Info and forum posts by 'Braddock85'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 22nd January 2008, 18:04, Last used: Monday, 26th January 2009, 20:25

Access Level: Mostly Harmless

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This user has posted a total of 11 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Cables for connecting blu ray to 5.1 surround???

Hi again

Not been using the blu ray much, however, im still getting the same problem.
The reverb is my 5.1 surround. Like i said in the earlier posts, my blu ray player is connected to my surround using an optical cable. If i turn the surround all the way down and just use the audio through my TV it works fine, all in sync. It just seems to do it mainly with the blu ray discs. The reverb i mentioned, was the 2 audio channels clashing, causing a delay. Ive tried messing around with the delay times on my surround too, no joy.


RE: Cables for connecting blu ray to 5.1 surround???

Thanks for the response Chris.
I ended up getting an optical cable, and while im getting surround sound through my speakers, when i play some discs the audio is sometimes out of sync and im getting reverb with the dialouge in some cases too. Is there any reason for this? Mabye i need to tweak and have a mess about with the settings a bit more. Like i said, it works fine with most discs, but the first blu ray disc i bought-Doomsday- had hall like reverb with all the dialouge.


RE: Cables for connecting blu ray to 5.1 surround???

The blu ray player is the Panasonic BD 30 EGK.


RE: Cables for connecting blu ray to 5.1 surround???

Hi Sue

Been looking at the manual and i have a Optical in connector, Component video out, and the usual AUX audio inputs.. oh and a scart too!
Surely one of those would do the trick?
Thanks for the response.

Cables for connecting blu ray to 5.1 surround???

Ive just purchased my first blu ray player and im wanting to hook it up with my LG HTK752 surround.. I doubt i will use the LG for anything for apart from using it as an amp from now on.
The HDMI cable will now go from my plasma to the blu ray.
But how do i utillise my surround? I would have to set it on AUX, but what other cables do i need? And how do i set it up?


RE: Are there any Blu-Ray players that can play R1 dvds??

Yes there is a few on the market that can play Reg1 dvds...
Ive been after one myself and have been eyeing up the Panasonic BD30.
Does anyone own one, and have you had any probs with it?

Blu ray multi region question

Hi all..

Is there such a blu ray player out there that will play ANY disc that you put in it?
What i mean is, apart from playing blu ray discs, will it play my old Reg 1 normal discs too?? Also, would the quality in picture be any better too?


RE: LG HT752TH multi-region code needed


Tried it out mate and it didnt work...
Maybe i did something wrong, but the numbers you said to change, they wouldnt..
Id change them, and when id go back, they would go back to the old ones?
Also, they wasnt a 07 00... there was a F7 00 or something like that.
Send my a reply if there was something you may have forgot to mention.


RE: LG HT752TH multi-region code needed


I tried the very same thing a few months ago but, sadly no result...
I gave it another go last night and once again no joy..
Where did you get your player from?

RE: LG HT752TH multi-region code needed

Hey there...

Thanks for posting this, however, it dosnt work.
Ive tried this one already with no result.


Cant believe i havnt found a code yet!!!!

RE: LG HT752TH multi-region code needed

Im afraid im in the same situation as you two guys.....

Tried a couple of hacks but they didnt work.
Really thought i would have had it cracked by now.
I did however hook it up with a HDMI cable last week, with some great results.

