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Retailer Reviews Forum

Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

Mark J. Yule (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 11:16

I know this is a continuance of the other techtronics thread -sorry :)

Latest developments - I am still without a player Or money - so thats over 6 months that Techtronics have been fuc**ing me about.

Trading standards advised me that to stand any chance of success at a small claims court action -I need to prove there is a problem , due to the onus falling on the consumer when the seller denies any fault. In other words I need to get either my original player or the replacement (which I rejected) back. Seeing as techtronics sold the original on as an ex-demo player I can only get the replacement.

So - 2 weeks ago - Trading standards e-maile TT and said I wanted the unit returned so it could be independantly assessed fro legal action. They e-mailed back to TS saying "no problem, but we`re not paying postage and accept no liability for delivery"

So - I sourced a courier and told TS to e-mail TT for details of where it is to be collected etc.

That was last Tuesday and guess what ??

They have stll not replied to Trading standards ?????????????

What I am now wondering is whether the unit they return will work at all. Call me cynical but I wouldn`t put it past them sending a crocked machine and blaming the couriers. That is why I am going to arrange for the courier to take it either directly to TS or to the assessors , where it will be inspected , photographed and assessed. If anyone from techtronics is reading this then you have been warned ! The couriers are also under specific instructions to handle the unit with extreme care !

Another point to note - the supposed Techtronics warranty ( remember that the manufacturers warranty which TT allege is still valid with an e-mod is , in fact , INVALID) is up on July 3rd - not bad seeing as I only had a functioning unit from July 7th to November 28th.


In the opinion of Mark J Yule , which is based on real experiences and dealing with them, do NOT use Techtronics. They may supply goods ok but their customer service and after sales support is a complete joke and disgrace -AVOID.

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

clayts (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 13th June 2001, 15:11

Thanks for the update, Mark - we all feel for you on this one, but well done for exercising your rights.

I`m sure I`m not alone in supporting you (as an individual, not in my DVD Reviewer capacity) all the way on this one.

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

Banky (Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 14th June 2001, 16:01

Keep your chin up son - there are a lot of people behind you.

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

The original 42pcenter MD (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 16th June 2001, 11:20

Good luck on this one. Behind you all the way. (unless you ask for money to fight your cause.)

Once again these are my own personal views and not that of any aphiliated (?) company.

All the best,


RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

cheese_mcphee (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th June 2001, 16:19

I wouldn`t be suprised if they did blame it on the couriers, thats what they did to me!! A while back i sent my toshiba player to them to get it modded and after a week or so and still no word from them about what the status of my order was i rang them up and they told me that the player had arrived broken and that they couldn`t do anything about it!!!

After many phone calls and emails i finally got them to fix it and make it multi-region and eventually got it back. It took around 11 weeks in all, and the rgb output had been disabled along with some other minor features.

The only way i got them to respond was after endless amounts of phone calls (and threats of legal action), so don`t give up on pestering them. Good luck in sorting it out!!!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 11:49

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

dmholland (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 11:37

I was in exacly the same position. My LG3200e, which was originally bought from Techtronics developed a fault, i.e. it refuses to play any DVDs or disc of any sort, so I got in touch and they told me to send it back to them via a courier. I got a phone call several days later to tell me that it had been damaged in transit and wasnt even powering up, and that they weren`t even going to look at it. This is despite it being wrapped sufficiently for the journey.
I got it back 2 weeks later, and it was exactly the same as before it went. So, basically I wasted £25 on a courier, and £200 on a DVD player that I can`t play (it was under warranty when it was sent).
I even found out recently that the mod chip that they fitted is pointless, as it can be programmed to play any region, so I was fleeced by them there, too.

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

cheese_mcphee (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 11:49

If they screw you around, threaten them with legal action. When they kept saying that to me i demanded the player back fully working and multiregional otherwise i would take them to court. Two days later, it arrives with it chipped and working fine!!!

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

Mark J. Yule (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 20:45

update -

Trading standards e-mailed them twice last week and still Techtronics haven`t replied ??????

I e-mailed yesterday morning and ..............NO REPLY
I e-mailed every one of the addreses at 3pm today (with read reciepts) and so far ......NO REPLY

This is actually quite good as it is great eveidence of their incompetance and lack of service. I plan to submit the small claims action by Friday - just need to get Trading standards to chck it.

If anyone reading this works for techtronics , may I commend you on your company`s never surrender attitude - it may not be modern , it may not be legal ...but it makes your company stand out head and shoulders below every other trading company in the UK. I applaud your individuality in swimming against modern thinking on the consumer - supplier relationship.

Oh , and I hope every one of you is on the dole REAL SOON.

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

tpr007 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 20:56

I must re-iterate (if anyone from Techtronics IS reading) that I will never buy anything from them.

After reading the threads across these forums in order to see where to buy a DVD player, I am glad i read this one. Just think, I was about to give them a couple-a-hundred quid of my hard earned cash.

I think i`ll try Richer Sounds, or Hotkit or ANYWHERE!!! unless peole can recommend the best place?!

RE: Taking bets now - who thinks techtronics will send back a working player ?

richs (Harmless) posted this on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 21:38

The treatment of customers is unbelievable, as I`ve read in this and Marks other posts.

I`ll certainly avoid.

Let us know what happens Mark and good luck.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 19th June 2001, 21:38

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