Info and forum posts by 'Mark J. Yule'

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Joined on: Saturday, 7th April 2001, 19:07, Last used: Saturday, 7th April 2001, 19:07

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This user has posted a total of 15 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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Mustek v562 - Region hack ?????

Just got one of these for the bedroom and the supplied hack instructions (titled v300 muti hack) doesn`t work.

Does anyone have any info on this player.


RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

Update -20 June 2001

Just received a recorded delivery letter (actually just a photocopy of an e-mail they sent to Trading standards yesterday at 9.28am -

**** ***** ****** ( name of TS employee - no DEAR ,just name -thought civility cost nothing)

I apologise for the delay in replying,unfortunately I have been off work due to illness.

I am slightly curious as Mr Yule is saying that you have sent to me three e-mails, although I can only find one from Tuesday 12th June.

Please find belowthe requested information.

blah blah blah (address etc)

Interesting isn`t it?

They obviously have decided NOT to answer any of my e-mails now - do you think Im in a kill-file somewhere on their mail server ?

Whats even better -is the " 3-e-mails" thing. I never said 3 in the e-mail I sent on Monday (which I forwarded to every techtonics address yesterday). The ONLY place I mentioned 3 e-mails was in a post to the newsgroup on Monday.

So - what can be drawn form this latest reply ?

1. Techtronics have only got ONE customer service employee , and if she is sick or on holiday - dont expect a reply. What happened to all the billshit about the staffing problems (pre-christmas) being sorted ?

2. Techtronics will not reply to customers by e-mail , but seem quite up to date on the latest newsgroups threads. Maybe they have a whole department of people looking for anti techtronics stuff so they can get their "lawyer" to threaten them ?

3. Techtronics dont care who they are curt with - Trading standards get the full treatment too. Im assuming this was an attempt to get Trading standards to stop helping me. But seeing as trading standards told me they e-mailed on Tuesday the 5th , Tuesday the 12th and said they were going to e-mail again on Friday the 15th - that makes 3 doesn`t it ?

Yet Techtronics can only "find" one.
And it was sent on the 12th , and replied to on the 19th.
And I get a recorded delivery copy about 24 hours after that e-mail was sent.

Hmmmmm..........e-mail , snail mail .....BULLSHIT !

Again - here comes my opinion again) - do not use Techtronics. This company`s attitude to its customers is nothing short of contemptuous.

Mark J. Yule

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

update -

Trading standards e-mailed them twice last week and still Techtronics haven`t replied ??????

I e-mailed yesterday morning and ..............NO REPLY
I e-mailed every one of the addreses at 3pm today (with read reciepts) and so far ......NO REPLY

This is actually quite good as it is great eveidence of their incompetance and lack of service. I plan to submit the small claims action by Friday - just need to get Trading standards to chck it.

If anyone reading this works for techtronics , may I commend you on your company`s never surrender attitude - it may not be modern , it may not be legal ...but it makes your company stand out head and shoulders below every other trading company in the UK. I applaud your individuality in swimming against modern thinking on the consumer - supplier relationship.

Oh , and I hope every one of you is on the dole REAL SOON.

Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

I know this is a continuance of the other techtronics thread -sorry :)

Latest developments - I am still without a player Or money - so thats over 6 months that Techtronics have been fuc**ing me about.

Trading standards advised me that to stand any chance of success at a small claims court action -I need to prove there is a problem , due to the onus falling on the consumer when the seller denies any fault. In other words I need to get either my original player or the replacement (which I rejected) back. Seeing as techtronics sold the original on as an ex-demo player I can only get the replacement.

So - 2 weeks ago - Trading standards e-maile TT and said I wanted the unit returned so it could be independantly assessed fro legal action. They e-mailed back to TS saying "no problem, but we`re not paying postage and accept no liability for delivery"

So - I sourced a courier and told TS to e-mail TT for details of where it is to be collected etc.

That was last Tuesday and guess what ??

They have stll not replied to Trading standards ?????????????

What I am now wondering is whether the unit they return will work at all. Call me cynical but I wouldn`t put it past them sending a crocked machine and blaming the couriers. That is why I am going to arrange for the courier to take it either directly to TS or to the assessors , where it will be inspected , photographed and assessed. If anyone from techtronics is reading this then you have been warned ! The couriers are also under specific instructions to handle the unit with extreme care !

