Info and forum posts by 'pcutting'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 09:12, Last used: Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 09:12

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This user has posted a total of 5 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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I do, I have sent 3 emails over the past few months, regarding playback, noise and picture problems, none have been answered.

Now (thanks to these forums) I`ve found out my players firmware can`t be upgraded, I`m going to start phoning their customer support and asking for another (already on my 2nd) player.

RE: SCAN Bad playback, what can I do?

NTSC to Pal Playback

I`ve found the player can either out put pure NTSC, which works OK but the colour balance is all wrong (everything looks washed out).

Or the player can convert NTSC to PAL, the picture quality is fine, but the picture is jerky/jumps around, especially in fast action sequences.

RE: SCAN Bad playback, what can I do?

I have exactly the same problem with my Scan player (Firmware 150).

I have found that it`s better to purchase R2 titles, as the player`s PAL output is A LOT better than it`s NTSC playback.

To add further insult, it`s impossible to bypass the NTSC problems by getting the player to output only PAL as the players NTSC to PAL conversion is very, very poor leaving you with a jerky un-watchable movie.

You are both right about Nelly, I`ve sent several emails about the picture quality problems and received no replies.

Anyone out there got any ideas???


Scan Firmware Upgrade, from Version 150

I`ve just discovered I have version 150 of the Scan firmware in my player.

Has anyone got firmware which will upgrade version 150 to a later version, such as 180 or 191??

If so please email it to me at gnittucp[at]moc.tenretnitb


RE: Q inside!! & Can some1 please send me the most recent firmware update for SC2000?

Can anyone tell me how to find out which version I currently have??

Mailto: gnittucp[at]moc.tenretnitb