Info and forum posts by 'gremlingirl'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 5th December 2004, 22:55, Last used: Sunday, 5th December 2004, 22:55

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: Florida fan-atic since getting my own villa in Orlando in 2000
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This user has posted a total of 19 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Sorry!

I never knew you could die in a fight.

RE: Poor little Poohbearie

Sadly he passed away on Dec 26-and I wasn`t even there to hold his poor weak little paw!
Pneumonia-you know!

Still-he lives on in his offspring


RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Sadly Poohbearie passed away on Dec 26th at the age of 3 weeks-while I was ill and my son in law had tinkered with the puter and I couldn`t just log on.

Gone but not forgotten.

What does `busy` mean?

There`s a few gremlins I would have liked to challenge today-but they have busy beside their name.

Sorry if this topic has been covered before.

RE: Poor little Poohbearie

Thanks very much.

He`s told me that he feels a bit better today-as long as he doesn`t cough!

He`s going to have a nice hot shower-some sausage, egg and bacon for lunch-as he didn`t eat at all yesterday-so with a bit of luck -he will be fighting fit!

Poor little Poohbearie

I just like you all to know that he has dragged himself out of his sick bed today where he has been really ill with an evil chest infection and poorly as he is he hasn`t let the side down!

Challenges wanted around the 450 mark

I`ve used all of mine for today.


RE: Picking challenges

What? Kill your own gremlin? Never?

I`m dreading the day Poohbearie dies.

I was hoping at the end of his fighting life-he`ll be available for shopping trips, cinema visits etc.

RE: GRRRR! challenges wanted around 240 300 300

Poohbearie is round about that mark.

RE: Refusing Challenges

I know I said Poohbearie wasn`t going to refuse any challenges-but when Paaaarps has over 800 points for stamina and dexterity and poor little Poohbearie is still in the early 200`s-it seems a bit pointless don`t you think?

RE: Refusing Challenges

I never refuse a challenge-no matter how big.

Ahem-I should re-phrase that-Poohbearie never refuses a challenge!

RE: Can anyone kill your gremlin?

so how much time does my Gremlin have. I mean has he got something terminal?

Is he just going to turn his toes up?

Is there a cure?

Look-I`ve never had a virtual pet before. I missed out on the tamagotchi generation :(

RE: Can anyone kill your gremlin?

Can`t you have more than one gremlin at a time then?

Passing on this site information

As requested passed it onto two of my comping groups-so hopefully there should be a steady influx of new players soon

RE: Can anyone kill your gremlin?

Oh no-they only live for a month! Perhaps we need to spearhead a campaign-please spare our gremlins!

Can anyone kill your gremlin?

I`ve grown rater attached to Poohbearie-so although he`s lost more fights than he`s won-I`m worried that a more ferocious gremlin than him could kill him

So far he`s only ever passed out!

RE: fight wanted for gremlins around 150, 150, 150

My little Poohbearie is up for the challenge. He hasn`t won many fights-but he`s not afraid of a scrap!

RE: :o(

me too-I don`t understand it either. Poohbearie fought someone today who also had lower stats than him-and also still lost!

I just don`t understand it

Several times Poohbearie has had a fight and won more rounds than the opponent-yet he`s still lost.

The poor little chap has been beaten black and blue today.