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Top 5 a bunch of whimps

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 18th October 2005, 23:18

Over the past 3-4 days I was curious to see if any of the top 5 guys would challenge a grem with some Str. Well they have proved to be the biggest buch of whimps since Bonus! Only challenging grems way lower than themselves. Since I was in the top 12 for the past 5-6 days I would have expected a challenge or 2 from at least a few of them. BUT NO! Not a 1 from any of them in days! Who are you guys challenging if not the top ten??? And challenging each other don`t count since all of you are probably all from 1 owner anyway.
I do appoligise to a few of you that were there (top 5) but no longer are since the whimps came along, since you guys did indeed offer challenges (Gruntfutock, Andrioo, to name a couple)
As for the current batch at the top... Grow some balls! Challenge a real Grem you losers!

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

recordbreaker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 18th October 2005, 23:41

Hahahaha! That`s funny!

Especially since Bill IV (Bill III, actually) called me out a few months ago for making challenges well beneath me. Talk about being a hypocrite.

Yeah, I`ll dig up that post if you need me to.


This item was edited on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 00:46

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

RichardH (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 08:55

Yes, I noticed the number of challenges I received had tailed off over the last few days before little ole Grunty kicked the bucket. Looks like the Dex change has pushed things a bit too far the other way again - but let`s give it a few weeks to bed in...

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

recordbreaker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 15:57

Fair enough....challenges received. It was a 2-2 draw.

Care for a rematch? Challenges sent

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

wac77 (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 23:05

But I really didn`t expect any since I beat the crap out every one of them yesterday. I was suprised they actually accepted the challenges at all! :o
Maybe I`ll get a challenge now
since I have to create a new grem and since they can beat it I might get a challenge from them

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

wulfs (Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 19th October 2005, 23:59

NOT a single challenge from the TOP 5 over here either for days.
What a bunch of panzies.
Picking on the lil guys and refuse to challenge someone in their league PATHETIC LITTLE WEAKLINGS
I`ve got 4 challenges that had their names on them but why bother if they are too scared for a real fight then let them just play with themselves.
Ya know there is a time and place to play with yourself. That is when you are home alone not while on a community board where the object of the game is to fight OTHERS.
they are NOT scared, they`re JERK OFFS.
what a way to be a wuss

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

recordbreaker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th October 2005, 22:32

I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed after yesterday. I got challenges by the top 4 so I returned the favor.

In neighborly fashion, I sent 4 challenges out today and got none back.

Oh yeah...

it`s probably because I knocked all four of them silly.

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st October 2005, 07:37

I should think the reason no-one is getting challenges is because Bill IV, Morley`s Pup, SpitChokenSneeze, Clyde Crusher, Aunt LaVerne, Stanley P. Kachawski and Hermey the Dentist are owned by two people between them. As I am sure they challege each other that will leave 4 left for the rest of you.

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

recordbreaker (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st October 2005, 12:15

Sure but that`s the point. Those last 4 challenges are going to gremlins that can easily be beat. Do I do it sometimes? Sure. I`m disappointed that challenges were sent my way after wac called them out. Just about all of those matches went long, giving both sides XP in the 80s and up.

The problem is that I either won or came dangerously close to winning, so no more challenges for me.

It`s no secret that they are on a mission to take over the alltime top spot and that`s fine with me. I`d just like to see them earn it as opposed to using 6 of their own gremlins to propel them up there.

If that`s the way that this game is heading, then I`ll just go out and create 20 gremlins of my own and as somebody else in this post mentioned....I`ll just play by myself.

Yeah, that sounds like fun. (:¦

RE: Top 5 a bunch of whimps

Magical Mau (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st October 2005, 14:52

I wasn`t saying that what they are doing is right. I was just pointing out that the six gremlins were owned by only two people.

They used similar tactics with the gremlins created first time around.

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