Info and forum posts by 'Scoobs'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 23:34, Last used: Wednesday, 6th December 2000, 23:34

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Looking to buy a dvd player!

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Pioneer 535 Macrovision - Heap Big Problem!!

When I bought my 535 - I had to go for the Techtronics model as the chaps in the local Richer Sounds shop advised their model was NOT macrovision disabled. I think this is why!

RE: Making the most of available RGB SCART and S-Video SCART inputs

Does the ONDigital box have two scarts? Mine does (Nokia) so I`ve just daisy-chained.

RGB Scart vs. S-Video

Can anyone tell me the techy reason why an RGB scart connection is better then an S-Video connection? Its just that I can`t notice any difference on my Pioneer 535! Mind you, it might be just that the telly`s a tad old.

So . . . in alleged order of quality . . . is it:

RGB Scart
Video Scart

Well Connected?

So whats the best way to connect up a Pioneer 535? Telly can accept scart, svideo, composite, and I`ll need a 6m cable run. Whats the best?

RE: Techtronics, MultiregionMagic or Upgrade Heaven?

Just bought a Pioneer 535 from Techtronics . . . . chose T as had heard good reports, and their web site had shed loads of info. Price much the same as others, but with free delivery, although it did take 5 working days. Happy enough so far, but its when things go wrong that differentiates the good from the bad!

All companies will have satisfied and dissatisfied customers - swings and roundabouts!

RE: Current Owners of pioneer 535

Yep, as far as I know, all Pioneers need to be chipped to be multi-region. If you`re buying one mail order, why not just buy a chipped one to start with - only about £35 more!

RE: Is the Pioneer DV535 any good?

msk . . .

yeah, gottit start of this week, but being complely under the thumb and a wimp, I cant use it till chrimbo - cos the missus says so!!!! wimmin . . . .

RE: Inline device to remove macrovision

CM1 £60
Stab1 £35

RE: Is the Pioneer DV535 any good?

I`ve just ordered one from Techtronics, so hoping its good!! The Richer Sounds one doesn`t diasble Macrovision - which I wanted.

RE: Techtronics for a Pioneer 535?

Yep, I`m looking at the Techtronics Pioneer 535 also. Quite a few people on another forum have bought from Techtronics and are all pretty pleased with their service. Seems they are out of stock at the moment though!