Another point to note - the supposed Techtronics warranty ( remember that the manufacturers warranty which TT allege is still valid with an e-mod is , in fact , INVALID) is up on July 3rd - not bad seeing as I only had a functioning unit from July 7th to November 28th.


In the opinion of Mark J Yule , which is based on real experiences and dealing with them, do NOT use Techtronics. They may supply goods ok but their customer service and after sales support is a complete joke and disgrace -AVOID.

RE: Bad Experiences/Incompetent and shame time!

TECHTRONICS _ Avoid this company like the plague. Read the other techtronics thread for a full report of their attitude to customer service.

(This is a statement of MJ Yule`s OPINION -which it is still legal to have in this country iirc)
(This statement was added for the benefit of Techtronics lawyer - just in case ineptitude is contagious)

RE: Be warned!

good for you Mr Wonderful !

I still have no player OR money !!!!
Since my last post here I`ve left it in the hands of Trading Standards - who advised me to hold off legal action until they "tried" to get some sort of positive action from "THEM" . I have also had other things to deal with - like a herniated lumbar disc and being made redundant.

Trading standards have told me that "THEY" will not budge - according to them , both players sent to me were fine and I was sent a replacement as a gesture of "goodwill" -HA FUC*ING HA !!! "

Trading standards also informed me that any legal action boils down to their word v`s mine - and I have to prove the goods were faulty - which is hard when I no longer have them ! They seem to be more interested in a "quality of goods" issue rather than the fact the original advert is/was a blatant lie. Regarding that , I complained to the ASA who stated that they only deal with adverts in the press specifically published in the last 3 months. As for the legal position regarding "THEIR" "x"-mod advert on their website - a company can publish whatever it wants to its own website - but obviously there is other specific legislation dealing with this -ie The Sale Of Goods Act.

I am going to phone my Law lecturer friend later and see what he says, but if "THEY" think Im going to give in - they can think again. As a side note - you would think that "THEIR" boss would be less inclined to have his photo published with so many disgruntled customers ? Yes Mr Fat Baldy Prick -I know what you look like :-)

RE: Techtronics - Be warned!

Sorry if the saga seems to be on the wane -

I haven`t sent any correspondence to TT since last week - so the chance of any really amusing stuff is slim.

I have to take their pseudo - legal e-mail serioulsly, though I agree that it was overly technical and too first person to be legally threatening. I believe it is just another tactic used by this company to dissuade any unhappy customers from expressing their opinions openly on the net etc.

I contacted the CAB yesterday (my appointment with a lawyer was post-poned due to him hurting his back) and after telling them about the whole sordid affair - they suggested trying to find other customers who were similarly hoodwinked with the "E-Mod" advert. They found the "lawyers" interpretation of my change in attitude perplexing , ie the fact he thinks I am claiming a warranty issue - when in fact it is a "plain as the nose on your face" FALSE ADVERTISING issue that I am compaining about
-as well as inability to carry out warranty work
-as well as the inability to listen to a customer
-oh and being called a liar - but thats just a litte thing not worth bothering about is it !!!

I digress..... CAB advised me to find as many people as I can who have purchased "e-mod`d" players on the strength of the adverts in magazines and on the net - and complain to trading standards and/or the advertising standards authority.
Which I have duly done.

My appointment with a lwyer has been re-scheduled for Friday and the small claims procedure will be initiated either that same day or on Monday.

I will keep everyone posted - but I believe I have given this company more than enough time to sort it out - so I will no longer communicate with them directly. They can either read my posts here and elsewhere OR if they have the nerve - they can take it all the way and see me in court.

If anyone is interested - there is now an ongoing thread in the hardware section regarding "E-mod`d Pioneer players".

Thanks for all the support -

"E-MOD" Pioneer owners read this.

I purchased an e-modded Pioneer 626 from "that" company due to their adverts stating that the original manufacturers warranty was not invalidated. This was seen both in UK magazines (Total DVD and Home Cinema Choice) and in their online advert at

When a fault became apparent , the player was returned to "that" company and it has since been brought to my attention that the original manufacturers warranty IS invalidated by their "E-MOD" .

Pioneer have given me written vrerification of this.

