the need for pulling one of these >:( faces!"


RE: The Official Star Wars Trilogy Thread - all others will be closed !

Got mine today, thought the sound and picture was stunning, few niggles though-

Why make it so you cant change to subtitles or commentary when watching?

Not heard all of the commentary but I f/f to some crucial parts in the films only to hear a techie guy instead of Lucas

The cardboard box is flimsy and tears easily ( unwrapping it )

Mentioned it earlier, but why doesnt Chewbacca get a medal, I reckon Lucas should have done an extra where you see him gettin it awarded.........OK i`ve went to far

RE: The Official Star Wars Trilogy Thread - all others will be closed !

they match but episodes 4 -6 have silver writing compared to the gold on 1 + 2

RE: Personal DVD Viewing LOG w/e Sunday 19th Sept

Raging Bull - First time I had seen this and it was good if a little depressing

The Cooler - Liked this, Alec Baldwin was very good

Alien v Predator - OH NO!!!, didnt expect it to be up to much but this was total Krapola

Tombstone - Great film. This is how a western should be made, much better imo than the snorefest that was Open Range

Father Ted season 3 - funny as hell, specially the Speed episode

RE: The Ryder Cup !!!!!!!Spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!

Go on Monty, fantastic!!!!! He deserved to be the guy to win it for europe, must p*** the yanks off even more........yesssss

RE: What a lovely pair of tits!

yeah i like birds that are a bit on the blue side (ahem..i`ll get ma coat)

RE: Cinema scum!

I reckon they should bring back the balcony in cinemas as us decent folk could sit up there and bombard the neds/chavs with apple-sour slush puppys and rancid hot-dogs with plenty hot,hot mustard................yessssss

RE: Movie Quotes........

Agree that the Arnie suggestions are great but I reckon they were greatly influenced by the James Bond films ( particularly Sean Connery ).

champ manager

i`m on season 3 of c/m 4 and my players are still not training any harder! any idea how to get them

RE: Blue Planet

What a bargain at 12 quid :D . The best nature series ever!!!!
mines on order...yess

RE: The Greatest Week in DVD History????Woo! Hoo! Star Wars and Shawshank in one week!!!!!!!!

This w/e I will be watching Raging Bull ( shocking i`ve not seen it yet )
also got The Cooler and Alien v Predator to have a look-see.
Getting Star Wars on Monday.....not long now..

.......oh and if I have time maybe a tin of Crown thick gloss

Movie Quotes........

Just watched They Live, what a great line by roddy piper when he walks into the bank:
" I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass......and i`m all out`a bubblegum" 8)

RE: 9/11 Conspiracies on C4 tonight *SPOILERS*

seems oliver stone will be having a wet dream when it comes to making the inevitable film!!!!! , Conspiracy = Sh*t

RE: De Niro!!!!

chris i`m not saying he has not been a superb actor (e.g. your list) just he seems to make muck these days. fokkers!!!!!!!!!! foks sake!

De Niro!!!!

Just watched The Score and it was total schecht. I think the last time De Niro made a half decent film was Ronin, what do you say?

RE: Leuchars Airshow

Went years ago duder, it was a good day out then though. Get there early if driving, the traffic can be quite bad.