Info and forum posts by 'Potter'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 4th December 2000, 10:49, Last used: Monday, 4th December 2000, 10:49

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: I have a first gen Warfdale 750s.

which is Nice!

This user has posted a total of 26 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh you mean, Karl the Power. Long live Eric the King

RE: Lets Hear it For The Mighty reds You Funboys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"to the tune of london bridge" (everybody!)
Gary Neville he`s ok, he`s ok, he`s ok
Gary Neville he`s ok, he hates scousers.

And please don`t tit on about doing the double on us Dukey. Look at the league.

RE: Playing CDR+CDRW`s on DVD Players That DONT normally support these DISCS !!!

What`s wrong with the Silver Traxdata, Chris?

Now I think of it I`ve had a few problems with those!!

RE: COME ON YOU REDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I`m with you mate........

Who put the ball in the german`s Net?
Who put the ball in the german`s Net?
Who put the ball in the german`s Net?
Ole Gunner Solskjaer...................

And hopefully a few more goals besides.............

RE: Who`s the greatest, Pacino or De Niro?

For me its godda be Bobby De Niro.
Fair enough he`s done some pretty crap films: The Fan, Meet the parents, Rocky and arsewinkle to mention a few.
But in every one of his film`s he played HIS part to perfection.

He get`s the scrip, "well" he says, "I don`t fancy making that movie much but hey, it`ll pay the bills."

Pacino is too choosy with his rolls and fair enough is spot on in most of his movies.

But for me De Niro’s performances stand out…..
Taxi Driver
Mean streets
Deer hunter
Raging bull
Cape Fear
15 minutes
The Score

Every one of the above movies were good movies. In fact most of them were great.

Well that me lot.
Bobby 9.99
Al 9.5

RE: The Mummy - What are your views?

Harmless fun for all the family,
The sequel looks good, it`s a trailer on Pitch black region 1, or is it Meet the parents region 1.
Nevermind it looks pretty good. It`s a shame the Bloody Rock bloke from the WWF plays the scorpion king or whatever.
The special effects are bound to be very good.
It get`s it`s US cinima release in June I think.

Different leading wench though....

RE: Meet the parents(R1) - 750S locks up in chapter 6

Hello, well at first my player crashed on the loading of the DVD after the warning screen, but a quick wipe of the disc and were off. The complete film played fine and all of the extra`s (bobby d`nero`s outakes, christ he can laugh).

Stigmata, beyond the promised land & final destination R2 crash my player, temporally that is.

I can`t remember seeing the layer change at all in "meet the parents". All I can think of is that the disc is slightly dodgy.

Sorry I can`t help.

RCE out of the window!!!

According to my sources, the DVD industry are scrapping RCE, cost it`s kak. Too many players have a work around and it`s costing them too much money to press it onto the disc`s etc. Has anybody heard anything to back me up..........

RE: Wharfedale 750s - What discs have problems? Gladiator disk 2?

The only major diferences are, the Fast forward choices, and the better menu system I think. Or and it`s load speed is quicker an the layer changing is ment to be a little better to. I sent me 750 back and got a 750s, I only had two disc`s at the time and the 750 played the Interviews on the "beyond the promised land disc" and my new 750s feckin won`t. ARSE.

RE: Daewoo (The Judders) From Argos

Agree. It sounds like it`s a PAL/NTSC problem.

RE: More Wharfy 750s problems......!

X-Men R1 plays fine on my 750s. It`s a fantastic quality disc. All the special features play even the spiderman easter egg..........

RE: Region 1`s seem ok though

Spot on Chris......
All the region 1 disc`s I attempt to play on my 750s play fine inc all the special features. But when it come to region 2. feckin hell. The card game won`t work on final destination for a start. Oh and you can`t have a look at the special play interviews on the man utd beyond the promised land movie.( I know before you start, what am I watching that rc[at]p for)

Region 2 my arse.

RE: Where have all the Wharfedale 750(s) gone

Try page 14 of the SUN newspaper today. It`s also in the daily mirror advertising them. They are still well alive and kicking

RE: More Wharfedale problems

oh heck.. That sounds like a bit of a problem.
I also have a 1st gen 750S and I had problems with the hack but I did get it to work.
The region free hack works fine for mose disc`s unless it`s hollow man or that pap will mel gibson in you know RCE discs.
After changing regions I always restore to the factory defaults before attempting another one. The key to getting the dedicated region 1 etc hack working is this. Get youself right up next to the right hand side of the player as you look at it. Hit the open/close button on the remote. But most importantly do not wait for the tray to open. As soon as you hit the open/close button you should be tapping in the 1`s. You will see the **** apear on the screen. The hack must be compleated before the tray opens. If not then the hack hasn`t went in. Another thing is that my player didn`t tell me that it was region one at all, but it readaly accepted the hollow man disc, whereas before it warned me about the RCE coding. To get it back to region two I`d do the factory defaults, or even the dedicated open/close 2222 2 hack. Good luck.
NB: if you take it back to the factory defaults it should brifiely display a dodgy number, at teh top of the screen begining with a "Z" I think standing for the zorren chipset. see ya..........