Please could any others who bought Pioneer "E modded" players from "that" company thinking they were getting a high spec modified player that still had some manufacturers cover - please contact their local trading standards or better still - goto
and complain to the advertising standards authority about "that" company`s advert.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 17th April 2001, 21:54

RE: Techtronics - Be warned!

Hi - I got the player in July 2000 , and used the composite output because my TV didn`t support s-video or RGB.

I then got a Toshiba 28W8DB -specifically bacuase its good budget WS that does RGB - this is when I noticed the problem.

Symptom - using RGB caused different problems, depending on the disk used.
Pal disks - had a Dennis the Menace stripey effect -2 alternating contrast bands (6-7 in total) which crept slowly up the screen.
Ntsc disks - gave a fast flicker effect , almost like strobing up the screen.

Both effects were most noticeable on larger blocks of dark area - most noticed on R2 cartoons and R1 sci-fi (Alien , Pitch Black and T2 UE).

I tried it on 4 other TVs -all RGB capable.
Toshiba 32wd98b - my future father-in laws - (this had worse banding than mine)
Panasonic 32PK1 - brothers set - similar result.
Panasonic 28DK1 - younger brothers set - same story.
Bedroom Portable (Orion) - is RGB - use my Dreamcast on it (superb) -but same effects.

Also - have since tried my brothers DVD (Sony 725) on all these using RGB - absolutely fine.
And - FF-in law`s Toshiba 2109 using RGB worked even better than the Sony.

Although TT claim there was nothing wrong with my original player (the one they have conveniently sold )NOW - when they returned it to me at the beginning of February , the slip that came with it says - "DVD Service repairs" and the R2 performance was much better (very slight banding)but R1 was still the same. They claimed the wait - 2 months was due to waiting on parts from Pioneer.

When they sent the replacement -4 weeks after I returned the original again - (after first e-mailing me to say that the engineer was not 100% happy with the original and they would send a replacement) - its R2 PAL performance was spot on - but R1 NTSC was much worse.

This is what is galling - they are now contradicting e-mails and documentation that they sent to me - yet it is my family - a total of 9 others -and myself that are wrong.

I spoke to my law lecturer friend and he has advised me to either go to CAB or straight to a lawyer.

I have some time this weekend - so the whole lot will be getting photocopied , scanned and put together for Watchdog

And to the guy who is happy with their after sales service - please post details of exactly what after sales service he has had- I am talking about returning faulty products. If he did this and received prompt service I am happy for him - he has ben lucky - I am not the only person who has experienced prolonged problems on returning fauly goods.

And I wonder how he would react to being called a liar on the phone ?

And how reasonable does everyone think their offer is - for me to travel from Scotland to their showroom in South England at my expense ?

I work 5 days a week and study VERY weekend. Along with a fiance who is busting my chops every day about weddings and babies -

Watchdog - I will travel down south for that - lets see Mr King explain to me why I have had no apology for being called a liar by one of his staff - which I asked for the day it happened - I was told curtly that Mr King would not talk to me -if I ahd a problem I had better see a lawyer -that was their Customer service response.

RE: Guess I better shut up now -

Firstly - I have never once said I want to put this company out of business. Someone over at the DVDTimes forums suggested this and I must point out that, although they have major shortcomings in their customer service - and from my experience some of their staff lack basic communication skills - I wouldn`t wish that extreme result on anyone.

As to what happens next -

I am taking it to the small claims court.

I am off tommorrow and will spend the day putting together a paper and electronic copy of everything sent to me. This will be going to Watchdog and with me to see a lawyer

Unfortunately I couldn`t get an appointment with a lawyer for Friday -it is Easter after all. I did book an appointment for Tuesday though.

I know it is going to cost me some cash - but I have had enough.

I have been called a liar - outright on the phone - and implicitly through all their recent correspondence.

As to the "legality" of the letter - I must assume they are serious , but I re-iterate - SO AM I !

I have 8 witnesses who saw the fault displayed on various TVs -
I have a photograph of the box "my" player was sent back in -

"Warranty Repair" -Eng -MR - 23/1/01" - Returned 1/12/00 !
(this is the the original - and only one I term as "mine" - which they have conveniently sold - no doubt with no warranty (look at their ex-demo sale conditions)

Yes - it took them 8 weeks to "repair" it - though they , and their Solicitor, now dispute there was anything wrong with it.

