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Info and forum posts by 'Johnboy'

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Joined on: Saturday, 17th March 2001, 10:55, Last used: Thursday, 5th June 2008, 20:16

Access Level: Competent

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This user has posted a total of 420 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.05 messages a day, or 0.34 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: tattoo advice

Man, that sucks. Especially if it was chicken pox - it must`ve itched like hell at the time.


RE: tattoo advice

Bellend may be a little less painful


RE: tattoo advice

Why the wrist?? I know the most likely answer is why not, but just curious....


RE: Just a bit of fun.

It told me I got 0 right, which would hardly be surprising as I dont know you at all, but I find it quite hard to believe that I didn`t get lucky at least once.


RE: 2 minutes scilence for Alan Johnston. Today.

Indeed. Although when I was in a job that I wasn`t too keen on working for a major hamburger conglomerate, I always insisted on taking these silences. It was always fun telling hungry people they couldn`t order or talk to me for another minute.


RE: 2 minutes scilence for Alan Johnston. Today.

When did the standard minutes silence from the good old days make the transition to 2 minutes?? 2 minutes is a long time to be stood around not saying anything. How long before we move onto 3 minutes? Then 5?? Where will it all end? How many working days are lost these days due to these prescribed silences? When I die I would like to be remembered with 2 minutes rioting.


RE: virginmedia emails?

In my recent experience with Virgin Media, they don`t seem to know their arse from their elbows in my opinion.
I ordered the broadband/TV service at the beginning of the year while it was NTL. A few days after I went on holiday but ended up landing a job while I was away and staying away for a few months. Tried e-mailing them to cancel the service within 14 days explaining that I couldn`t phone them from abroad (to be honest because I knew I would end up being sent round many departments and it would cost me a fortune). No reply, no cancelled contract.
Tried again when I got back into the country in April, and was told that it would be cancelled and I would need to arrange to have the box picked up which I set a date for with them. They then failed to show up on that day. Called the following day and was told their system was slow and would get a call back which also failed to materialise.
It also transpires that they hadn`t cancelled the account so I got on the phone to them again. 5 departments later they confirmed it had def been cancelled (I had previously cancelled the direct debit). I still had outstanding debit which I paid on a card.
Then at some point I get told I was due a refund which isn`t processed automatically and I have to request, which was sorted.
Finally get a letter saying that I need to return the equipment and can I call or e-mail.
So rather than waste another 25 minutes of my life on the phone to them I e-mailed them explaining the situation and that I would be leaving the country for 3 months shortly and am unwilling to spend another day waiting for them if they are not going to arrive (was polite about it). No reply to the e-mail but a few days ago I get one of their guys dropping a card through my door saying he turned up to pick up the equipment "as arranged" - which wasn`t true at all.
I know they are now going to chase me for the box which is in storage, but to be honest I have wasted so much time already on this bunch of cowboys that I have very little inclination to waste any more on the offchance that they actually turn up.

Apologies for the long post etc, and the irrelevence to the original subject but that is just my opinion on the company. I don`t know if my problems have been down to teething issues since virgin took over, but to be honest I would recommend using another provider.


RE: The Physics of Christmas Eve

Hey, if this thread is refuting the existence of Santa Claus, could you please put a spoiler warning in the thread title.........


RE: stupidness .......greeeeeeeed ..........or both

You`re not alone in hoping you never get coned. Happened to me once. With Police cones. It was weeks before they removed the cones and I could move again.


RE: Heroes- New American Show

Nice one xfg - love it!


RE: Heroes- New American Show

I am loving this at the moment, but have to say that the best line out of the whole season so far - and probably out of any of the US series at the moment has to have been Hiro`s "Gleat Scott!". Unexpectedly laughed my aris off,


RE: Is she my girlfriend?

a few of my ex`s just naturally assumed I would buy all their drinks , cinema tickets , meals out etc and then dump me because I was `too nice`!?!

Heard that a few times before myself too.

To be honest I wish they`d just tell me they thought I was too nice sooner so I could smack them about a bit and prove that I was only trying to make a good impression.


RE: Prison Break - Season 2



RE: Prison Break - Season 2

What`s happened?? Everyone stopped watching it or something??


RE: I just made ....

I found it quite an interesting sensation when I "scratched" after forgetting to wash my hands after cutting chillis. Kinda like Deep Heat almost.


RE: Need help with a dead pool.

I see R&B singer Gerald Levert has died at 40 - bit of a shock that one, but potentially the 3rd of the recent trio of celeb departures....

Read yesterday that the blonde (quite fit) bint who used to play Donald Fisher`s daughter in Home and Away (piano teacher I think) died at 32.

I would always be tempted to add Alex Higgins. He can`t hold on for much longer.


RE: Secret santa

I haven`t actually done it yet myself, but I would be tempted to wrap up a fivers worth of fizzy orange and claim you thought it was secret Fanta.


RE: Lost season 3 - The Official Thread

Thanks! I suppose I could`ve looked it up but I really am that lazy.


RE: Lost season 3 - The Official Thread

When is the next episode? Is it now that it is taking a break for a while?


RE: Lost season 3 - The Official Thread

I think we have established that this thread is pretty spoileriffic, so im going to vote to do away with the spoilers as highlighting every post is V annoying

Totally agree. Bugger. Sorry.


RE: Lost season 3 - The Official Thread

It seems odd to me though that they have been on that island for a while, and still not noticed there is another island nearby....


RE: Can i take my ipod and mobile on a plane?? (in my pockets)

Last flight I was on they said during the safety babble that you can`t have a mobile turned on "even if it is in flight mode". So it seems they do know about it but completely disregard it. Most likely just to be awkward.


RE: Text error

C`mon then, anyone else had moments like that??

The only time I came close was after getting a text from a girl I pulled on New Years eve once. Texted a female (mutual) friend to ask how I should let her down in a nice way and say that I wasn`t interested. Just before I pressed send I realised I was replying to the initial text from this girl. Thinking about it it may have been easier just to hit send...


RE: ben franklin

Can we not just assume that jc808 was telling the truth? Much more fun that way.


RE: Prison Break - Season 2

I was a bit gutted about the loss of Abruzzi to be honest, I was convinced that tweener would be the first to go being one of the weakest characters on the run.

Awesome episode again though, are we likely to see any more of Holly Valance now though???

And is it me just getting a tiny bit narked that Michael has a backup plan for everything - ie the whole Holly Valance pretend betrayal thing?


This item was edited on Wednesday, 13th September 2006, 19:07

RE: ever had a drink called goldwasser?

I seem to remember it`s quite viscous in a kind of Aftershock way - in fact red aftershock is probably the closest I have ever had to it.


RE: Prison Break - Season 2

Tis totally true i`m afraid. I mean, come on. A woman in the whitehouse in America??? No-one is gunna buy that!!!


RE: Multi packs of crisps

Why do they only prefix the Salted crisps with "Ready". Shouldn`t they do this to each flavour? Such as Ready Cheese and Onioned or Ready Salt and Vinegared?

My current addiction revolves around Hula Hoop Ridges. Like Hula Hoops but much better.


RE: Prison Break - Season 2

Really gutted they couldn`t pull LJ out.

Episode 4 - my cash is on Tweener...


RE: Did I do the right thing?

I can`t believe you just stood by without helping the poor guy out.

Oooh, that`ll get me hated.
