Info and forum posts by 'Carlito'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Friday, 29th December 2000, 14:27, Last used: Friday, 29th December 2000, 14:27

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: A DVD addict at the moment, spending beyond my means!

This user has posted a total of 25 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.02 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

Anyone used

Now I know their obviously not kosher discs, but I fancied getting my hands on the Indy Trilogy ASAP. Comments/advise please!

RE: Region 3 DVDs

I got my copy from, around £24 delivered in less than a week!

Great film!

The "Crouching Tiger" saga is over!, for me atleast - Cheers Ben!


Thanks for your suggestion re "dvdasia", I received my copy of HDCT yesterday morning - One week after ordering!

Have since cancelled my outstanding order (over 6 weeks) with Movietyme.

When I did this, they replied to my e-mail in less than an hour, despite refusal to reply when quizzed over disc tracking!

This reply read:

"No problem, all out anyway, sorry!"

I suspect that is not an attempted apology, but rather a sarcastic dig at one of the many fools that trusted them to fulfil their obligation to a customer.

Regardless to say, I will never use them again.

In fact, I will be going out of my way to dissuade anyone that shows interest in using them.

Thanks for listening!

RE: Five Region 1 discs = £

They are based in the UK I believe!

At least I hope they are!

They have a 0800 contact number.

Five Region 1 discs = £

Just ordered these five inc postage from the "Cheap Region One" list on their site:

Jaws DTS
Rambo First Blood
The Hurricane
Enter the Dragon (uncut)

All were £10.99 inc postage

Pretty good in my book, not that my credit card is going to like it!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 6th March 2001, 19:55

RE: Movietyme update

How do you know that it was "posted yesterday", when they are not replying to E-mails????

Is it my speakers fault? HELP PLEASE!

Over the last few days, the picture on my tv has become very poor.

Basically, I am seeing (depending on what I am watching) colour distortion coming in from the sides and corners.

My Eltax C205 floorstanding speakers are 1.5m approx away from the tv.

Could they be the cause?

I have had them for a couple of months now, and the problem only started up very recently.

If so, other than move them further away (I am struggling for space!), what can I do?


RE: Where can I get Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger without any hassle?

Cheers for that, but I just had a quick look at the site and it appears they only sell it on VCD! $19.99?????

Where can I get Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger without any hassle?

I`m going to try and cancel my order with Movietyme today for the above title.

Any of you kind people know of any other RELIABLE e-retailer that could supply HDCT THIS YEAR!!!


No more excuses, just how bad are Movietyme???

To be honest, I don`t think I have ever experienced customer service as non-existent as this in my life.

I like many others it seems am waiting for my copy of Crouching Tiger for nearly a month now. I mean what kind of business just plain refuses to respond to customer e-mails. Excuse me, but aren`t we the people that put bread on your table!

Their web site stated a number of weeks ago that orders received after the 23rd would be subject to delays of 2-3 weeks. No problem, mine was placed before then! Then that was changed to 3-4 weeks with now no reference made to a cut off date. Still that doesn`t affect me surely! Now the chancers are just plain saying there will be a delay, and all the time point blank refusing to answer enquiring customer e-mails "as this will slow down the shipping process". I mean, give me a break, just how stupid do they think we are? It`s just unprofessional, full stop.
Rest assured, when and if my copy of HDCT turns up, I will never, ever use this poor excuse for an e-retailer again.

Oh, and the person that used this forum to rave about Movietyme`s amazingly quick service a few weeks ago (prompting me to use them I might add), your either very very lucky or in their employ, and I suspect it`s the latter in this case.

Feel free to comment ladies and gents.

This item was edited on Sunday, 11th February 2001, 20:46

RE: Whats yer Best Movie Scene Ever?

From Gladiator

When Russell Crowe dispatches five gladiators with brutal ease, removing his final victims head from his shoulders.

He turns to the crowd and shouts "Are you not entertained?"

This scene has to be heard in DTS sound to be fully appreciated.

Stunning, just stunning!

RE: Does the Wharfedale 750 play VCD`s

RCE didn`t work on my 750. You either have a 750`s or a new generation 750. When did you buy your player?

RE: Sound / Speaker Systems

Do all highly paid software engineers (giggle, giggle) use such a imaginative descriptives as "bumface"

I obviously chose the wrong career!!!!

RE: Sound / Speaker Systems

Congratulations Le Borne you obviously have zero social life on which to spend your disposable income!

Unlike the rest of us.

While your at it, why not splash out on a Plasma tv, just another spell in the house, all by yourself........enjoy!

RE: Sound / Speaker Systems

Yeah agree with you there bigfan,

Very bassy, but you can mess with the setting on the reviever if thats a issue. But at that price, I think there a very good buy.

If you want to go higher, Mission 702 (not sure on the code) also from Richer for £99.95. My mate bought them along with the Sherwood (mainly because he is a hi fi snob!) and to be honest the difference in quality is negligable.


ps The original Wharfy is "The Guvnor" - with a rechip of course!

RE: Has anyone tried DVDDYNAMIC.COM?

@The Ironduke

Still no sign of the third disc, for the record it`s "The usual suspects", the other two were "Halloween" (Restored THX) and "The Dead Zone"

I`m assuming a "Roddy Piper" is slang for a skin flick????

Well thats the next batch of

RE: Does the Wharfedale 750 play VCD`s

Now I am very confused, I just got an e-mail from Technical at Wharfedale, and they tell me 750 (not 750s) does not play VCD`s, but they also claim in the manual it doesn`t play redion1. So what is the story?

RE: Sound / Speaker Systems


i just kitted myself out this Christmas with a Sherwood AV Reciever RV6106R for £199.99 (reduced from £300-350) and a pair of Eltax 90Watt C205 floorstanding speakers for £60 (reduced from £199.99) all bought from Richer sounds.

The AV Receiver decodes DTS sound (although your DVD must also output DTS for this to work), and the sound quality from Gladiator is outstanding. The reciever also allows me to run the sound from my video, tv and cable to the speakers giving a much improved viewing experience.

Later I hope to add a centre speaker/subwoofer and surround sound speakers when the cash piles up again.

But seriously, if you have the money to spend, do it. it makes DVD viewing ten times better.

Hope this is of some help to you.

Any R2 DVD you want for £10

I know this isn`t exactly legal, but what the heck.

At the moment HMV are selling a number of DVD`s for £9.99 including Lock Stock the directors cut and Notting Hill.

Buy either of these, and then walk to your nearest Virgin/Tower Records etc. and ask to return this unwanted Christmas present (labels removed of course) in exchange for the DVD of your choice valued at £19.99.

I told you it was a wicked thing to do, but it is basically fool proof for those of you that have no morals.

RE: Has anyone tried DVDDYNAMIC.COM?

I ordered 3 discs on the 12th Dec, they were shipped on the 15th and so far only two of them have arrived by the 30th. The timing of my order probably wasn`t the best ie Christmas post, but so far I wouldn`t consider the level of service to be too bad. I`ll wait to see what happens with the 3rd disc. Also free shipping is pretty good!

Does the Wharfedale 750 play VCD`s

I was interested in buying the Star Wars Trilogy on VCD, but the Wharfy manual says that it does not support CDV`s??????

Any advice would be appreciated guys.