I also have 2 Return notes from them - one has "Warranty repairs" , the other has "Replacement for faulty machine"

Does this company understand the term CONTRADICTION ????

I will pursue this as far as I can legally - and hence I must refrain from attacking TT -though I think I have been quite restrained in all my posts - and what I have written has ALWAYS been the truth -get that TT ?

Is it defamation to express your opinion of a company / product etc - based on your experience with said firm /item ?

That would make any negative review slanderous and the reviewer liable for lost sales -

I DONT THINK SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Guess I better shut up now - "yeah and monkeys might fly out my butt"

I have just had a threatening e-mail from thier lawyer -
Dear Sir,
Pioneer DV-626D Player

I act for Techtronics (European) Limited. I have instructions in this matter and in particular I have seen the emails between yourself and my client and the newsgroup postings which you have made.

My client stresses once again at the outset of this letter that despite its extensive testing of your player, no fault whatsoever as alleged by you in relation to its performance can be found. Indeed, this now seems to have been accepted by you because, as my client has already noted, you have changed your argument from one of there being two “faulty” players both exhibiting the same “fault” to a belated argument in relation to a warranty issue. Further, after this was pointed out to you, you changed your approach once again. Your argument now is that the player which my client has extensively tested is ‘not yours’, which is a disingenuous argument in the extreme.

The fact that the second player may have been manufactured by Pioneer in 1999 and modified in June 2000 makes no difference whatsoever. You were still supplied with a fully functional Pioneer 626D. In the case of the first player supplied in early July 2000, it will have been modified anything up to two months beforehand in any event. Therefore, it is impossible to understand what advantage you seek to gain by making great play on the fact of the second player having been modified in June 2000. In my client’s opinion, you are merely casting around for arguments. You have tried to use the same tactic in relation to the serial numbers. The first player had its own serial number and the second player had its own serial number. With respect, it is as simple as that, although you curiously seek to gain some forensic point out of this.

As for the “rattle”, this is caused by the on/off plastic switch plunger which runs from the front of the player to the back. However, the so called “rattle” could only be heard when turning the player in the vertical direction and side to side (ie “shaking” it) which is hardly the manner in which a reasonable user would treat his player and when in use playing a DVD disc it is absolutely reasonable to expect the player not to be moved, let alone shaken.

In view of the above, my client has discharged all and any duty owed to you which it may have been under and bearing in mind firstly that the original player has since been sold without any complaint whatsoever and secondly, that my client can find no fault whatsoever with the second

player despite extensive testing, my client denies any further liability to make a refund to you or otherwise and strenuously denies that you have a right to reject the goods.

However, my client reiterates its offer made in the earlier emails, for the third time.

In an effort to coerce my client into agreeing with your demands, which my client has consistently denied, you have published and caused to be published on various internet newsgroups material which is clearly defamatory of my client. You are fully aware of the defamatory material you have published and caused to be published and you have done so with the calculated intention of causing as much economic loss to my client as possible by encouraging its customers and potential customers not to deal with my client. It is also calculated to cause as much damage as possible to my client’s considerable goodwill and reputation in the market.

Therefore, unless I receive your written undertakings by return that you will (a) immediately withdraw and cause to be immediately withdrawn all of your newsgroup postings containing the defamatory material and (b) not publish or cause to be published the same or similar defamatory material in respect of my client and (c) publish and cause to be published an apology in terms which are acceptable to my client on the same newsgroup sites and separately to my client, then I hereby put you on notice that legal proceedings will be commenced against you for an order in the same or similar terms, breach of which is a contempt of Court and punishable accordingly.

I must hear from you by return please.

Yours faithfully,

So- thats why the serial number didn`t match - they have sold it onto somebody else - and as anyone who checks their site will know- ex-demo machines are sold as seen with no warranty apart from "dead on arrival". And as for me being "forensic" - does anyone in this group think I shook the replacementplayer ? No - I removed it from the box and heard what sounded like a screw sliding about inside.

And - ask yourself this guys - do you think I am doing this because I like an argument? I have been DVD player`less since November 28th 2000.

And as for damaging the company`s considerable goodwill - ha ha - you`ve got to be joking.

