Info and forum posts by 'grandmaster stat'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 15th December 2004, 20:31, Last used: Wednesday, 16th February 2005, 16:56

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 61 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.06 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

spud II

Owner is
grandmaster stat
Strength: 58
Stamina: 2166
Dexterity: 3384
Likes nothing
Dislikes nothing
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 152
Lost: 135
Challenges Waiting: 0

Beloved spud II. Lived only 23 days and fought just 15 of those, yet still made the top page of the all time hall of fame. The highest ranked gremlin ever with fewer than 300 fights. He will be missed. spud III will continue the grand tradition of the spuds next week when their training camp has completed relocation.

This item was edited on Thursday, 3rd February 2005, 00:29

RE: What`s wrong with the new code

I think I`ll still go with a low strength gremlin when I reincarnate. People lower in the league will accept your challenges because they know they`ll get at least 21 points, instead of 6-12 points against a similar gremlin.

Calling all high dexterity low strength gremlins

This way of allocating points is still the best! As long as you fight gremlins who have allocated points in a similar way then the fight will be long, and both gremlins will receive 20+ xp points. I`ll now be looking to challenge gremlins like this and I encourage you to do the same. With a potential 20 fights per day thats a lot of points!

Attention gremlins 250,250,250 - 350,350,350

If anyone with stats 250,250,250 - 350,350,350 wants to challenge me it will be accepted. Under the new fight code I think I`ll get about 10 points and you`ll get around 20-25. If anyone a bit lower or higher wants to have a go, be my guest.

RE: New Fight Code

Seriously now, is this a backlash against high dexterity? Just come out of a fight where I had 1900 dexterity and they had 800. They avoided *my* attack then hit me? Surely the stats should have some resemblance to what actually happens.

RE: Fight points allocation - something not right?

Definately something wrong with points allocation:

I should have 12 points for rounds won, 6 points for rounds survived and -5 points for xp difference = 13
They should have 3 points for rounds won, 6 points for rounds survived, 1 point for accepting the fight, 2 points for winning and 5 points for the knockout = 17

Instead, I get 7 and they get 9 :(

RE: New Fight Code

Has there been another change in fight engine? I`ve got dexterity around 1100 higher and stamina and strength around 450 lower than the gremlins I`m challenging and I`m hardly avoiding any of their hits.

RE: New Fight Code

I`ve only looked at about four of the fights but I think it may have something to do with not knocking the other gremlin out. If you win on points without a knockout it appears the deduction of points doesn`t work. The one fight I saw where he managed to knock the other gremlin out he was only awarded 1 point. I hope the points get deducted when this comes out or it makes a mockery of the hall of fame.

RE: New Fight Code

I can understand people feeling a bit upset over the way the system has gone - I`m not happy about it myself and preferred the way it was before, but it`s ridiculous to moan about people allocating points in such a way that it maximizes their potential points. Isn`t it only fair that people who spend a bit of time thinking about the best way to allocate their points get better results, after all, they`ve put more effort into the game.

It does suprise me that RJS is encouraging people to refuse fights :(. Only a week or two ago people were moaning at how many fights were being refused and there was talk about how things could be changed so that there were less refusals, not more.

Is this the way we really want the game to go: 10 challenges made, 9 refused, 10 challenges received, 8 refused, total fights per day = 3. If things go like this, the people who`ve spent most time playing the game will lose interest and it`ll die out.

Go back to the way things were before the last change, get rid of refusals, and let people allocate points any way they want. This will motivate most people to play.

RE: wat the hell?!?!?!?!?!?!

I didn`t copy you, I promise :)

Check out my first gremlin spud. i started putting xp evenly between stamina and dexterity, but as soon as the fight engine changed started putting it all into dexterity. hence, until a day or two ago my dexterity was about 700 points higher than any other gremlin. makes me wonder where you got the idea from ;)

RE: wat the hell?!?!?!?!?!?!

If you`re on about me, it was by pumping all my points into dexterity at the start, so my gremlin was born with 100 dexterity, and challenging some top gremlins and some gremlins with higher strength and stamina, but lower dexterity. My whole strategy is based on not being able to knock out my opponent, but getting most of the hits in.

RE: New Fight Code

No point accepting challenges now unless you`re within about five or six places on the league table. :(

Is it just me, or is this a case of if it ain`t broke don`t fix it. The first change had lower ranked gremlins challenging the big boys, and now there`s a huge discrepancy in points gained. In the long run this will cost you Prufrock, as who`s going to challenge you, and who will accept challenges from you?

