Info and forum posts by 'johndavis'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 10:28, Last used: Tuesday, 14th December 2004, 10:28

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 14 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Phew almost made it to no 1 all time


was born on 14/12/2004

passing away on 10/1/2005

strenght 940
stamina 1309
dexterity 1311
no fights 542
wins 379
lost 163

All good things come to an end

Until next time!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 00:10

I don`t believe it!!!!

this what just happened

Round # What happened Winner Health
1 Psychobabble lunges for DOWNWITHSTU, causing breathing difficulties (Damage 1031) Psychobabble -717 vs 1300

Psychobabble is the winner as DOWNWITHSTU has passed out!

just too damm strong :(

RE: Can`t we do away with the randomness of gremlins lives?

It does seem a tad unfair :( I should have lost top spot to you guys but are above me in the all time league, just because I am still alive does not guarentee being displaced by me in the next few days I have a few hundred piont to gain. with 2+3 XP from each fight I dought it.

RE: biggest turnaround since microsofts decision not to incorporate internet explorer


by rights I should have lost first place

This item was edited on Monday, 10th January 2005, 00:09

RE: Have any other gremlin keepers....

I am normally up till 1:00....... honest ;)

RE: biggest turnaround since microsofts decision not to incorporate internet explorer

one of the problems is that because of the strength of psychobabble most low ranking fights last 1-2 rounds middle ranking upwards last 3-4 rounds with punches of between 300 ish to 650 ish ( increased strenght in preperation of new code bah! )
Oh well you live and learn hopfully see you other side of 12:00 ( or is that 00:00)

RE: Roll up, Roll up - get your high XP here!! Ranked 4th and taking all challenges from lower Greml

Don`t panic don`t panic **** PANIC!!!!!

I go out for 9 hrs and look what happens sob sob!

This item was edited on Sunday, 9th January 2005, 23:10

RE: biggest turnaround since microsofts decision not to incorporate internet explorer

Well, I`ve got 248 wins now, yet have fought less than most of the other top gremlins. So, if you`re going to compare, you have to compare taking into consideration the amount of wins out of the amount of overall fights. Not only that, you have to take into consideration how long the gremlin lived for. After all, some gremlins live for upto 7 days longer than others. As I`ve said, I`m 4 days younger than Psychobabble - if I were to die 4 days after him, I guarantee that I could top his win count. Unfortunately, I`ll die soon after him

I`ve had 336 fights, of which I`ve won 248. Psychobabble has had 481 fights, of which he has won 319. If you work out the percentage of fights won out of the overall amount of fights, I think I`m above Psychobabble. (I`ve won 74% of my fights - Psychobabble`s won 66% of his.)

Aw shucks you say the sweetest things!!

As you say I get so little points from most of the fights ( no tactics chosen ) I may as well get as many fights under my belt and every day alive is a bonus.

This item was edited on Sunday, 9th January 2005, 23:02

biggest turnaround since microsofts decision not to incorporate internet explorer

Psychobabble is accepting all challenges that incudes you newbies

Make my last few days a happy time! and gain at least 15-20xp points

Thankyou and goodevening ;)

RE: Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

posted by VurtHed on Saturday, 8th January 2005, 00:32
Even beating "your mum" did not feel good

You should feel good when you get that sort of luck!

We had some good fights you and me And you will be missed :) ]
But now It pays to be week :(

RE: Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

Oh what the hell ill be dead soon bring it on!

Put this morning down to not enought coffee!!

RE: Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

By the way I accept all challenges 99.999999% of time no matter which cremlin it is

example of what I mean above

1 Psychobabble aims at Whupass II, causing a cracked skull (Damage 911) Psychobabble -721 vs 1150
Psychobabble is the winner as Whupass II has passed out!

Whupass II gained 15 experience points for this match, whilst Psychobabble gained 2.

This item was edited on Friday, 7th January 2005, 14:23

RE: Oi - Psychobabble - you refusing wuss!

as the creater of psychobabble what is the point of fighting I might as well create a new gemlin, challenge gremlins at the top of league and gaine max xp point even though I loose

Jessie II : Strength: 180 Stamina: 248 Dexterity: 278
Santa Baby II : Strength: 137 Stamina: 225 Dexterity: 287

Quote:- these 2 grem`s are mine, i challenged him and he challenged me back straight away coz we were experimenting the new tactic things. i lasted 2 rounds in one of the games against Psycho who is a much harder gremlin and got 15 exp points!!

out of these two fights I got 5 xp points

I also have kungfookid, whupassII and my daughter has boo boo

if you wish I will challenge you too make you happy!