I purchased a player that I didn`t notice had a fault - because my TV didn`t do RGB.
I noticed the fault when I got a new TV.
I returned the player for repair.
They sent it back "better" but not right.
They then e-mailed me that the engineer was not happy with it so a replacement would follow.
The replacemnt had -NO WARRANTY DOCS` , a worn laser sticker on top, a loose object , and it still had fast flickering on R1 titles.
I then found out from Pioneer that the original warranty is now invalid ????????
I specifically bought the e-modded 626 because their advert claimed the original warrnaty was not invalidated.
That advert is still online now !!!!!!!!
So they sold goods to me misleadingly , tried to pass the buck onto Pioneer , and failed to sort the player themselves .
But they reckon they have "discharged all and any duty owed " to me.

Yeah right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn`t get a chance to put the small claims form in this morning - unlike TT I have to work for a living. Tommorrow definately.

Just thinking about this some more-
"caused to be published" ?????????????

WTF does he think I am - Dr X out of X-men?

Yeah - I made every one else post their horror stories about TT to NG and Forums .

Latest reply from them

Latest response from them-
Dear Mr Yule,

Thank you for your email.
We dispute what you say and will do so in court if you are so badly
advised to start legal proceedings. This started out as a "faulty"
issue (you alleged). It is as plain as can be for everyone to see that
you`ve had a massive change of ground and emphasis (which we
are advised will be looked upon very seriously and with total
disapproval by the court) from alleging a "faulty" player to trying to
argue a warranty point. It can only be because you actually
concede on the "faulty" point and you`ve looked for another reason
to try and reject.
You have answered for yourself the very point you are raising,
namely, you have a contract with Techtronics not Pioneer and we
totally agree with this and we`ve never said anything to the
contrary. So why on earth are you just wasting your time arguing
that you can reject the player on this LATELY
ASSUMED argument when ALL YOUR RIGHTS (as you yourself
say) are against US NOT THE MANUFACTURER ???? It would be
our duty to repair a truly faulty item as a matter of a breach of our
contract, so you`re right there again. Congratulations ! We`ve not
said anything to the contrary on this either.
BUT what does not seem to be getting through (and we are getting
a bit fed up with all of this and your changing ground) is that
reasonable and make you an offer twice now but you`ve rejected
both times. You really do need to think again AND those who are
advising you. As we said in previous emails, we will let you know
as soon as we have finished our further tests. We have now done
so. Attached is the test report. Your comments are required and
we repeat yet again our perfectly reasonable offer.

Yours sincerely
Tim Brooksbank-Brown.
the attached engineer report-
DVD Test Report.

Unit 1 x Pioneer 626 multiregion DVD player
Serial TIFM001415GB

The test was carried out on 6 televisions. Tests were carried out to identify any sound or picture problems. Any faults that are found are marked next to each TV model number.

The tests were carried out using 3 different DVD titles. Each disc was tested for a duration of 30 mins on each television.

The discs used to test are below:

Gladiator Region 2
Gone in 60 seconds Region 1
DTS demo disc Region 2

Test Results

Sony KV28FX60s No Fault Found
Sony KP41DS1P No Fault Found
Pioneer SD-T50W1 No Fault Found
Sony KV32FX65 No Fault Found
Toshiba 32WD98B No Fault Found
Panasonic 36PF10 No Fault Found

The DVD player was connected up to each TV using the same gold ixos scart to scart cable.

Report submitted by Simon Squires (Technical Department)


and guess what - the serial number mentioned is NOT the serial number of my player !!!!!!

These guys are a bunch of .............`n ............ (add your own expletives).

Really - this company`s attitude to customer service stinks like 9 week old kippers fried in dogshit batter.

And I love the bit where he says that WE FOUND NO PROBLEMS AT ALL - considering that I have an e-mail from one of their staff "confirming a problem and the problem couldn`t be sorted to an acceptable level -so we will send a replacement"

Don`t ever use this company -

ohh - this Tim guy - his e-mail "tone" seems strangely familiar to the guy that phoned me - the one who called me a liar , blackmailer and then threatened to "make sure I paid extra costs when I lost any legal action against them".

I once compared dealing with these guys with a dodgy car boot trader - I think I am doing car boot traders a diservice.


