Info and forum posts by 'Puppet Master'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Monday, 13th December 2004, 20:35, Last used: Tuesday, 12th April 2005, 15:25

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlins growing stronger

fowl play - what like ducks and geese? ;-)

I really dont spend my XP that often ; in the past, I`ve usually only done it when my grem is about to die - bit of a tricky game sometimes though ; from memory one of my previous incarnations had about 100 XP unspent when it died.

I cried.

A lot.

This item was edited on Monday, 14th March 2005, 21:39

RE: Gremlins growing stronger


Yup - up 17 places into 6th in the current table.

Yeah - its not fair

Ah - I guess you`re not going to like seeing me zoom past you either then ;-) I have just cashed in 6000 XP that I had stored up.

I was holding a small reserve in case the life extension mod ever got implented and sort of forgot to spend any of them ;-)

This item was edited on Monday, 14th March 2005, 19:55

RE: Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

Grrr - you`ve still not answered the question tho - why refuse my challenge when you were accepting challenges from those lower down?

RE: Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

Nah - Psychobabble has gone onto my "wuss blacklist" now.

RE: Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

Well - I noticed that Jessie II and Santa Baby II both bagged a whole pile of XP out of the deal ;-)

Still doesn`t explain why the Number 2 gremlin isn`t willing to fight the Number 14 gremlin. Not good enough for you? Not going to get a lot of fights that way!

Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

Socket Puppet:

Strength: 474
Stamina: 753
Dexterity: 997


Strength: 810
Stamina: 1150
Dexterity: 1145

What gives?

He`s baaaaaack

Hmmm - internet connection was knocked out there for a couple of days - sorry to anyone who used up a challenge and had to wait for it to lapse.

Sock Puppet has probably only got another couple of days in him - be nice!

This item was edited on Thursday, 6th January 2005, 06:52

RE: Fight code version 3 (development starting soon)

Is the gain in xp at the end of the fight dependant on the number of rounds you win during the fight? I have noticed that in a number of fights, I have demolished my opponent with two or three blows, whereby my opponent has been pecking away at me for a dozen or so rounds in the fight, hitting my because of higher dex but not killing me because each blow doesless than (say) 20 points of damage, due to diminished strength.

Even after winning fights such as these (as I say, often with no more than 2 or 3 blows) - I have found that the opponent has a much greater xp gain than I do - surely quite a perverse situation?

The "health meter" now shows how much damage you`re doing to your opponent - would it not be fairer to use the amount of damage you`ve done to your opponent as reference point when calculating the gain in xp for the loser, rather than the number of rounds they`ve won?

RE: Fight code version 3 (development starting soon)


Are there any plans for a WAP version maybe? That`d be useful for those who are addicted to this malarky, but bugger off frequently and have cheap WAP access on their phone. I for one would`ve made use of it last weekend Happy

Not sure if you are familiar with WML or if your server can deal with it - maybe worth considering for the future at some point perhaps...?

I know this would have been useful to me over xmas day and boxing day, when it was impossible for me to get to my computer because of boring visits from friends/relatives. I am sure my lil grem suffered through missing a large number of challenges.