Info and forum posts by 'The Original Fake'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 16th April 2005, 06:41, Last used: Friday, 3rd February 2006, 23:30

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 87 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.09 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Extra Days


Is thier any chance of putting in a day counter to keep track of how many days you have brought for your gremlin.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 29th November 2005, 11:00

RE: Gremlin Graveyard

Huge-Honey heads for Guardian Imp, giving something to think about (Damage 10546)

After giving Guardian Imp something to think about, Huge-Honey was overcome with grief and decided to hang her gloves up.

Gone but not forgotten.

RE: Welcome back <>.¦.<>

Well i`m not going to put her straight, i like my body in one piece, anyway i think old age will be her down fall

This item was edited on Friday, 25th November 2005, 23:35

RE: Welcome back <>.¦.<>

Huge-Honey heads for Guardian Imp, giving something to think about (Damage 10546)


I think the only thing the training gremlins taught her was how to smack, and smack hard

RE: Welcome back <>.¦.<>

I did try and tell her to go gentle but she gave me a good slapping as well ;)

Extra Days


How many extra days can you buy for you gremlin?

RE: 2 Challenges going free to good homes

Challenges Issued :) , told her to be gentle but she quite indipendent :/

2 Challenges going free to good homes

2 Challenges are available to to people with gremlins not scared to fight

(anybody inside the top 13 already has a challenge)

This item was edited on Monday, 21st November 2005, 16:05

RE: What`s going on ???

Hopefully in a week or two when I get the time, I`m going to put in the option to buy extra days. The cost of which will directly relate to the number of fights you`ve had

Any more Ideas on how it will work ie. cost of days

RE: MoreGremlins

Thats a shame, if you could get it to work then you could create another 6 gremlins and force your way to the top of the league ;)

Anyway back to the point,

Sorry to sound thick but what do you mean "but it keeps coming back to my original account !!! ", may help in solving your problem

RE: Challenges

Quick word of thanks to Staush & Phil for thier challenges yesterday, 2 gremlins brave enought for a fight.

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

Your barmy army of seven has challenge WIDE-WOMAN, every day for the last week or two (Not that I am complaining, they are all welcome), suddenly, soon as I put a bit of strength on (and the rumours of steroids are false), no challenges, why? I thought you were mixing it up, will challenging WIDE-WOMAN ruin you effort to obtain XP?

some would be thrilled with getting 7 challenges with 5000 in strength -- guess you`re not. Like I said -- no problem -- won`t happen again.

As you said, some one with strenght of 5000 (or Over) would be thrilled to get 7 challenges, but i get none.............


Not a single challenge all day >:(

Is there anybody brave enough to challenge Wide-Woman :/

Are you all wimps, are the army of seven too scared to show thier faces at wide-woman door.

will anybody show up and and put up?

RE: A Challenge for one lucky winner

challenge issued to the white imp.

RE: Oi Baked, whats the problem?

Get the egg sucking manual out because YOU need it.

YOU need to get the egg sucking manual out, cus your perception of the game is through rose tinted glasses.

I am afraid you are wrong, if gremlin A challenges gremlin B, both stats will rise untill the fight is accepted. if you dont believe me take a note of some stats. looks like i taught you to suck eggs :D

A Challenge for one lucky winner

the top ten has been challenged :) , and i still have one challenge left :( .

Who wants it, step right up 8)

RE: Oi Baked, whats the problem?

i`m not teaching you to suck eggs, cus you will already know this, but waiting a couple days for your stats to increase will the challenging gremlin stats will increase as well still meaning you have no little hope of beatting them. just haveing a challenge waiting there waiting for it to expire is worse than refusing, also it can be detremental to your own gremlin as well by hogging one of your spots that people can challenge you.

if you dont want the fight then refuse, if you are one of these people who don`t refuse then accept, take the knock (and the free 3xp that go with it)

if you are in the top ten expect a challenge from the top spot gremlin, its not his fault he is better than you ;)

RE: Two Challneges

typical girl, does the opposite to what a man tell her to do ;)

RE: Two Challneges

I told him to go easy but, She dont listen to me ;)

This item was edited on Thursday, 25th August 2005, 18:53

RE: Two Challneges

Challenges issued, may the hardest gremo win ;)

Two Challneges

Good-girl has two challenges to give away. The closest challengers to 4pm will get them...

RE: lets see how many ppl read this

ok, ok i will step up ;)

RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

one large slice of "ass woop" pie duely dished out by UU ;)

RE: Another lousy challenge to give away

is this closest :¦

yes, just by 6 minutes, sorry phil ;)

This item was edited on Friday, 19th August 2005, 18:00

RE: Solution To Perfect

Oh look, a strength obsessed gremlin

I`m not strength obsessed, i`ve just got big, i`ve just notice some changed my slimfast for a protien shake... ;)

This item was edited on Sunday, 14th August 2005, 17:30

RE: Little request

Sound Idea, like it.... RJS is it possible

RE: Accepting all Challenges is the Evangelly Way ;)


Ignore me don`t bore me.

your the one that was going on about not having another gremlin after this one dies, i was just suggesting a quicker option for you misery and torment.

This item was edited on Monday, 8th August 2005, 01:24

RE: Accepting all Challenges is the Evangelly Way ;)

eclypse as well as the refuse button, try the terminate button ;)

RE: Refused

eclypse, i`m glad you read all the forum post but just to up date you cus it seams you have missed a few over the last few days.

RJS has fixed the bug that gave you - XP. Also he has also made it now that there is a minimum of 3 XP for the lossers.

This means if you get challenged, you will still get something for free, so what you got to lose. (except for the fight).