Info and forum posts by 'Jimtastic'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 7th April 2005, 09:53, Last used: Saturday, 28th May 2005, 16:09

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 15 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

i like your idea richard h. just think i could use it on michael j every day and then hopefully i will beat him from here to kingdom come lol Grinning

Great illustration of why this would be cool - vendettas! Fantastic!

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

as for your suggestion jimtastic nice idea but just think of all the programming poor RJS would have to do for that.

I figured as much, but hey, if you don`t ask ;) You never know - one of these amazingly complex ideas might be really simple to put in place.

Have a nice holiday - look forward to spanking your next gremlin when you get back :)

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Another idea: How about if the gremlins took on characteristics of their avatars across strength, dexterity, stamina and lifespan. For example, when born a buffalo/bison would be great on strength, average on dexterity, reasonable stamina, shorter lifespan.

My thinking is that although in this instance, the gremlin would live for a shorter period, the initial strength boost would enable the buffalo to get up the chart more quickly.

Might make things interested (although is probably programming hell!)

RE: How is gremlin lifespan determined?

Out of curiosity, what are people`s views on the random lifespan? I`m in two minds. The random thang gives an element of unpredictibility which is good, but it`s very frustrating when you`ve trained a gremlin rapidly up the league for 20 days only to have it prematurely kark.

RE: four challenges available from the slowest Grem in the top 125 !


Well at least I took you to six rounds LOL :D

RE: four challenges available from the slowest Grem in the top 125 !

If you fancy all of about 3 XP, SonofMaker is a masochist and fancies a good pasting

*grits teeth*

RE: Some new Gremlins please RJS.

True, true.

While you`re on, can I say thanks for the game - onto my second gremlin and I`m hooked!

RE: Some new Gremlins please RJS.

What about if you could link to your own Gremlin image, much in the same way as a sig?

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

RIP ThyMaker - gone but not forgotten.

On his death bed, he paid tribute to his arch-nemesis, Maro, who`s name was always the first he looked for on the challenge lists.

In his will, ThyMaker passed all bragging and fighting rights to SonOfMaker who will be joining the rollcall of new Gremlins shortly.

RE: pickle :-)

Sorry - this was my first Gremlin and in the early days I didn`t realise that there nothing to gain by refusing challenges from stronger Gremlins :) Just searched back through the forums and spotted your other posts about ThyMaker - apologies :(

With reference to the kickings you gave me, you know what they say - "he who laughs last laughs longest" ;)

This item was edited on Saturday, 30th April 2005, 15:14

RE: pickle :-)

RIP Pickle :(

ThyMaker had lots of fun fighting you - was particularly good to get one over on you in our last fight ;)

ThyMaker is currently sitting at 11 in Pensioner stage. Can he breach the top 10?!?