Info and forum posts by 'Leprech'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 28th November 2000, 19:18, Last used: Tuesday, 28th November 2000, 19:18

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 4 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: I need to get colour on my TV. Using a DVD-ROM.

This depends on what output software you`re using. I used to use a Hollywood+ decoder card and the software (Station) has an option for TV output to be PAL or NTSC. You`re outputing in NTSC to a PAL TV which = B&W ... have a look through the video options for the software/hardware you`re using for DVD playback.


RE: Forgive the newbie question!

Thanks Lumpy,
I`ve tried the 16.9 mode and am still having the problem. When watching the DVDs ported from my PC, I can set the player to output to "Wide" mode and end up with a border of an inch or two at the top or bottom. The problem at the moment is that from the Wharfedale, the border is taking up a third of the screen at both top and bottom and I`m left with a very wide but very short viewing area across the middle. I just can`t figure it out. I`ll have to give Wharfey a call and see if they can shed some light.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Forgive the newbie question!

Lo all,
I`ve just got my hands on a Wharfedale 750s which saves me having to port over from the PC, but .... I can`t work out the widescreen theory. I`ve a a mitsubishi 28" widescreen TV.

From the PC, some DVDs (R1) would play full screen and others in letterbox with a very small border, but almost every wide screen DVD I play from the wharfedale is in letterbox format with huge borders. Effectively, the film is viewed in the center third of the screen. I`ve set the player up for 16,9 - 4,3 (PS), 4,3 (LB) and Auto, but it`s the same story. Output has been swapped with Auto, PAL60, PAL60R and NTSC but no change.

I can get full screen by pressing zoom once, but that defeats the purpose.

This is the newbie question ... is the above normal? ... I assumed a widescreen tv would allow me to view in widescreen (almost), rather than having a 14" viewing area with the information from the sides thrown in for free.

You can now proceed to cast stones. :)

Thanks in advance,

RE: Wharfdales and DTS

My mate has a 750 and I have a 750s, but from what I`ve heard, the 750 can use DTS but is not certified. The 750s is. It should work but I haven`t tried it myself.