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Hardware Forum

I need to get colour on my TV. Using a DVD-ROM.

Joxer23 (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 29th November 2000, 17:20

Could anyone help? I have just figured out how to show DVD`s on my TV using My DVD-ROM. But there is oly a black & White picture.

I`m using a NVIDIA TNT2 M64 card

ALso a Pannasonic TX-28CK1L



RE: I need to get colour on my TV. Using a DVD-ROM.

Leprech (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2000, 14:43

This depends on what output software you`re using. I used to use a Hollywood+ decoder card and the software (Station) has an option for TV output to be PAL or NTSC. You`re outputing in NTSC to a PAL TV which = B&W ... have a look through the video options for the software/hardware you`re using for DVD playback.


RE: I need to get colour on my TV. Using a DVD-ROM.

Simon Bovey. (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 30th November 2000, 20:23

Or you are mixing up your Svideo with normal scart / composite - make sure that if you are using Svideo that your TV is set to that mode and if your are outputing composite that the TV is not expecting svideo

RE: I need to get colour on my TV. Using a DVD-ROM.

andrew wilkinson (Harmless) posted this on Friday, 1st December 2000, 20:53

region 1 discs will still output as NTSC and I dont think the Pana TV does multistandard? does it hence in theory only region 2 discs should play colour

RE: I need to get colour on my TV. Using a DVD-ROM.

cw2000 (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 2nd December 2000, 00:19

Some graphics cards with PAL output only support PAL 60.

UK is PAL 50

A PAL 60 signal fed to a UK TV that does not support PAL 60 will result in a Black & White picture

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