RE: New Fight Code

With 60+ xp for a fight, looks like a hall of fame place isn`t worth squat now :(

RE: Will nobody here challenge me?

still accepting all challenges, and pitifully weak :)

RE: New Fight Code

No, it doesn`t mean that. Note that it says the minimun number of points you can receive is 1. So every fight accepted that you win gives 3 points for the win plus a minimum of 1 point. So it`s still worth accepting all challenges, plus it improves your win ratio if that ever affects the hall of fame.

RE: Will nobody here challenge me?

Give this a bump up as I`m still accepting all challenges :)

RE: Will nobody here challenge me?

What on earth happened here?!?!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 22:23

RE: Have any other gremlin keepers....

Australia or New Zealand?

By the way, I`m probably the most masochistic person playing the game, as I have to get up at 6am Mon-Sat, but am rarely in bed before 1am! I`m fine on six hours sleep a night, though five hours a night for the past five weeks is pushing it a little!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 00:39

RE: Try again: 4th Highest Ranked Gremlin accepting ANY challenges. Captain Squarepants wants to fig

My estimate of Prufrock Returns potential is 6000+ as a 21 day old, or 8000+ as a 28 day old. You heard it here first people!

As a bit of advice: only put xp into dexterity from now on. When facing high strength gremlins increase dexterity, when facing low stamina gremlins increase stamina. Check out spud`s last 50 or so fights. When employing this tactic virtually no one laid a glove on him, and by reducing strength to feed stamina against low stamina gremlins the fights were never over quickly. I just wished I had never upped my strength to anything above 100.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 00:45

RE: Try again: 4th Highest Ranked Gremlin accepting ANY challenges. Captain Squarepants wants to fig

I`m currently experimenting with very low strength (60) very high dexterity (230) so if anyone with dexterity a lot lower and strength a bit/or a lot higher fancies challenging me it should be quite a long fight with lots of xp for both of us :)

Of course, I accept all challenges, so if your gremlin doesn`t match the above description still feel free to take a punt (in fact, if gremlins are low on all three categories, thanks to my pitiful strength it should still be a pretty long fight).

This item was edited on Tuesday, 11th January 2005, 00:22

RE: Will nobody here challenge me?

Spiked minigun did refuse my challenge today :(

But don`t worry, as I shall try again tomorrow :)

BTW: Best signature I`ve seen yet ;)

This item was edited on Monday, 10th January 2005, 22:55

Will nobody here challenge me?

Just getting a general Zod complex there ;)

spud got used to lots of fights towards the end of his life, and spud II is feeling lonely in comparison. Somebody fight me please.

If any other new gremlins want to post similar requests here, feel free.

RE: Can`t we do away with the randomness of gremlins lives?

I feel bad for you. It`s a bonus for me in one way as it means I get a day in top spot, but will lose that tomorrow to a gremlin that lived four days longer. If we`d have lived that long 6000 points wouldn`t have been out of the question. Still, we did benefit from excellent circumstances, and top five all time is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick :)

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

R.I.P. spud

Born 15/12/04
Died 09/12/04
#1 All Time Gremlin

Points: 4759
Strength: 207
Stamina: 1352
Dexterity: 2474
Likes nothing
Dislikes nothing
Age: R.I.P.
Won: 242
Lost: 89
Challenges Waiting: 0

Died before his time after too few fights. He is survived by his son, spud II.

RE: Roll up, Roll up - get your high XP here!! Ranked 4th and taking all challenges from lower Greml

Psychobabble is a day older than me, but I became silver haired and a pensioner before him, so if anyone`s going to survive the night it`s him!

Damn this random life expectancy, I don`t smoke or nuffink!

RE: Roll up, Roll up - get your high XP here!! Ranked 4th and taking all challenges from lower Greml

If my maths is correct I`m currently the #1 all time highest ranked gremlin :D

Strange, that as I`m probably dying tonight my highest ever living position will be #2 while my highest all time position will be #1

RE: Roll up, Roll up - get your high XP here!! Ranked 4th and taking all challenges from lower Greml

You`re right about that :)

I`m just happy I`ve got to live another day. My goal was to break 4000 points, but now it`s looking like a place in the top ten all time list isn`t out of the question.

With you probably living a day longer than me, you`ll surpass my total and may even make it to #1 all time!

RE: Roll up, Roll up - get your high XP here!! Ranked 4th and taking all challenges from lower Greml

I too am accepting all challenges (rated 3rd with even lower strength than prutoo!)

Might as well; will probably be dead at midnight.

RE: All pansies

Though I have never refused a fight and make 10 challenges every day I still have less than 300 fights to my name with only a day or two left to go :(