Info and forum posts by 'Pete_Sam'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 25th March 2005, 13:44, Last used: Friday, 3rd March 2006, 01:41

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 17 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Was the NotW right to publish the pics of soldiers beating iraqis?

I apologise if I have offended you or anyone else.

The most important fact here is that 2 more service people are dead which I feel is directly caused by the publishing of this video.

I know what the Army did was against the Geneva convention but what do you expect them to do when they were brought into the compound, serve them tea?

It was immoral for them to be roughed up, but that`s all it was and it could have been much worse so at least there was some restraint shown.

I personally feel that instead of handing the video over to the MOD to investigate, the NOTW decided to sensationalise the events for profit with no regard to the safety of service personnel working out there.

Obviously the NOTW has no care of duty towards helping it`s own Armed Forces.

RE: Was the NotW right to publish the pics of soldiers beating iraqis?

You really have no concept of what goes on out there.

British bases are consistently under attack from mortar`s from fanatics out there
(never reported) while the troops are trying to do a difficult job of winning over the
everday Iraqi`s using `hearts and minds` ethos.

These actions are not a daily occurance and the publishing of this video and pictures
(over 2 years old) have been used as a propoganda tool and has undermined all the effort the British Army has done to be seen as fair and impartial since being an occupying force.

Tensions have been high for a while with factions vying for political power and this video is
the catalyst that the extremists have been using to create an uprising.

Surely the News of the World would have had the foresight to realise the consequenses of it`s actions.....maybe selling more newspapers at the expense of our Armed Forces is just seen as an unfortunate outcome of being in a profitable business.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 1st March 2006, 21:44

RE: Was the NotW right to publish the pics of soldiers beating iraqis?

After today`s events, I wonder if the sensationalising scum are sleeping easy in their beds tonight.

Maybe they should all go out there and see what a hornets nest they`ve stirred up.

News of the scum.

RE: Peter Tyson; Any Good?

I have used them in the past and they are excellent.
Fast delivery and great prices.


This item was edited on Saturday, 3rd December 2005, 13:32

RE: Any websites that tell what a drug is used for?

The British National Formulary (the book used by doctors/nurses) have all the drugs that can be prescribed. A bit technical but great.

complete novice at plumbing !!

I was wondering if anyone had ever used the plastic speedfit stuff and if so how easy are they to use. I`ve never tried plumbing before and I really want to install a garden tap. I have previously bought the garden tap kit but they seem only to fit to copper pipe and ours mains pipe is plastic. Any ideas - ta!! :/

RE: Sky Viewing Card Query

I`m not sure if it is slightly different for Sky+, but we never have our telephone line plugged in to the sky box except on the very rare occasions we order film/ppv. Especially after hearing about one person who eneded up with huge phone bill when the box kept connecting to sky every 2minutes and being charged for it (not sure if this is real or just rumour).

This item was edited on Thursday, 28th April 2005, 19:09

RE: flueless fires

:) Maybe you`re right, I`m willing to take the chance!!! Does anyone have an idea of installation costs/time? I have absolutely NO idea how much it might cost the gas man to install the fire - any rough estimates? then at least I can get saving!!

This item was edited on Saturday, 23rd April 2005, 14:23

RE: flueless fires

Thanks for all the advice. Our next door neighbour has an electric fire but I haven`t seen it in operation. I`ll admit it isn`t my first choice, I remember the old elctric fires from when I was young - not nice!! Also the cost of running it, the reason I want a fire is so I don`t have to have the central heating on throughout the house. Maybe I`ll look into it
more though. There are completely flueless - i.e no ventilation through outside wall, these work on a catalytic exchange.

RE: Ba****d my timing belt just went kucking faboom

My sisters pugeot 16v car timing belt went, 14 of the 16 valves had to be replaced - cost £750!!! We got our belt checked the next day!!!

flueless fires

Hi, was wondering if anyone has any experience with flueless gas fires. We have moved into a house with no fireplace/chimney and was thinkiing of getting a fire installed. They are not cheap to buy and any advice or recommendations would be great. Ta!! :/

RE: HMV Clearance Sale

Thunderbirds 1-8 were £13.99 now £1.99 each total £15.92 for complete set.
Get them and you can and relive your childhood!!!!!!

This item was edited on Friday, 25th March 2005, 13:49