RE: Techtronics - Be warned!

Iain M - sounds like you had a lucky escape - no need to rub it in.

Unfortunately I paid by Switch - (have learned my lesson though - now use my CC for anything over £50).

Latest response from TT-

Dear Mr Yule,

I`m contacting you as Karl King is away from the office until
the end of next week. I am aware of the situation ending in your last
I`m letting you know that we have received your player back and, as
per Karl`s earlier email, we are now running further tests on a
number of TV`s of different makes. I can also let you know that I
personally have tested the player on my own a Panasonic and did
not experience any problems whatsoever. These further tests will
be completed in the next day or so at which point we will contact
you again straight away.
In the meantime, we repeat the offer we made to you in the earlier
email, which we think is perfectly reasonable and we can`t
understand why you`ve refused it, but please do let me know when
we next correspond.

Yours sincerely,

Tim Brooksbank-Brown


- I have the completed SMall claims form in front of me now - have given them `til Tuesday to get back to me. I have been informed by a lawyer (luckily a friend of a friend) that their advert constitutes false advertising and that my contract of sale has an error in the "substantials" - making it voidable by me. Therefore my claim cannot fail at court. I went to my local trading standards on Friday and they were very interested in the false advertising AND the fact that they are ignoring s.14 of the Sale of Goods Act - regarding who I have a contract with (I have no contract with Pioneer so why are TT trying to pass the responsibility).

As an aside - anyone think I am being unreasonable for refusing their "offer" ie travel a 1000 mile round trip to show them the problem, they have had my player for nearly 5 months now - I could probably have done a course in electronics and fixed it myself by now. I work 5 days a week and study most weekends for the exams I still have to sit for my professional qualifications.

I really cannot comprehend their attitude to their customers - and to be honest I doubt they will be in business for long with this sort of business ethics. To be honest - I couldn`t give 2 sh**s if they all end up on the dole.
It may leave a gap in the market for someone who has a grasp on customer satisfaction to step into.

RE: Techtronics - Be warned!


I sent my player back -NOV 28 2000
They still have it - it was returned at the beginning of February -unfixed.
They then sent me a replacement at the beginning of March - which was an ex-demo unit with something rattling about inside - and it had the same problem as the original playing R1 titles.

One of their engineers phoned me after this to say there was nothing wrong with either of the players, called me a liar - STRAIGHT OUT - accused me of black-mailing them because I sent an e-mail threatening to go to Watchdog, told me that he would personally see that I was made to pay extra costs if I took it to court - which of course they would win -HE SAYS. Eventually said that it was a Pioneer problem - incompatibility issues with "certain" TVs - I tried 5 (3 models).

So - I contacted Pioneer - to be told that NO issues were known of.
Passed this to TT - who said "that doesn`t mean there aren`t any issues".
They said the player had been sent to Pioneer.
I contacted Pioneer to see if TT had informed them the problems were only seen whilst the player was modified.
Pioneer replied -"no -but they left the e-mod in place along with a Region 1 disk in the tray" . Pioneer refused to inspect it because it had been modifed and this has invalidated the warranty -
-which CONTRADICTS the advert that persuaded me to buy the player.

TT then had the nerve to remove the e-mod and send it back to Pioneer- only to have them refuse to inspect it again.

TT`s advert is blatant misrepresentation - which at least makes the contract of sale voidable. It doesn`t matter if this induced misrepresentation is unintentional or fraudulent - they are legally in the wrong. If you have an e-modded player - Pioneer will NOT honour your warranty. And I am pretty sure Pioneer will have a record of all the serial numbers of players sold to TT - so removing the e-mod and lying may still be fruitless if something goes wrong after your TT "warranty" runs out.

And also -TT have no right to send anyones payer back to the manufacturer for testing. Section 14 of The Sale of Goods Act states that the seelers liability is STRICT - you have a contract with TT - NOT Pioneer. If something goes wrong - TT must fix it or replace it - then they get recompense from Pioneer. They cannot pass responsibility to the manufacturer.

Again - do not consider using this company.
I am personally initiating a Small claims procedure against them on Monday. And I will be passing details of the whol mess to the BBC and all the UK DVD magazines. My local trading standards have also taken an interest in their blatant false advertising and disregard of the UK consumer laws.
