Info and forum posts by 'mark2m'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Thursday, 8th December 2005, 17:20, Last used: Friday, 18th August 2006, 20:40

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 10 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: DVD Recorders reliable?

:) Had unit back today all fine, feel a bit better knowing it may just be my luck so thanks to all for feed back have to admit been bloody lucky with electricals as of late. just finished hooking up to samsumg 40inch lcd and watched first dvd on new tv have to say impressed the Incredibles looked fab (sons choice of film) if i stay up late enough one night might get to watch one of my choice, then again prob fall asleep again. becoming an expert on disney films still good excuse to watch toy story again :) .

DVD Recorders reliable?

:/ Bought a panasonic dvd recorder have recorded 4 dvds since xmas and played prob 30 at most as use sky+ most time. in for repair guy at shop matter of factly points out units not that reliable am i unlucky or anyone have prob? (mine ram drive)

RE: LCD best connections

thanks For advice still waiting for DVD to be repaired new ram drive! 3 weeks and waiting. only recorded 4 dvds as only bought for archiving old home movies so bit mifffed. kids not pleased.

LCD best connections

Hi was hoping for some advice on best way to conect Sky+ and panasonic dmres20 dvd to new samsung lcd bit of a novice as to what is correct way to get best from everything any helpful suggestions most welcome :)

Panasonic DMRES-20D

Hi was wondering has anyone experienced probs with this dvd recorder? mine hardly used and in for a new ram drive for which i am waiting on part, so was wondering am i the unlucky one. :/


tried the help line today spoke to a guy who informed me it can be hacked but he can not give out information as they can be sued by macro vision not sure what all that meant but got impression calls are recorded. so still pressing buttons and hoping for best. not to say should not keep trying help line. perhaps suggest he visits this forum. :)

LCD tv help and advice please

Hi All
I am looking to buy a lcd tv was thinking of 37inch as any bigger becomes prob in room.
have a buget of about 1,300 have seen one at says has lg phillips screen 8ms response time ect. for 1045.00 was wondering if any one has tried one or other products from them? Any other recomendations would be helpful as it seems a bit of a mine field.
many thanks m2m :)

RE: dvd ram

Thanks for advice have purchased some ram discs and aim to start experimenting. Will try dvd-r when I transfer home movies and films for kids of Sky+. thanks again m2m :)

dvd ram

Ihave just purchased a panasonic dmres20d and awaiting del. I am now wondering what discs to by. have heard that dvd ram is the best for quality but it is not compatible with all dvd players. also what make of disc are best? Plan to transfer some old home movies onto disc from vcr so can bin vcr any help greatly appriciated. m2m

tevion tdr5101

:/ Hi All was thinking of buying a dvd recorder seen one at aldi tevion tdr5101 was wondering if any one has one? would you advise to buy one? can it be made region free easily? the spec on the leathlet looked good but new to this so unsure.
thanks in advance for any help