Info and forum posts by 'wakey'

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Joined on: Friday, 5th January 2001, 13:00, Last used: Friday, 5th January 2001, 13:00

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 18 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Has anyone got 24 on DVD yet?

They are actually hoping to have every episode a full 60 mins by having the show sponsored so they dont need the ad breaks. And I`ve read that even if this isnt possible in the US the BBC will get the uncut 60 mins version to show

RE: Proline 2500 - American DVD Black and White after hack

Change the TV settinsg in your DVD`s setup menu. that should fix it

RE: where`s the yellow padlock?????

"The data is fully encrypted, hence the Ignite/Verisign logo on the page.
The padlock doesn`t show because we only use and SSL connection for the credit card form and not the surrounding frames that contain non-sensitive information."

As it says there the reason the padlock doesnt show is cos the only page thats secured is the credit card form and not the frameset the credit card form in a new window and teh padlock will be there

RE: DVD commentaries - waste of time?

I actually like listening to the comentaries. It allows you to see why certain things were done and can bring to your attention things you didnt notice

RE: Logix DVD 3000

It is the same machine as the Scan SC 2000.

The only disc that hasnt played properly on mine is Final Destination but then that wouldnt run on my friends scan either. All the other 50 discs ive used on it have worked fine (including gladitor that tripped many machines up)

And ther customer support was extreamly good (although they didnt have a fix for the problem other than when the menu transitions happen, which is what was screwing up, turn the machine off and then back on again which clears it up.) But then its not really their fault that certain DVD`s dont play but instead its the disk manufactuers who try to push the DVD format too far thus make disks incompatable ( Its a problem you can get on any DVD player)

Also they said that they will hopefully be releasing a new firmware for the machine to fix these problems.

And on the macrovision thing its working fine on mine whoch is running through my VCR due to lack of scart sockets

RE: Duno, freda haspat - ERKLE!

I thought the title gave a good indication what its for. (FREE fantasy F1 (formula one) with prizes).

Oh and it may have something to do with DVD`s as I a sponsor I am talking to is a DVD retailer

RE: Logix DVD 3000

I have it and for a budget machine I find the performance outstanding.

As for macrovision being disabled this can be done via the mneu that pops up when you run the region hack for it

RE: Woopy woo and Erkle too.

hmmm it says general which to me means anything and i was reading through the forums as i normally do and just thought i would let anyone who may be intrested know about it thus i dont see any problem with what I did.

its not as if its the only thing ive ever posted on these boards

FREE fantasy F1 with prizes

We are back for our fourth year of competition. There are a number of
from last year including a new look but as always the competition is FREE to
enter and there are guaranteed prizes for the winners. I`m still negotiating
with the sponsors as to the exact nature of these prizes but to give you an
idea last year we had a 1:18th scale model, THREE 1:43 scale models and
posters as prizes.

The domain isn`t working yet so for the time being head over to

Also we are looking to add race reports onto the site so if any of you are
budding journalists and want to get your work out there then drop me an

RE: 2 for £25 @ blockbuster

National...It was in the sun today

2 for £25 @ blockbuster

Just saw this ad in the paper...not sure what titles are actually in the offer but the ad has Go, americain piem Erin Brockovich,twister,Blue Streak, The bone Collector. the mummy and the Thing pictured.

May head down there later to check out what else is on offer

RE: LOGIX 3000

1. Press the Setup button on your remote control
2. Press the Title button on your remote control
3. Press the Step button on your remote control
4. Press the Next button on your remote control
5. Using the Up and Down buttons on your remote, select the region of your choice or Bypass for region free
6. Save and then Exit the menu


try the following

1. Press the Setup button on your remote control
2. Press the Title button on your remote control
3. Press the Step button on your remote control
4. Press the Next button on your remote control
5. Using the Up and Down buttons on your remote, select the region of your choice or Bypass for region free
6. Save and then Exit the menu

RE: LG3000E

According to LG the 3000e is exactly the smae as the 3000 except its silver. IF this is the case its just a Scan 2000 clone and the 3200`s hack shouldnt work.....try using the Scan`s old hack and see if that works (or try using the 3200`s code to chage to player to region one and try playinga region 2 disk)

RE: LG3000E new at TESCO

If the Scan2000 hack works on the 3000e it will bring up a hidden menu. From here you can remove macrovision, region code and many other settings

RE: LG3000E new at TESCO

Well the LG 3000 uses the old scan code. Not sure what the difference between the 3000 and 3000e is but try that *its the code at the very bottom of teh Scan 2000 hacks)

RE: LOGIX 3000

Use the OLD scan multi region hack (the one at teh bottom of page). this laods a secret menu which allows you change most of the settings

Has anyone got the LG 3000 hack to work

Saw it mentioned on the start page that it uses the Scan 2000 code however when I try it it doesnt do anything.

Has anyone else had this problem or am i just doing soemthing wrong