Info and forum posts by 'special_k84'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Sunday, 4th September 2005, 02:01, Last used: Friday, 22nd August 2008, 07:48

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 17 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:


I played this game while I was at uni with a few house mates and I have decided to ressurect their gremlins!

I came back for a stint late last year but there were no new grems and i was just getting pummled taking a mere 30 points from 10 matches so I promptly quit.

I control the 4 new grems and will try to log on every day to battle them all.

If any one happens to come across this message maybe you should create a grem and see if we can get the game going again!

Long wait ahead....

*tumble weed*

Did any one else see that tumble weed drift past?


muse_exo, danos and I have decided to terminate our respective grems. it seems a bit pointless playing the game since we can only defeat eachother. We havent got a chance of gaining large amounts of XP unless its against eachother yet other grems gain huge XP`s by defeating us. The gulf in XP`s will only become greater.

I will accept the challenges that were given today, but then will terminate dave_the_third.

Goodluck to the rest of you.

all challenges welcome to my new grem!

as the heading says all challenges welcome!
is my old foe PhilPhrenzy still around?

time to leave

i introduced a few of my flat mates to this game. unfortunately the time has come for us to do some uni work, deadlines are looming and since i am the only one with internet access its hard for every one to find time to battle their grems.
we have decided to terminate our grems and return at a time when there is no work to be done. 4 of us are in the top ten so us leaving will open things up a bit maybe, good luck to every one.
we will b seeing you all back on this game soon.


oi `lets bash bonus`! i know you`re claiming `bonus` refuses most people.. and those he don`t refuse.... he uses `hit harder`....
well... why are you using `hit harder` against my young grem... when you were clearly more powerful and had better stam.......?

And to make matters worse the last 3 to be started were almost immediately terminated

im afraid i was one of those people who terminated, i looked up the league and saw the nearest grems stats had almost reached 1000 on most things and it would have been a good week until i actually would have gained any points, im going to wait until there are plenty of newborns before i begin again.

almighty dave

the almighty dave passed away at 12am..... he was my first grem.. finshed 129th in the all time rankings i think..... and from what i understand about the rule chages (which happened b4 i joined) i have done pretty well! thanks to all those who helped dave get to where he did.... a special thanks to philprhrennzy who has guided me and gave me a good battle thoughout daves career.... dave wil be back in another form soon.....

not to make things sound worse......

not to make things sound worse......
but i havent got ne challenges.... its 3 am n no one has challenged me! is this a conspiracy to keep Dave from as far as he can go.... is it because he is an ethnic? im guessing thats the reason... i should report every one here to the racism bureau.... im not gonna tho.... will give ya`ll one more chance!!!! prove your worth... challenge the almighty dave!!!

waiting for challenges!

i see a few grems have one challenge waiting which seems to be from the almighty Dave. Why aren`t they accepting them when they have already accepted a few fights today?
come on people this is my first grem and ive managed to get him this far!
have other people who have hit the number one spot had this problem in the past?! or is it just Dave being too scary?!

why did i get more points than my opponent for drawing with them?

can some one explain why i got more points than fairytulip when my gremlin only managed to win 3 rounds of the 20?


Daves odds have gone up to 25-1, what chance has the poor boy got!? your just gettin the wins now while u can! 3 points aren`t valuable at the moment, but we`ll take them any way!!!

6-5 in her favour

that last epic battle set the score between the almighty dave and the gremlin of his dreams at 6-5 in her favour.
long may the battles continue....

RE: Vould you like to tengle vid Ulllllllllriiiika ka ka ka ka?

and the almighty dave stands up in triumph, in the few short minutes he has been awake, he managed to pulverise the gremlin of his dreams, he is some what glorified and some what saddened at the prospect of leaving ulriiiika ka ka ka ka in his wake......

RE: damn u Ulllllllllriiiika ka ka ka ka

ha sorry about that, i didnt realise i had, only one i remember refusing was from a gremlin about 5 times as powerful as the then pityful dave. any way Ulllllllllriiiika ka ka ka ka have beaten dave four times or so, must be doing wonders for her confidence. i think he fancies her... bad dave

damn u Ulllllllllriiiika ka ka ka ka

dave is still a baby, treat him with some respect! he is going to be the next bruce lee, the next van damme or even the next star wars fat kid! so watch your back, you havent seen the last of the soon to be almighty dave!