Info and forum posts by 'Pulk'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 26th September 2004, 13:11, Last used: Tuesday, 30th August 2005, 17:07

Access Level: Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 6 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


>Lidl are doing 2Ltr bottles of Pepsi (and diet) for 69p.

The last time i bought Pepsi from Lidl was literally the last time.

It tasted like weed killer to me.

RE: Sony 28 inch flat widescreen @ Sainsburys half price £249

A bit O/T but...

doesw anyone know if sainsburys still have stands for the Lodos ws sets they were selling from late last year? .

RE: Sainsbury`s 28inch Widescreen TV £159.99

Loads of these in Savacantre Hemstead Valley. Also this TV DOES come with a stand, which is available on its own for £29.99. The assistant brought one out for me with a stand and when I said I didn`t want it he told me they are free if bought with a TV. Sure enough on the till it came out for 0. I didn`t see a mention of this anywhere in the store so if buying one make sure you ask for a stand.

Has anybody else picked up a stand for along with this tv? I might have to make a trip back to the store with receipt and get myself a of charge ofcourse.

RE: Sainsbury`s 28inch Widescreen TV £159.99

Can you get Sainsburys to deliver this TV or do you have to pick it up yourself instore?

RE: Gamecube bargain??

I bagged one of these after much faffing around at the checkout. They wouldn`t authorise the sale and then tried to fob me off with another 4 game pack minus DKa and the bongos.

Eventually they let me have it but told me that package wasn`t meant to be on offer anymore. They never had Pokemon Colliseam in stock so i got Zelda:WW instead!

So thats a GC + Donkey Konga/Bongos + LoZ:WW + 2 others (that i will trade in) all for £80!

Thanks go to the OP

RE: MICO Espejo R311. DVD Recorder. I have one. First thoughts.

I`ve just finished editing my first DVD+RW on the Mico

However when i play it on another DVD player other than the Mico all the edits are not recognised.

What do i have to do to have it play in other players like it will on the Mico?
