Info and forum posts by 'brodyhooperquint'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 16th November 2004, 13:04, Last used: Tuesday, 16th November 2004, 13:04

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 16 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Panasonic DMRE55...problem

Hi Brooktop...I seemed to have found the soloution to my problem. From now on I manually set the timer settings with PDC off and it seems to be OK. Everything I have set till now has been fine. Test it yourself and see how you get on.


RE: Panasonic DMRE55...problem

Thanks phelings, I`m going to remove the PDC and set recordings manually and see how it goes.

RE: Panasonic DMRE55...problem

Yes bowfer...I`ve tried that... I set it earlier and it did`nt even start to record never mind finishing early! >:( damn pile of s**t >:(
I would`nt mind so much but this is the machine Panasonic sent me as a replacement for a dead one so you can imagine how frustrated I am >:(

This item was edited on Thursday, 9th December 2004, 19:26

RE: Panasonic DMRE55...problem

yeah the disk is blank, and I usually record in LP mode anyway so there is tons of room on the should`nt stop when it feels like it.
I have had nothing but trouble with Panasonic machines...I`m thinking of replacing it with the JVC vcr combo as it does ram as well....more expense I can`t afford! >:(

RE: Panasonic DMRE55...problem

thanks bowfer...i`ll try it


Panasonic DMRE55...problem

Hi... has anyone had their timer recordings end before the programme you are recording finishes?...This happens to me sometimes both when I`m using videoplus and also the normal timer recording method. PDC is always on.
I know it`s definatley finishing early because the space used is less than it should be.

Could this be because I have`nt formatted the disk? you need to format on a regular basis?...I use Panasonic ram disks which I have`nt formatted...I used them straight away after opening them.

This is my second DMRE55 (first one dead)...I`m getting rather p****d off with Panasonic. >:(

This item was edited on Wednesday, 8th December 2004, 15:33

RE: Need help setting up my new Pansonic DMR E55 please...

Hi philth ... It does`nt switch off when I hold the channel up and down buttons.

Hi bowfer ... You need to access the setup screen to change the code and I can`t access the setup screen.

Thanks anyway guys. I`m going to call Panasonic I think.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 17th November 2004, 14:36

RE: Need help setting up my new Pansonic DMR E55 please...

Thanks Jimbo...but no luck

This item was edited on Tuesday, 16th November 2004, 23:16

RE: Need help setting up my new Pansonic DMR E55 please...

Hi Brooktop ... yeah it works my Sony TV with a code. Batteries are fine.


RE: Need help setting up my new Pansonic DMR E55 please...

Thanks bowfer & Brooktop ... I really don`t know what to do next.

yeah the batteries are fine

This item was edited on Tuesday, 16th November 2004, 18:16

RE: Need help setting up my new Pansonic DMR E55 please...

nothing happens when I press the function button

RE: Need help setting up my new Pansonic DMR E55 please...

Hi...I`ve had no luck with what you suggest. I think there is a fault in the machine somewhere because when I press the "power on" button on the remote control it does`nt come on (you need to press the "power on" button on the recorder itself to come on)...also when you do this it says "bye"!! then goes to the flashing"0:00". :(

RE: Need help setting up my new Pansonic DMR E55 please...

Thanks bowfer ... I`ll give it a try.


Need help setting up my new Panasonic DMR E55 please...

Hi there...I have connected my E55 via my NTL digital box as described in the user manual but the display won`t move from a flashing "0:00"...anyone have any ideas?...I can`t seem to get to the "setup" screen.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanks...Colin :)

This item was edited on Wednesday, 17th November 2004, 13:07