RE: Free-box (interactive tv-set-top-box with dvd player, for free!)

hmmmmm sounds ,,,,,,,,, interesting. Although it does mention in the FAQ`s that it won`t be available until June/July 2001..

RE: I`ve reached the limit of Excellence on this BB - or have I ?

easy........I think
you obviously have been changing your regional settings lately. To correct from the B/W screen.

Power on your 750s. wait for the b/w screen then press open on the remote control, them press the display button on the remote.

hey presto. color or is it Colour.

Hope this is right.

RE: Tesco and Wharfedale

I originally had a 750. But took it back to Tesco`s and then ordered a 750s on line at their site.

I was cracking to a bloke in know at the tesco extra shop and he said that they would not be getting Anymore Warfdale DVD players of any kind in ever again like. (He’s a Geordie you see like)

I still bought a 750s from the site, and it`s a great machine. Hollow man, RCE no problem.........

RE: Wharfedale 750s hack problems, it`s all green!!

Seems very strange, The words "Region Free" do appear in green but then the DVD logo just sits there, nice and blue. What disc did you try on it with the green effect? It wasn`t the (green mile) was it.... "doh I need a new script writer"

Make sure that in the setup you have the correct match to the Disc, or Try Auto, which will select NTSC or whatever disc you play. I take it you are using scart to scart!

RE: How to get your Wharfedale 750 exchanged for a new 750S (if you get problems)


I did have my receipt with me though, and I`d only bought the thing a week ago.

Also I`m 99% positive that when I got back down to the DVD player section, mine was sitting on the top of the stack, As I said I was asked if the item was re-seleable..

I should have my new warfy 750s early next week. Does it have a different remote design?

RE: How to get your Wharfedale 750 exchanged for a new 750S (if you get problems)

I found it a bit easier than you. I went to the local 24 hour store, at midnight. They were only too happy to give me a refund. I said the player was too big for my cabinet. Saying that I had only bought it a week ago, still boxed and everything in it`s place. I had a browse around the store, and buy the time i got down to the dvd players, there was my player in the box on the top of others ready to sell again. She didn`t even check the contents, just sealed it up and put it back on the shelf. It`s a good job it was spotless, "now....... did I change it back to region two again?" hmmmm

Post back and let me know how you get on with your 750s. When I got home I ordered one from the website.... Potter

RE: Wharfedale 750s - What discs have problems? Gladiator disk 2?

I hope there arn`t many problems. I have just taken my 750 back to tesco`s and ordereda 750s off the tesco website. I`ll post and let you know of any problems........

RE: WoofDale DVD 750

Thanks for the advice Cozmoz, I have done just that. My new 750S should be with me in about a week, ordered from the tesco website.


RE: WoofDale DVD 750

Cheers Robert,

At least I can view the film it`s self on disc one........ cheers again

Hold on.... I see are selling Glidator R1 for £17.99

Dos the R1 version play both discs on my Warfdale 750.... ??

This item was edited on Monday, 4th December 2000, 15:49

RE: Philips 711 from Tesco

I got the Warfdale from Tesco... I`d heard that the 711 had a limited region 1 hack, to 25 hacks.

I have seen a review for the player though... here`s one I found

Pros: great video & sound quiet operation ££AWESOME PRICE££
Cons: Can`t think of one!!

Finally a great piece of electronics with mature technology and a strong name to boot! The Philips DVD 711 is a single disk player that has dual lasers for DVD & audio cd,and it`s features can be enhanced the tech from Philips told me if some new technology comes out that this player does not support, call Philips and they send you a cd you pop it in and the DVD player does the rest!! The player supports DVD, Video cd, Audio cd, DTS digital out, Trusurround, Dolby Digital. It has fiber optic & analog out for audio,it has S-video & component video for video. Component is supposedly the newest thing in video. I paid £199.99, from Circuit City the player according to Philips tech support is the newest single disk player, I have owned the player about 3 weeks and have had no problems. The player is by far the most quiet DVD I have owned compared to RCA & HITACHI. The player menu is some what complicated it has more options compared to the earlier model its` screen saver is cool!! The video is great considering I don`t have S-video or component. I could only imagine if I did have it. I do have fiber optics for sound and the DOLBY DIGITAL is awesome!! I have played a majority of my DVDs` and audio cds` with no problems!! I am extremely satisfied and that is hard to do, because I demand excellence out of all my purchases. For the price you can`t beat it because I have tried for less you get exactly that less. There are cheaper players like Samsung, Hitachi, and Oritron, but why risk it!!

Purchase Price: £199.99
Sound: Professional quality
Ease of Use: The basics are easy to learn and apply
Picture Quality: Sharper and crisper than real life
Durability: The Best: Solid and unbreakable: it will last forever

Recommend to other potential buyers? Yes
Recommended as a gift for: Entertainment Junkies

WoofDale DVD 750

Bought one at the weekend... I haven`t used it yet, cos the lass has bloody wrapped it up and given it to santa to deliver on the 25th...GIT

So is this player OK? Reading the reviews from certain mags, it sounded great. But have I bought the right player?

And is there any truth about the rumor it won`t play much of The "Gladiator R2" discs.. Santa will also bring that disc too. SOme advice please!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers