Info and forum posts by 'DylanBrowneB'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Saturday, 28th April 2001, 13:44, Last used: Saturday, 28th April 2001, 13:44

Access Level: Harmless

About this user: Unhappy SAFC supporter,+Juggler

This user has posted a total of 7 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0 messages a day, or 0.01 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Phillips 701 probs

Looks like I`m doomed to watching b&w American discs, until I can persude the wife that we`ll be better off with another TV.

Don`t fancy my chances just yet, wish me luck!

Thanks for all your help though ijames

If by some miracle there is a way of changing my tv`s colour system to ntsc, I`m open to suggestions.

RE: Phillips 701 probs

The TV is a MATSUI 25M3, nicam, and fastext

RE: Phillips 701 probs

This may sound stupid, but after finding out how to switch pal/ntsc settings on my dvd, I`ve got a horrible feeling that this was all that I had to do, and the reason I am getting b&w playback (american discs), Is because of the 701 hack code.
Does that make any sense, or am I getting really paranoid?

RE: Phillips 701 probs

After looking in my instructional manual, I found info on how to change the ntsc/pal settings. the process is....
1.Unplug at mains. & holdstop+forward
buttons, plug back in.
3.when pal or ntsc appears in
display screen, release stop,
and use forward button to scroll
between ntsc and pal (within 3
Unfortunatley after trying this, my american discs still play in B&W. The only difference is that in ntsc mode, my default screen is now b&w (in this mode my english discs still play in colour). I`m pretty sure it`s not my TV because it`s only 6 months old, with 2 scart connections.
Any ideas??

RE: Phillips 701 probs

EXCELLENT! My dvd has accepted the code, I dont know what I was doing wrong before, but there is one small problem.....yep youve guessed it, my american discs playback in black & white. Ive switched my scart leads so that the dvd runs from scart 1, and I dont think it`s a TV prob cause it is fairly newish (6months old). I have heard that my dvd`s output may not be set to RGB, but on s-video. But If that was the case then surely my english discs would also be b&w, right? And If that is the prob, how do I get the output on RGB?

Phillips 701 probs

HELP!!! Im having a major headache over trying to hack into my phillips dvd 701. I have tryed everything I can think of, but I still haven`t got anywhere. Using my one for all 6 remote, I first tryed 0539, magic, 085, nothing happened in the display. I then tryed 539, magic, 085, still nothing. I finally tryed my phillips remote typing in 159, then play which to my suprise gave me -----------. I typed in 11 digits, 222 222 005 25, then when I pressed 5 a small dot appeared left of the -------, which led me to believe I was finally getting somewhere, but after then pressing play, several times!, nothing happened apart from my dvd freezing up. PLEASE help, I`m getting balder by the second!!!

RE: Philips DVD 701

HELP!!! Im having a major headache over trying to hack into my phillips dvd 701. I have tryed everything I can think of, but I still haven`t got anywhere. Using my one for all 6 remote, I first tryed 0539, magic, 085, nothing happened in the display. I then tryed 539, magic, 085, still nothing. I finally tryed my phillips remote typing in 159, then play which to my suprise gave me -----------. I typed in 11 digits, 222 222 005 25, then when I pressed 5 a small dot appeared left of the -------, which led me to believe I was finally getting somewhere, but after then pressing play, several times!, nothing happened apart from my dvd freezing up. PLEASE help, I`m getting balder by the second!!!

This item was edited on Saturday, 28th April 2001, 17:58